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Posts posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I need to get a new phone.  Ugh. I've been putting it off but maps just won't work anymore and dh says that means I need to upgrade.

    I'm normally a Samsung person but I am oh so tired of their bloatware and prices.  I can't bring myself to spend that kind of money on a phone that I mostly use for calls and texting.  Plus, did I mention I hate their bloatware.  Ugh.

    I use my phone for:



    photos - semi important for decent photos (grandkids)




    mindless gaming like Spider or Bricks Balls Crusher.

    I don't use it for the internet.  

    I've looked around and Google Pixel (3 or 4??) or one of the Nokias (6 or 7) seems like it might be okay.   I'm still shocked at the prices for them.  I was hoping to get something in the mid $200s - especially since they dont seem to last more than 2yrs.   Is that unrealistic or not?

    What says the hive.  

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  2. yes!  Twice. 

    We moved away from the house we raised our kids (19yrs there) because I was ready to get away.  Tired of caring for the swimming pool, and the 1.3 acres, and tired of the house (I never really liked it).   

    We moved to a similar sized house that was much nicer and energy efficent.  Much smaller yard in an HOA neighborhood.  Loved the house, hated everything else and knew it was a mistake from the beginning.  It was worse than buyer's remorse.  We were there about 5 yrs.   I was so, so unhappy.  I think I cried every day for almost a year.  It was awful. 

    We moved to our current, downsized house almost 3yrs ago.  The house is a little smaller than I wished (see other thread about house sizes) but I am so, so much more happier here.  I do like the house, it's just it needs some work ($$$), but I'm so happy in this neighborhood and I like my yard.  Yard's a little larger, but I'd take that to the postage stamp on a hill that we had before.   I've enjoyed making this home our own. 

    We will probably move again in about 8-10yrs after dh retires just to get away from the taxes and HCL in our area.  

    • Thanks 1
  3. 4 hours ago, kdsuomi said:

    I absolutely do not like it and hate that everything online is going to a similar look. Several websites I've frequented have gone to this type of look in the last few years, and, honestly, I've stopped going to almost all of them. I'll have to look to see if there's a dark version because this is far too white for my brain to handle.

    If you figure it out please come and tell us!


    2 hours ago, wilrunner2 said:

    I don't see any signatures on my desktop. Anyone else see them?


    Yes, I can see them on my laptop.

  4. There was some uproar over Jodie Foster and (I think) Brooke Shields.  Except it was mostly conservative people and well... Hollywood basically made it out as a bunch of fuddy-duddy religious housewives grasping pearls and trying to take away an artist's free expression of their craft.  I doubt it went anywhere, but it was certainly part of the conversation about how A-moral Hollywood is.

    I was young, but I remember it being a thing just not huge because we didn't have the internet.  I do remember people not being very impressed with their mothers' decisions for their underage daughters.   I don't remember boycotting every being a thing until "Married With Children" and that kind of backfired for the boycotters.   I've never been particularly persuaded by calls to boycott but this new movie is gross.  I don't know what the answer is but I hope something positive comes from it. 

    However, I can't help but wonder.  I know people say the same "How could those parents???...." with football parents and pagent parents.  I don't know what the psychology of it is and I do wonder if poverty is at play here.  Maybe it is the only way out for some families.   Or maybe there's some need for their child to *be* something.  I dunno, just rambling a bit and feeling very sad for those girls.  They have no idea.

    I just finished watching a documentary about the serial murders in Galvestson, TX of young teenage girls in the early 70s.  Back when hitchhiking and walking home was a thing.  Those girls had no idea they were getting the car with a monster.  I feel that same feeling in the pit of my stomach when I watched that clip.  

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  5. I would send them a note, especially her mom.

    I have a friend who we went to church with many years ago.  We never stayed in touch after we left the church, but I always thought fondly of them.  I heard through the grapevine several years later than one of their son's died tragically.  It was about 5-6mos after as well.  I sent them a note.  

