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Shasta Mom

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Posts posted by Shasta Mom

  1. We're consistent with the others. It's fairly typical that our more lengthy read alouds come after we've already studies the chapter. I, also, think this is good because it becomes a review. I only read aloud for 1/2 per day, so sometimes our read alouds can take over a month. Right now we're finishing Beorn the Proud (from c. 1000 AD) but just read Marco Polo (c. 1300) in SOTW 2 yesterday. DS is doing some Marco Polo reading on his own during the day.

  2. Amber - I'm a little nervous about placement in Explode the Code. I don't want to spend $18 on a placement test.......She knows and can write pretty much all her upper and lower case letters, and generally know the sounds they make. She just doesn't put it all together yet...........any ideas on placement?


    And, yes, we'll continue Singapore. We did the 1a,b of the early bird.....

  3. DD is 5 1/2, in ps, and a little above average in her class (she's in the 2nd highest academic group out of 4 in her kgarten class). We're starting to hs about 2 months before kgarten ends, and will do so through the summer in a "light" fashion. I don't know what will happen in 1st grade.


    So, I want to spend no more than 1 hr a day with her on academics, and I'm wondering what the hive recommends. I thought I would do some math, and then for language arts I'm not sure what to do. She doesn't read yet (except a few simple words), but is fascinated with language and writing. She will talk to me in the middle of the night when she crawls in bed with us and tell me how so-and-so mis-spelled their name the previous day at school....


    I'm comfortable with my reading lists - thanks to all those wonderful lists on the internet, but am wondering about putting the pencil to the page. I think she would enjoy the "workbook" aspect of a program.....Any ideas? Thanks so much!!

  4. I am nothing short of amazed at all the work some of you do with your 5th graders! Below are the curricula that we're using this year with success that I'm presuming we'll continue with next year for 5th. I absolutely cannot fit anything else in. With what I've got below, we are at 4 hours of academics a day. We leave our afternoons open for music, and typing, and we can't do more. I'm actually beginning to feel that pressure in the pit of my stomach that I'm not doing enough after reading others' posts. After 4 hours in a day, my ds and I are both done. We eat lunch, practice instruments, type, and then it's 2:30, other kids are home from school, and I'm not going to force him to do more. How on earth do people fit in all this curricula??:001_huh:



    Elson Reader

    Singapore Math

    R&S Grammar 5

    SOTW 3+ probably that DK History Encyclopedia

    Lively Latin 2

    Writing - ? Perhaps finish up IEW Medieval or do WT2

    continue with Logic Liftoff

    Science - who knows at this point - mix and match

  5. I haven't bought one! I do use my library all the time. WHat helps me is the use of an interlibrary database, so I don't have to check different libraries for the books. You might ask at your library about an ILL loan. Also, I just compile my list about every 2 weeks - so it isn't too bad.

  6. Do you really want help with how to make it work, i.e., do you have the time and energy to put into it? Or, perhaps, would you consider doing something more user friendly that follows the progym like Aesop?


    We used Writing Tales and really liked it. I used it with my ds alone, so we skipped games and some other activities. I think it was a great program for writing. I've now switched to IEW Medieval because after half a year of WT1 I realised I should have been in WT2, and also, because we take hs'ing year by year, and if he is in ps next year, I wanted to explore some other styles of writing. However, I really liked WT and have read many times how it's a user-friendly alternative to Aesop........good luck...

  7. I bought the IP for the first time for 4B which we're finishing. Strangely, I haven't used it yet. We do the workbook every day, and use the text when needed. However, I know we'll need more review of fractions, decimals, and area calculations, so I plan on supplementing with it over the summer. We decided to continue on with 5A this year because I get the feeling if I work the fractions and decimals too intensely now, ds will rebel. I'm slowly learning as a hs mom not to work difficult areas too hard, but rather reintroduce them a bit later when he has a little more grey matter.....

  8. for king arthur, I found a few books by Hudson Talbott that have great writing, and GREAT graphics. They are a large format and my son was immediately drawn into the pictures. He's a strong almost 10 yo reader, and enjoyed reading them himself. Talbott broke the books up into different arthurian stories......


    I also really like The Legend of KA retold by Robin Lister and illustrated by Alan Baker. It's large format, too, but has more text and smaller pictures.


    fyi - we decided to hold off on Pyle and Sutcliff till later - even though we've really enjoyed shorter books by both authors. Their KA's are simply too long - we just don't have time.....

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