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Posts posted by Testimony

  1. I wondered what was wrong with Rod and Staff. I mean, I have to admit that I just love the way it covers a topic in its entirety. If the topic it verbs, it tells every way a verb is used. You do not have to do the writing part. A lot of people on these boards use something else and skip the writing part. I like it because I think it does a very good job of explaining the parts of a paragraph.


    What R&S did you do? My older son stepped into Rod and Staff 6. I never did R&S prior to 6. The reason I ask is you stated that it had a lot of busywork. I did not find that with 6,7, and 8.


    Blessings in your homeschooling journey!





  2. I have an 8th grader right now. He is currently doing Exploring Creation with Physical Science. It has been a challenge in some areas and it has been a joy in others. Last year in 7th grade, he did General Science. It was very easy. We thought that all the Apologia books would be this good, but we were wrong because this year has been so hard. I am incredibly nervous about next year with Biology. I am shaking in my boots, literally.


    I have no idea because in the past I have used different programs for science. I have used Apologia, Christian Liberty Nature Readers, How and Why of Science, Sonlight science, nature studies, etc. I have even allowed my children to study their own topic on science. My sons have studied technology and science through FIRST Lego League robotics competition. I feel that if they picked up a text book now, they would understand just as much as if they had the hands on.


    So, personally, I think that whichever you choose it will enhance what your child does for next year.


    Oh, one odd thing, in Exploring Creation through Physical Science, he spends a lot of time on the weather. I mean more than half the book is about the weather. The last 4 or 5 chapters are actually devoted to physics. It's weird.


    Blessings in your homeschooling journey!




  3. I have no idea if this may help.... or not. I have vol. 1 WWtB, and on a recent post, I saw someone using Write 4 Today:




    I have not been able to see extensive samples, but based on what I have seen, I like it because it is not expensive AND it doesn't give silly paragraph examples and ask the student to pick out topic sentence, details, conclusion, etc... Instead, it gives graphic organizers and has the student fill in topics concerning what he wants to write about. I think you could take the forms and apply it to whatever...writing across the curriculum maybe. It seems so much more practical.


    It looks like it only goes through 5th grade, but if it is for remediation, that might be ok.


    I'm also not sure if this would reach similar goals as The Paragraph Book series... but it would be a bit cheaper if it did.


    I have WWtB and am considering combining it with Write 4 Today and maybe Killgallon all for a 4th grader.... yet this may be overkill. I haven't made up my mind yet..


    It says on the website that the product, Write 4 Today, is a discontinued item. It says that the product is unavailable. I am confused. I wanted to see what is all about, but it does say it is being discontinued. Did I miss read something in your post?:confused:


    Blessings in your homeschooling journey!





  4. I beg to differ here. I feel that Story of the World is geography. I know one of the activities is a map exercise. My children have done all four books. This is how they learned geography and how the political lines were developed. For the first four years of my sons education, we used Story of the World as our main spine for geography. It worked out perfectly. I mean how can you learn about a country and not identify where it is on a map.


    I never even knew where New Zealand was until I was 19 years old. My sons know where it is and the names and locations of towns and cities in New Zealand.


    Just my experience!





  5. yes, I did use a reading program for my children. My older son did learn how to read by 4 years old on his own, but I feel that teaching my child phonics help a lot with spelling. My children won the spelling bee when they were little without a spelling curriculum because I taught them phonics. For example, my younger son was taught that the "tion" makes the "shun" sound. So, at the spelling bee, when he was in first grade, he got the word "mentioned." He heard the word he sounded it out and figured the "men" in "mentioned." Then he remembered the sound "shun" is "tion." So, he breezed through the word and spelled it correctly. I like the idea of teaching phonics to help with spelling because what you hear is not always how it is spelled. So, I would teach phonics because I think it is the best way of teaching a child how to spell. It is better than spelling rules.





  6. People may think that I am crazy, but I try to complete every single page in the book. I usually finish by the end of May, but I take no breaks except for Easter and Christmas and if they are sick. Our summer consists of reading books and math. I have once or twice had to go past May, but in general, I try to get it done.


    By the way, I calculated that at the rate my son is going we will not finish reading SOTW by the end of May. So, I have decided to double up on some readings during the Easter break and the week after music is finished. We can concentrate more and that will get us to the end of May. We are almost done with math and grammar.:)


    Blessings in your homeschooling journey!




  7. There are folks here who have enjoyed Writing Tales. It's a classical program that uses existing stories as models.


    That's the whole premise of the program is to teach a child how to write well based upon a good model. You will see your child will start to write like that because that is what they know.


    I knew the author well. I met her when we were at the same co-op together.





  8. How does Essay Voyage differ from Elegant Essay (which I have used before and am planning to use with this son next year)? I'm assuming they differ in some ways since you have used EV but still chose to use EE...?


    Just to tell you, my son finished Essay Voyage by December of this school year. It went by very quickly for him and I needed for him to do some writing so we added Elegant Essay to the mix. Essay Voyage focused on writing well based upon correctness, structure, unity, formality, wordiness, content, quotation, conclusion, meaning, and finish. He talks about how to punctuate, have good vocabulary, and excellent structure. He uses great pieces of literature for the child to read and then we analyze it for how it is a good essay. We would fix bugs (or errors) in paragraphs in each chapter. We ended the book by December. It is a strong program.


    However, I see Elegant Essay as a different style of teaching essay. Some of the lessons are similar to Essay Voyage, but some of it is a little more specific than Essay Voyage. I feel that Elegant Essay is slowly putting together the essay for you. You have to write some thesis statements and supporting paragraphs. Each chapter focuses on a different step in writing the essay. It is more practical and hands on, which seems to be the style of IEW.