    I think every mother would want to know how much their child meant to someone -even if it were weeks/months or even years after their death.  


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  6. 5 minutes ago, Garga said:

    It’s going to be a problem in my family this year.  There are those of us who are strong proponents for masking and social distancing, and those of us who aren’t. 

    We are a family of 11 people total.  So, if just one family unit (4 people) doesn’t show for Tgiving or Christmas, it’s a big hole in the family.  


    Has anyone thought ahead about how to handle the holidays this year? 50/50 chance that it’ll be prohibitively cold at Thanksgiving to eat outdoors and 99.999% chance it’ll be too cold at Christmas.


    I can’t think of any other way to handle it than saying, “We’re not coming,” and then dealing with tears and a depressed MIL who adores being with the family at the holidays and doesn’t quite understand why we’re taking Covid so seriously.  😞

    Why can't you go and wear a mask except for when you're eating?   Science is showing that wearing a mask also helps the wearer.  Ask to have a separate table for eating perhaps?

  7. 20 minutes ago, BeachGal said:


    Jason Fung is an MD who has been having his patients try different kinds of fasts that are designed to work with how their bodies respond to fasting. There are many ways to fast and in his two books, he details how to start and fine tune fasts to suit your needs. They're both very good. He also has online information and I think there is still a facebook group.

    Valter Longo is a researcher at USC who has been studying the cellular effects of calorie restriction, fasting and fast-mimicking diets on animals and humans for many years, most of his career actually. He has studied the effects of fasting on aging and patients with cancer and autoimmune disease, like MS, that are very interesting. The cancer studies have been replicated with similar results. Basically, fasting induces autophagy, when your body is forced to use, repair or discard bits of lingering, damaged cellular material that causes inflammation. These bits can stick around for a long time wreaking havoc on neighboring, healthy cells.  Then, after the fast is completed and feeding resumes, stem cells pop up along the spinal cord and these stem cells can be used anywhere in your body.

    Longo later found that his patients who went on a fast-mimicking diet (FMD) -- a 5-day, vegan diet with specific percentages of fat/carbs/protein and calories -- got results almost as good as those who did water fasting. The FMD is easier to do than water fasting so people are more likely to comply. My husband was often getting migraines during water fasts (probably due to loss of electrolytes) and so we now do this type of dieting once a month. They're just recipes I created using the free Cronometer app.

    You can find short PR pieces about Longo's research put out by USC. He has also done two interviews with researcher Rhonda Patrick (Found My Fitness) on You Tube, a Ted Talk and he has a book explaining his research (all proceeds go to research).

    If you are interested in cancer and diet, Thomas Seyfried is a researcher worth checking out, too.

    I've been reading a bit about this and it sounds very promising.  Since my religious fasts are basically a vegan fast and I feel like I could encorporate FMD more easily during those cycles.

  8. 15 hours ago, mathnerd said:

    How does a 24 hour fast work? Any links for me to read about it? I have done intermittent fasting for a while now, but that means that I skip breakfast and eat at my usual time for lunch which is quite late anyway and it works for me. But, I have never tried a 24 hour fast. Thank you.

    Dr. Jason Fung is a good place to start.  Basically it is one meal a day.   Also, I like this simple breakdown - with visual aids - from Dr. Mindy Pelz  that shows what is happening with each fast length.  Sadly, I just saw another video from her where she says studies show OMAD (one meal a day) for certain thyroid patients is not reccomeneded long term (ie: OMAD all week).   Unfortunately, in that video, she didn't provide the study in a link. 


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  9. 6 hours ago, KungFuPanda said:

    It’s not about TeA and I don’t actually have the virus. Still, long-term quarantine has tanked my exercise routine. I really WANT to be a person who can MAKE herself exercise alone, but that is not my talent. When I’m not in isolation I’m spending at least 8 hours a week in a dance studio. I HAVE a home studio, so I can’t even use that as an excuse. I’m just such a social exerciser. (It also helps that they pay me.) 

