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Posts posted by 4maybabies

  1. Now that we 'almost' have our first year under our belt, I'm looking to plan out the next few years. Of course, it will change a bazillion times before then, but I like to take the pen to paper and plan:tongue_smilie:


    Does anyone have a spreadsheet they use that they would like to share?

  2. I do believe that a chiro can help you with your concerns, however, you most likely will not have immediate improvement. A lot of posture problems are due to laxed and/or spastic muscles. Unfortunately, that is not something that can be fixed with just one or two adjustments. There are natural curves to your spine...for instance, your lumbar (lower) curve, is developed through crawling as an infant. Most likely you have a decrease in this curvature, and an increase in your thoracic curve. It will not feel anywhere normal if you stand up straight, as it takes years to develop this posture. Your chiro can evaluate you and hopefully give you some great strengthening exercises for whatever weak muscles you may have. Adjusting will help with the spastic muscles....


    Sorry if this isn't the most coherent post...I have a cranky 1yr old on my lap. And since I have never evaluated you...this is me 'assuming' everything:D

  3. This is the time of year when I start to question every single homeschooling decision I have ever made or ever thought about making. I second- triple- and quadruple-guess every curriculum choice for every subject. I make myself insane. All of the questioning and guessing leads me to this board, which leads me to investigating other avenues, which leads to more guessing and questioning. The only way for me to get my head clear is to get away from here for a while, and go be quiet somewhere else and literally not even let myself think about it for a few days.


    (And that was more for me than for you, I think. I must stop coming here!)

  4. I wanted to like it...and actually do it....yet, it just seemed like there was too much! First, I didn't want to do it 5xs a week. Second, I felt like I was constantly 'needing' or 'forgetting' something. Totally my fault, not the programs. It just didn't work out for us....and I'm still on the hunt for something that suits us better:)

  5. We're using both the PAL reading and writing....mind you, we've only done 2 lessons so far:D That being said, it does not take us more than an hour to do both. There is no way my boys would sit still that long;)


    Set-up is really not that bad at all. It's just making some file folder games. It took me about 1/2 an hour to set up 1/2 the games. It's really just cutting and pasting....

  6. We're only about a month in using it and I can see it meshes perfectly with my dd7. Her and I both LOVE it with her....and we have tried quite a few math programs over the past year:tongue_smilie:


    However, I can see my very math boys do not love it quite as much. I will continue to use it with them for a while, but will definitely supplement. Not because I think the program needs it, but just to mesh better with their learning styles. I have Singapore stnd., but I really need a program to tell me what to do;) maybe we will try to add that in for variety..


    Thanks for the replies!

  7. I'm looking for a 3rd grade American History curriculum. We're using Adventures in America this year and loving it. However, I'm looking for something that is a little more in depth for next year. My ds5 begs for more history everyday. We add in the read-alouds that are listed, but hoping there's something out there that might be a little 'heavier'. Any suggestions?

  8. My kids are at tough ages (IMO). They are 7 (almost 8), newly 5, and a 22 month old. I am very short tempered these days. Everyone needs me to do anything, from tying shoes to diaper changes to math help. The toddler is *just* starting to be able to sit and play with a fine motor activity to keep him busy, but usually he's destroying the house as I'm helping the other two kids. It was easier when I could contain him in a back carry, but that's harder to do as of late.


    My patience is not very good with my kids these days, and I consider myself a gentle discipline type parent. I am struggling with this a lot right now. Every day I swear it will be better and every day it seems I lose my patience.

  9. We were using MM 1A, but he really just can't stand it. So we recently switched to Singapore, and he WILL NOT use any manipulatives. I'm wondering if we should continue with Singapore? He does like it better than MM... But now I'm wondering if there is another math that he might do better with that does not use many manipulatives? Can we use Singapore successfully without them?

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