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Everything posted by mommytime

  1. I started using LHTH with my four year old last fall, and he LOVED IT. He loved the rhymes and motions going with each letter, loved the Bible stories, loved Big Thoughts for Little People. We didn't do every single activity every day, but we tried to do a lot of them. Some of them annoyed me, but he gobbled everything up. He's a kid that just loves learning about the letters in whatever format, and likes being silly and singing songs. (I couldn't get my 6 year old to do the rhymes and songs in LHFHG). :tongue_smilie: It was very wiggle-friendly. We would tape the letter on the floor each week and he could scoot along it, or drive his cars on it, or build it with blocks. Then the next day we would use water colors to paint it, or glue cotton balls or cheerios on the letter. I didn't find it hard to do those simple activities. It's definitely just a fun way of becoming familiar with the appearance of the letters...I wouldn't call it academic at all. He also did the Explode the Code primers at this time, and also ATE THEM UP. Since he sat in on his older brother's Bible stories, too...I felt he was getting a good grounding in the Bible. We would read a ton of Bible storybooks to go along with the reading. And I'm actually SUPER guilty (aaack!!), because we haven't done it now very much since January. I switched my older son from LHFHG to Memoria Press for phonics, and my younger son came along for the ride, and I just haven't seemed to find the time for LHTH. It doesn't help that I'm battling dizziness and nausea with this pregnancy. He keeps asking me for it, months later....must start it again tomorrow!! Sorry for the long review...my 2 year old is distracting me. Let me know if you have any other questions! :)
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