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Posts posted by 4maybabies

  1. Sorry, looks like I need to re-phrase my question! The trip to IKEA is 3 hours away...and if I went by myself I would have to take the kids with me...which means I would only have the trunk space in our mini-van. I highly doubt it would fit in that space. My husband is willing to 'build' it for me...as in go to Lowes and buy the wood to build it. I was wondering if anyone had built it themselves, as in what type wood used, etc. Those type of things:)

  2. We LOVE McRuffy Math here! Right now I'm using K color math with my ds and supplementing with Miquon. I'm also using 2nd grade color math with my dd...but also supplementing with Miquon, Singapore CWP, and MM. Ugggh! ;) McRuffy does not take us long to complete, so I am able to do one math in the morning and one in the afternoon. THIS...Lord willing...will NOT be happening in my home! LOL!! Unless that afternoon math is disguised as a game! :D More power to 'ya, though! I am rightly impressed! :thumbup1: My dd7 needs the practice though..

    lol...let me explain:lol:

    DD7 attended ps for K and 1st. She managed to get all satisfactory scores in math...however, I can ask her what 3+1 is and I get a deer in the headlights look:tongue_smilie:I think McRuffy is a great stand alone program, which we settled on after trying many different curriculums. She has no conceptual understanding of math what-so-ever. She NEEDS the extra practice...once I see some 'ah ha' moments, we will most likely drop some supplementation. She will do one lesson in McRuffy in the morning, then in the afternoon when the littles are napping, we will do no more than one page of supplementation AND we only do one supplement each day...ie. Mondays MM, Tuesdays Miquon...etc...and of course there are some days we do not add in anything:001_smile:

    Sorry it sounded like we do A LOT...we really don't:D

  3. While I can't answer for PAL, we are currently using AAR, and my 4 yr old loves it....and so do I! I love how everything is planned out for you...and very simple to follow, yet very thorough. Actually, my ds5 and dd7 get upset when I do it with my ds4 and they aren't around;) they love it just as much:D

  4. While doing math today, I was having my dd7 count by 5's to 100. She can do that no problem and flies through it. Then she was given a number like 260, and was supposed to count by 5's from 260 on. :confused: Whoa...talk about the glazed over look. We spent quite some time on it...took a break...and she is just not seeing it. This happens every time we put a number in the hundreds place, she just shuts down completely.


    So, I'm guessing we should be working on place value?? I'm so new at all of this and am just as confused teaching it as she is learning it:tongue_smilie:



  5. Oh my goodness....yes, that is exactly what I was looking for! I tell you, I've been through the whole book trying to figure out where to start..but apparently never thought to look at the very end of the book!!!


    Thank you sooooo much for pointing that out:D

  6. I have HWOT to use for my ds4 & ds5. I can't seem to figure out how to start though. Im a mom who likes seeing 'lesson 1'...and scripted lessons. :confused: I bought HWOT because my ds5 is a lefty and a perfectionist who is lacking fine motor skills. From everything I read, it seems as though this program would be a great fit for him. However, I'm having a hard time figuring out where to start!


    Can you tell me how you planned your day when using this? We have the slate boards, mat with wood pieces, and the large chalkboards.

  7. Ds always acts like it's a surprise that we have school :glare:




    My dd7 acts as if she was up until 2am...she's just 'sooo tired'. I, too, remind her that if she doesn't get it done now, she'll be doing it in the evening and won't have any time to play. That usually does the trick.

  8. I am using McRuffy Color Math K. It is very scripted and is easy to use. There are a lot of manipulatives and DS5 is doing very well picking up math concepts using this program. I love it. I highly suggest taking a look at Miquon as well. We supplement with that program and it is awesome!



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