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Posts posted by trailofsparks

  1. using Apologia General Science next year. The only reason I am doubting this is b/c I have switched curricula from just about every other subject area for next year! I don't do this. I've never switched it up so much, and now that I am, I am doubting every subject, inlcuding science while I'm at it :glare:


    We have been VERY weak in science, so I initially figured Gen Sci would be a good jumping in point. Right? Wrong? Other curricula besides Apologia to consider?


    Thanks in advance for any input!

  2. I love my Sherpani Pica.


    I am not a purse/ accessories person by any stretch of the imagination. I like practical and simple. This bag is both and also has the benefit of being cute. I love it.


    Here's another for Sherpani, except I got the Switch model. I've worn cross body purses for years now and this one is the most comfortable one I've owned (beats Bagalini and others). Fun, summery colors and very light weight. www.sherpani.com HTH.

  3. One thing I wish I'd done in my pregnancies was to wear a form-fitting shirt and sort of "flaunt" my pregnant self. I was beautiful, just like all pregnant women are beautiful. . . but b/c of how large I was (and felt even larger), I tried to wear things that minimized that largeness. Wish I wouldn't have! So, my advice - get the outfit, flaunt it, parade around town, let yourself radiate that joyful beauty!!! Truly.

  4. In that situation I would accept the money. I wouldn't accept money just for keeping them for a few hours one day while she ran to the dentist or to get her hair done, but regularly for a few weeks on end...yes, I'd take the money.



    :iagree:with Pretty in Pink and everyone else. Don't feel guilty - even in receiving pay't, you're still blessing your friend who trusts you to care for her children. It is a win-win situation. I hope you enjoy your new microscope set, too!

  5. I have loved my Brother laser B&W 7820N (printer/fax/scanner/copier). I have had it for years - and it's only on 3rd cartridge ($70.00 per cartridge). When I bought it, the employee at Office Depot told me it was a reliable machine and goes through fewer cartridges than most (any?) others at the time of my purchase.


    If you are a Costco shopper, the coupon mailer they recently sent out has it to order online. Can't remember the price, but under $200.00 for sure.


    Anyway, whatever you purchase, take a look at cost of toner and number of copies you can get out of a cartridge. I believe the guy told me I'd get a good 700 copies out of one cartridge. I'm sure he was right. HTH.

  6. What other said:


    • WTB folks sometimes don't update
    • I'd rather post my items for sale at a price and let potential buyers decide, rather than back and forth w/email between WTB person.
    • It all boils down to it's too time consuming to post FS item

    Lastly, if I have something rare to sell (like a Flash Master), I'll try to remember to search the WTB board first.

  7. Life skill. Learned behavior.


    I do think it's rude to *always* be late. It's a bad habit to fall into. I understand that getting out the door with a large family or with littles can be difficult though. And I understand that, for some people, the habit is deeply ingrained and does not necessarily reflect their level of respect or consideration for myself or others (I know that some will disagree with that statement).


    I know some very generous and kind individuals who are habitually late wherever they go.


    :iagree: And will add - being late does not even cross some people's minds as being an extremely inconsiderate behavior. Keeping others waiting, while habitually being late is just rude. I was stunned, actually, as I listened to a friend (always late) casually say, "I'm always late, but I don't care. It doesn't bother me. . . but it does bother my son."

  8. I would start it with the new school year. I agree that the history part is pretty minimal. It's the techniques you learn that are so important. We spent all year in Medieval and really enjoyed it, but didn't learn more about history. I guess I liked that it dovetailed, but if I had used the program out of sync with what I was doing in history we would have still gotten a ton out of it. I'd be afraid if you started it now that you would be trying too hard to rush it and you don't want to do that.


  9. For example one of today's questions was. 5/400 = x/2200. First we reduced the 5/400 to 1/80. Then I was like, "We have to get 'x' all by itself." She was like "huh?" I can't figure out how to explain this, because it's obvious to me. I can't understand how it's not obvious. :( boo-hoo. Anyway, her brain works way different than mine, so I can't figure out how to explain it. I was thinking that next year I would use a video curriculum because maybe they will explain it better. Just reading the book and my poor job of explaining isn't working too well. But, it's just Pre-Algebra, so I'm not too worried yet. I just want to make sure to get a really good program for next year since it's just going to get harder.


    Which math program(s) have you used to date? I'm thinking if you post what worked with your dd up to this point, someone may be able to recommend a higher math that teaches similar. Ie: I use RightStart, and RS recommends VT, so that's what we're planning to use next year w/ds12 - b/c they teach similar w/focus on concepts. HTH

  10. If your students are ready for essays, which would be next step after mastery of IEW's core units, you could use either "The Elegant Essay" from IEW or Bravewriter's "Help for High School." . . . .

    If you students are not ready for essays and you want to switch from IEW, it might help to identify your reason for moving to another curriculum rather than working toward mastery of core IEW units.


    Thank you, 1Togo. A couple questions, if you don't mind: What would be some criterion to tell whether ds is ready for essays? It's not that I want to switch from IEW so much. My main concern is for him to be able to write creatively. We joined a speech club, and he's having to write speeches - it's tough for him, without some kind of format or rewrite, like IEW uses. He's done well w/IEW. . . . I am hoping to find something for us that will help him discover how to "dig deep within" and come up with creative ways to express himself through writing and formal speech. Does that make sense? I feel at such a loss to ask the right questions. I appreciate your input.

  11. I am both a qualified naturopath and a pharmacist. I like both approaches, but there are some conditions I think are better suited to naturopathic therapy than others. I think an approach of diet, lifestyle, herbal, and nutritional supplements are a good option.


    I honestly believe using herbs is no different to using drugs. One has a lot more scientific research and the other more emperical evidence. The definition of a drug is a substance that you take to cause changes in your body. That means a herb is a drug.


    Just my two cents worth. If you have any more specific questions, please let me know and I will try and help.


    My understanding is that you won't really find side-effects with herbs, but almost always will with pharma. I'd like to hear your thoughts.

  12. My two oldest attended a model rocketry course through CAP a couple years ago. Oldest was (and is) completely uninterested in CAP. Younger ds was bummed that he would have to wait until he was 12.


    As soon as he did turn 12 a few months later, I thought he'd be chomping at the bit to go. Nope! I was taken by surprise by his sudden lack of interest.


    He did attend a meeting last week though and is now all excited about it. (Unbeknownst to me, there were actually three other kids from our homeschool group there.) He'll be 14 on Friday. I guess he just had to be good and ready. :001_smile:


    This is what I'm seeing - the timing definitely isn't now and it might be later. Thank you for posting your experience!

  13. I was in for 20 years, first as a cadet (Spaatz #1307 :D) then as an adult leader. It totally can take over your life if you let it. I really loved it, but it's not for everyone - I knew some kids whose parents would drop them off at the highschool where we met, but they would walk to the nearby mall instead of coming inside, and we had no idea they were supposed to be there (thought they quit months earlier), and their parents had no idea they weren't at the meeting. My point is, it's not really possible or a good idea to force anyone to join.


    Your experience will really depend on your local unit. There's a huge range out there, mostly depending on how involved the leaders want to be. Go for a visit and see what he thinks of what they actually do, because it won't likely match what the website says. It can be pretty expensive to get started, with membership fees and a set of uniforms, plus fees for different activities, so it's really not worth it unless dc is truly interested.


    Thank you for saying this. I wouldn't force him, I don't think :tongue_smilie:but duly noted, just in case! Will definitely visit before joining. We have 2 squadrons equally close to our home, so perhaps a better chance of meeting a good fit. Thanks for responding.

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