    I’m not sedentary. I garden and stuff, but those missing hours have resulted in weight gain, broken sleep, a sluggish digestive system, and a big fat attitude. I’m going to have to make myself pick up the pace, but I’m so bad at it. SO BAD. 

    Is anyone else way off their game?

    I've never been much of a exerciser but I'm definitely feeling it in other ways.  I still cannot get to sleep before 2am... what is up with that?? It doesn't matter if I nap or not.. I have my two oldest grandkids today and I should help them with their virtual schooling.   It's going to be a long day.  Tonight I'm resorting to wine and an OTC sleeping pill.  blech.   

    • Sad 1
  10. 21 minutes ago, Where's Toto? said:

    We currently have central heat/air in our very small house.  Right at the end of last winter, the heat part stopped working and the system as a whole is about 20 years old, so we're looking at replacing the whole system.   Dh has been looking at ductless mini-split units.  They look like they would be a good option for our house, we'd gain some space in our kitchen where the furnace currently lives in the corner.  We'd probably need small units for each room since there's no open floor plan.

    Dh read a bunch of reviews online that seemed great, but also talked to a guy at a local company who kind of implied that the heat part of them doesn't work that well.   Our house is pretty drafty with poor insulation and drafty windows so tends to be chilly anyway.  We live in NJ where temps get down to 30's for most of winter, maybe one or two days lower than that.    We currently have propane heat.

    So I decided to turn to the Hive to see if you have any feedback.  Thanks.

    I think it uses heat pump technology which I would not recommend as your only heat source for places that regularly get down into the 30s and below.   It's fine as a secondary heat source, but I wouldn't recommend it as your primary.    I hate heat-pumps.  We've lived in older house with a heat pump and winters were miserable.   But, it was the traditional forced-air unit for the whole house.  Maybe it's better if you have one for each room. 

    We have oil heat and I'm thinking of switching to propane when our furnace gives up the ghost.   A friend made the switch and she's so much happier.  We also have a heat-pump unit for our A/C.  In the infrequent times that I've run out of oil we switched over to the heat-pump.  It was cold and drafty except in the room right next to inside unit - which was boiling hot.  

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  11. I'm in the midst of decluttering today.  DD got married in July and moved out, dh took over her room as his office, and I've moved things around on the main floor.    I'm going through my family trunk. It was my grandmother's hope chest.   Please, please give me permission to throw away sentimental things.

    I have a grannie square crocheted blanket given to us on our wedding day in 1985.  It has a hole it in that probably could be fixed if I knew how to crochet.  It's had the hole in it at least 20yrs so I put it in the trunk to protect it. The person who gave it to us died nearly 30yrs ago, so I feel so guilty throwing it away.   Ugh, I hate stuff like that.

    In the trunk I did find some quilts that were made for some of my daughters.  I kept them there because the were young and I didnt want them ruined.  Now that they're on their own I will give them to the girls. 

    I found my son's high school/homeschool diploma from 2011.  Does he need that??  

    Oh and its another place I stored old photos.  😏

    Honestly, old photos will be the death of me.  You guys who only have digital have no idea.  

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  12. 5 minutes ago, lmrich said:

    I found frozen avocado chunks in my grocer's freezer, or you can freeze them yourself. They are perfect to add to a smoothie and really make it more filling and creamy. 

    This is a great idea!  I've had terrible luck with fresh avacados lately and I've given up.  They are too expsenive to waste.  Mine have consistently been rock hard on the outside and brown/black on the inside.  😡

    • Sad 1
  13. 1 minute ago, Slache said:

    Yucky! I know he hates it. I'm afraid we're going to wind up sleeping in separate rooms though.

    Well, sleeping in separate rooms is not the worst thing ever.  We've been doing it for several years because of both our sleep issues.   But, I realize you also want your dh to be safe.  Hugs.


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