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Holly in FL

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Posts posted by Holly in FL

  1. Do your children learn the Westminster Catechism questions in their Sunday School classes? If so, which "versions" do that use at each age?


    I'm asking because two of my children (7yo and 9yo) are moving up into the 3rd through 5th grade classes...and, they will be studying the Ten Commandments...along with the Catechisms that go along with the Commandments. They will be using the Shorter Catechism in Modern English. Does anyone else use this "version" for children in that age group. In my opinion...some of the language used to cover the topics is a bit "advanced" for children as young as mine.




  2. Thanks, everyone!


    My son was just playing chess with a friend from down the street...and, the young boy never called "check"...and, in the next move physically took my son's king. My son immediately said, "You never said 'check." And, the other child continued to argue that he didn't have to say it and he won. He told me that's the way he plays all the time. I thought it might be some kind of rule I had never learned. I tried to explain to him that he was not correct...but, to no avail. HA!!




  3. :bigear: I almost got DD a Carrera set last Christmas but wasn't sure of the quality. I'm sure I'll be looking again this Christmas since she loves her cars!


    We don't really have the space either buuuuut... it can't be any worse than the 30 some die cast cars currently covering my living room floor!! :lol:


    I've done some research...and, you can rest easy in knowing Carrera is a good product. I found a few reviews from hobby fanatics and Carrera was mentioned as one of the top three for slot cars...with Carrera a favorite for beginner and children sets.




  4. Quiver...I'm wondering if you need a support group. I have a friend from college days that was over weight...very over weight. She tried every diet...even a liquid diet...and, would lose weight just to gain it back plus more. She finally joined Over Eaters Anonomous. I bet she lost 150 pounds and has kept it off!




    Just a suggestion...


    Take care!


  5. Yes...yes...yes! I taught myself by using the KnittingHelp.com videos. I could never figure out what the books were telling me to do.


    One other piece of advice is to use wooden needles as a beginner. I started out using my grandmother's aluminum needles and the yarn kept slipping off. I think it was someone here that suggested I use wood because they are not as slick and provide just a tiny bit of resistance.




  6. I have nodules. I had a needle aspiration biopsies done to rule out cancer. Since then, I have been on thyroid meds, which reduced the swallowing a golf ball feeling that was due to hypothyroidism. I would not have surgery unless that was a last resort (like cancer.) Even a thyroid working sub-optimally is better than no thyroid at all.


    Thank you! This is helpful.


    I do have nodules...in fact, it's a nodular goiter. i've been through the biopsy and had a cyst aspirated years ago. The nodule has grown into a goiter even with Synthroid. Maybe the doc needs to up the dose. ??



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