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Posts posted by history_junkie



    Aldi beat every single Walmart price, except for milk. Every single price. And not by .02 or .03 cents. They beat the prices for each item by .15, .30, .60 cents.



    I've done something similar, but I don't shop at Walmart. How much is milk in your area? I paid 1.99 for a gallon at Aldi, and Kroger usually has it between 2.59-2.79.

  2. I just started shopping there. I like their nuts and dried fruit, baking supplies, dairy, bread, and ground beef. DH doesn't like their cheese as well, but I can't tell a difference, especially when it's shredded in a recipe.


    Not a fan of the salami I bought last night, and their hummus is so-so. Their produce usually looks sad and wilted.

  3. What age group are you looking for, and what type of resources? Are you looking for books, or websites?





    My students are 11th grade and the assignment is a 12-15 page research paper. I'm pushing them for academic/scholarly sources.


    Thanks for your help!

  4. I have several students writing papers on the Protestant Reformation. I want to make sure that they are correctly representing the Catholic viewpoints, but I'm not Catholic, so I'm having a hard time. What are some good sources I can point them to for Catholic doctrine, especially the ones that sparked controversy during the Reformation?



  5. What about letting her narrate to you for a while? I remember doing this with my mom and I would go on and on and on as long as I wasn't typing or writing it. Maybe that would give the creative juices some time to work their way to her fingers??


    My mom still lets my 9 year old sister narrate her paragraphs...

  6. My mom started an "Easter Purse" for the older girls when we were about 11. It was either a purse, bag, tote, etc, that we could use for the summer. I was home for Easter all four years of college, and I often had friends with me. The purse stopped at some point, and I wasn't eating sugar, so candy fizzled out somewhere, too. I know one year she bought flip-flops and a shirt for my friend and me :-)


    Maybe I can convince her that I need an Easter diaper bag this year...

  7. The only thing worse than eating healthy is listening to other people talk about it. I'm so NOT a foody. I like convenience. And I probably eat too much because I'm dehydrated because I hate the taste of water. I "liked" lots of posts in this threads.... but some I couldn't like because you had too much healthy eating mixed in with your junk. But I don't judge you for it. Well, not too much. :-)



    We like our pinwheels :-)


    Basically cinnamon rolls with hot fudge sauce. Yum!


    Wow I can't even imagine that! However I do have 2 aunts on each side of my family that are only 2 years older than me.





    We're still in shock a lot of the time :-)


    I noticed your kids' ages in your sig, and I just wanted to add that I'm the oldest in my family (of 8) and I absolutely loved having babies around growing up. I'm 11 and 13 years older than the two before the Surprise :-) and I had a blast having little kids around during high school. It's the same way with my little brother now. His 14, 11, and 9 year old siblings love him and are really quite good with him.

  9. Yes! I saw that. But there's a lot of acronyms I'm unfamiliar with, so I figured I'd get the book first. Thanks for the tip!


    Actually, I learned more acronyms from site than the book :) There are wikis and links with the acronym lists. Maybe I'll see you over there this fall!

  10. Yeah umm I'm 17+ months pp right now with NO cycles yet. We had been using Sympto Thermal, but my temps are still all over the place. My SIL does Billings, so I borrowed her book and have been doing that, but I still feel like I'm winging it. I just ordered TCOYF to get some more perspective, so we'll see.


    Hopefully things will change when we night wean...



    The TCOYF website has a support group for those TTA while breasfeeding...

  11. Nothing is clear. My friend is very frustrated!!



    That's going to be me in a few months. We had success with TCOYF before our (planned) pregnancy, so it does make sense, but nothing is going to be fool proof when you're not having a cycle or it's wonky.

  12. It's definitely true that we have more resources than our parents did.


    Did anyone else have to fight the homeschool stereotype? I got this one a lot in college: "Oh, I never would have guessed you were homeschooled! You seem normal/well-adjusted/not socially awkward." Grr...

  13. I am not, but I have a curiousity question for you.


    Immediately upon graduation from homeschooling, how did you plan to school any future children?


    Just wondering if your plans changed or if your plan was to always homeschool in the future. Oh, since I am being nosey today, when did you graduate?


    Congratulations on your pregnancy and plans.


    Not nosey :-)


    I've always wanted to homeschool. For me, it is as much about being close as family as about the academics. Homeschooling elementary school scares me the most. High school, not so much.


    I suppose I would think about private Christian school, but only for very compelling reasons. I graduated high school in 2008, college in 2012.

  14. 1. What part of speech is "happy" in the following sentence and could you please supply a rule or a source?


    The boy's family were happy to live in a prosperous country where the people could work at their jobs and raise their children in peace and safety.



    It is adjectival. My college grammar book Understanding English Grammar by Martha Kolln and Robert Funk, would say that it is in the subject complement slot. I can see why Analytical Grammar might teach it in stages, but it it still adjectival.

  15. Who else here is a homeschool grad, too?


    How has that influenced your educational choices for your family? What are you doing differently?


    I'm a grad and expecting my first baby. It will be a while before I'm teaching my own, but I'm active in our local homeschool community and I hope to continue teaching a class on the side, once my baby is a little older.

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