    Overall I would say that the two tackle essay writing different ways, but with the same ends. I would compare them to different math programs. Essay Voyage is the mastery approach as oppose to Elegant Essay would be the incremental approach. I feel that Essay Voyage talks about essay writing in general using rich literature sampling to support his topic, but Elegant Essay offers more practical work. I hope that makes sense.


    Blessings in your homeschooling journey!





  9. Hi all,

    I need your advices for writing curriculum.My kiddos 8 and 9 years don't like to write.. It's frustrating for me....

    I am not doing any formal writing curriculum with them but started WWE 1 with them nowadays....

    Is there a program that would fit well with kids? They need to learn writing skills..

    I looked at Essentials in writing ,IEW and Evan moor writing books of story writing,paragraph writing and non fiction writing?

    I need easy program as I am not able to pay them full attention so pls. guide me in detail.


    anyone have any thoughts and want to help me hash out which i should choose??

    they all look so good and independent i can't decide which to choose!!

    but IEW so expensive .....

    Any thoughts or suggestions?


    If you have WWE 1, is there a difficulty with it? I have seen such rave reviews about it. Is it not a good fit for your children? I ask because you did ask for a program that fits well with kids.


    Second, a writing program that I would strongly recommend is Writing Tales. It is a simple yet fun program. I did that curriculum both 1 &2 with both my sons. It brought out the best in them and they enjoy writing because of it. It teaches the child summarization one week and their own creative touch the second week. They learn a little bit of grammar and application right away. The first one gets the child going and the second one makes them soar! The most important thing is it is extremely user friendly. The creator of the program offers lots of grammar games to go with the book in the teacher's manual. It is wonderful. You just won't be disappointed with it.


    Blessings in your homeschooling journey!





  10. Are there any nature study curriculums out there? I'm not good at making my own curriculum. I like to have "week 1 do this, week 2 do this, week 3 do tihs" directions.


    Also, nature study only does biology and earth science, not chemistry or physics as easily. Also, we live in area where quite a few months of the year don't work well for nature study. So our science has been "read any science book from the library". This works well but I'd like something more orderly so I know information is getting taught. Also I'd like science memory work assignments for my dc.


    Nature study sounds GREAT, except for these concerns. Esp since he LOVES art.


    Just to comment on the bold, physical science is physics. Learning about about weather, one learns chemistry and physics. Isn't there a chemical reaction when lightning strikes the earth? I thought it was due to negative and positive charges. Also, aren't different rocks on the periodic table of elements? I am looking through the Handbook of Nature. That's the book that I use and Handbook of Nature website.





  11. A child with ADD would do perfect with a nature study as a science. The child can go out and explore their world and then they can draw pictures of it. Going on a nature walk is an excellent way to learn science. If you need help with that her is a wonderful blog: http://handbookofnaturestudy.blogspot.com/


    It is by Barb-At-Harmony. She will get you started.


    Blessings in your homeschooling journey!





  12. A friend just called and told me she needs to pull her dd from school asap due to bullying. She is in 4th grade. They are planning on moving this summer and going to another ps.


    With 2 months left to the school year and not a lot of funds, what would you suggest for curriculum?


    I am going to reread the free thread, but she is coming over this afternoon and I wanted to have some quick suggestions, thanks!


    I know that it is late in the evening. If you see this reply, I just wanted to tell you that anything can be found on the web for free. I love an old fashioned education: http://oldfashionededucation.com/


    That's the website.


    Hope that helps!





  13. Have you tried GrammarLand? It's free, seems to get a lot of positive reviews on here, and one of the moms here made worksheets to go along with it. Maybe the story will help him to remember what is what and why.


    If it doesn't work, it won't hurt your wallet at all. :)


    ETA: I just printed it out last night, so haven't used it yet.


    :iagree: with GrammarLand. You can google this book and do it with your child. My younger son struggle with grammar also. It is the next step in school with him. Whenever we come to a milestone with one thing, there is something else to make us stumble. Lately it has been grammar. We are doing KISS grammar for now and seeing how it will go. I do love the flow of a story; however, if you do Charlotte Mason at all, she does not agree with teaching children concepts in a story format. I love those the cute titles for the parts of speeches and stuff. My younger son always asked to hear the story.


    Personally, grammar is a very difficult concept to learn. I feel that math is much more concrete than grammar. It is tough to touch and feel a dangling participle. :)


    I was looking at Easy Grammar the other day. I tell you it is very simple. I like that.


    Blessings in your homeschooling journey!





  14. This is the first time that I am hearing about a zillion repetitions from Life of Fred Algebra. I am currently using Life of Fred Beginning Algebra. My older son finished Saxon Algebra 1 last month and has been doing Life of Fred this month.


    I did last year Pre-Algebra Biology and was so impressed with this program and how he correlated Biology with math. I am loving Life of Fred and I can't get enough of it. I might just purchase the zillion repetitions just for the fun of it.





  15. I cannot afford something expensive like IEW. But I do need a program that couldpossibly incorporate literature and writing, and ALOT of hand holding.




    I want to make this suggestion because I am using it right now. I would suggest Elegant Essay for your daughter. Just purchase the student book only. It will give you a basic idea of what should go into an essay. I think that the program is weak for what I really want it to do, but no writing curriculum is perfect. I will say this it easy to use. I cannot stand the teacher's manual. It will put you in a state of confusion. I just read it this weekend and came out like this:confused: Go with just the student book. After reading that I felt like this :D If you purchase only the student book, you could get by with a lot less. Just my $.02!


    Blessings in your homeschooling journey!





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