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Running the race

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Posts posted by Running the race

  1. I have a child who may be interested in Univ of CA and some other colleges where SAT2s are required of homeschoolers. In most cases, it looks like just two subject tests.  Can anyone help me with some BTDT experience about these tests?  When should they be taken - meaning, after what level of class or other prep.  Are some harder than others? Are these things your students study for (test prep) or something they take after they have completed the high school course?  Any other words of wisdom or experience welcome.



    You may want to check out this link specifically geared towards UC and Cal State schools:



  2. Thought I'd update on my son who failed a required math class during his first semester of college. He retook the class in a 2-week condensed winter session and ended up with a B. It's a miracle! That means he can continue on with current schedule. He's starting week 2 of spring semester tomorrow. I'm hoping he learned something from last semester's difficulties and can apply the lessons to the coming semester.

  3. Look carefully at each college website to see additional fees. Some colleges have thousands of dollars of fees per semester in addition to tuition, especially for certain majors. I know one college near us requires each music student to purchase a specific laptop with pre-loaded software. The cost is automatically added to the bill. Engineering also has a heft fee.

  4. Well, just to keep it real. My 2e college freshman has struggled all semester. His final grades reflect that. He had a hard time adjusting and made many choices that hurt him academically. He failed one class, got one B and three C's. And one of those was barely a C. Hopefully, he learned some lessons and can make some changes for the coming semester.

  5. My 18yo son is a college freshman. He is not an aspie, but he has many traits of one and matches the rest of your description perfectly. He is currently living at home and attending a nearby large public university. This first semester has been eye-opening.


    If the student cannot perform at home with us micromanaging and supporting them often more than we realize, they just cannot perform away from home.


    There are no guarantees, no matter what we do.


    The ultimate results are far more about what they do, than what we do.

    I am just coming to grips with the above. 100% true.


    So true. It is hard to accept as parents, especially when we see their potential that they are wasting. But we have realize that they make their own decisions and we cannot be them for them. They are themselves and they have to live with that.

    It is so different to experience and live this truth rather than just contemplate it. On the plus side, my son got a job and has been working since June. He worked a large number of hours this semester; it definitely hurt his grades. He also chose to play video games, not eat well, not sleep enough, stop taking his ADD medication, and barely study. Going from homeschool to college was a HUGE shock for him. I was much more difficult than I would have guessed. You are right to be concerned. My son also has LD's and is just overwhelmed.

    On the bright side, my son is still a wonderful young man, and he is learning a lot of life skills. He just couldn't learn them fast enough. I'm encouraged by the above posters who have a long-range vision. It's so easy to see just the here and now and panic. Best wishes to find a good path for your son.

  6. Well, these aren't exactly like the Education Portal videos but they may be workable free alternatives for history.


    Hip Hughes History and Government 


    Jocz History videos


    Norris' APUSH videos


    Another good free resource for videos is GetaFive. These feature short more traditional (teacher in frame) videos for AP US History and AP World History. They also have AP Calculus and AP Biology. 


    Not the OP, but some of these look great. Thanks!


  7. Thanks for starting a thread about commuters!

    My first college student starts at a local 4-year public college on the 25th.  I think it will be harder for me to step back and let him handle things when he still lives here. He has some disabilities. I'm just hoping that he gets the hang of it quickly.

  8. My son did the live RWT Chemistry class. He still needed me to hand-hold him a lot. Some of that was this particular child. We also use the recorded lectures. My kids don't like them that much, but they get the job done. I do like the optional tests and the blank notes to fill in during the lectures.


    I agree that Steve Rosenoff is abrasive and sometimes defensive at times. On the other hand, I didn't find his grading unfair, and his expectations were clear.


    My experience is that his recorded lectures are often promoted as available for only a "limited time." Don't let that rush you into a decision.

  9. Do you know how I'd let them know if I want to move the CLEP money to a different exam?  I didn't see anywhere to do that on the website (in 'my account' it just says which exam she's registered for, no 'edit' button or anything...)



    I'm sorry; I'm not sure. I remember that I could have changed it this past spring when I was going back and forth between two different exams, but I never needed to actually change it. I hope you can figure it out.

  10. I bought my dh a tablet for Christmas, and bought the Square Trade warranty.  About 4 months into ownership of the tablet, he was outside using the grill and put the tablet down on the hot grill!  Although it still worked, the back cover was melted and warped.  We called Square Trade, and he got a new tablet with no problems, even though the damage was done by him.


    I'm about to purchase my son a laptop for college, and I'll for sure get some type of similar warranty.



    We have Square Trade warranties on our PS4 and two I-Pods. We have had one I-Pod replaced and the other fixed twice. All our interactions with Square Trade have been wonderful.


    Thanks for your feedback. It's very helpful!

  11. My strategy: Go with my gut. 


    We started with one COVD that was recommended by someone to us, but I just didn't feel right about their recommendations and costs.


    I looked up and found a different doctor on COVD.org, went for a consultation with him, and felt very comfortable with him and his recommendations.  My son ended up seeing him for a year and we had a great outcome from our vision therapy that allowed my son to overcome his ocular motor deficiencies.  


    Sorry you feel overwhelmed.. there is always a lot going in the earlier years.  Hang in there!  We had a great outcome.. All of the hard work paid off handsomely, but it has been quite a journey!!  If you want some encouragement, you can read our story at: http://learningabledkids.com/articles_about_homeschooling/overcoming_learning_disabilities_through_homeschooling.htm  HUGS!! :-D


    Thanks for the encouragement. :)  I'll read your story!


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