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Posts posted by TXBeth

  1. Thanks, ladies! I knew I could find answers here. Sounds like it is unlikely, but not outside the realm of possibility, that this was simply an ignorant mistake. It doesn't matter, really, since I have no influence on the situation, but I was curious. It's also helpful to know we need to be sure to cover this in our orientation for newbies. "No getting naked around the house help."

    • Like 1
  2. I think that phrase was his way of saying it wouldn't be a problem for a woman in his culture, and he didn't know Thailand would be different. Of course I personally think it was just a cop-out. Other than prostitutes, Thai women are typically way more modest/conservative than western women, especially the hill tribe ladies who usually work as maids in this area. I have a hard time believing he didn't know that, even without any specific cross-cultural training. I was just wondering if there could be any truth to his claim that he was acting appropriately for his own culture.

    • Like 5
  3. I recently heard about an issue that occurred here in Thailand that has me wondering, so I would appreciate answers from anyone in the know about any European cultures.


    A expat here (I'll call him NG) left the shower and walked around the house with no covering (supposedly he was looking for a towel) while the family's Thai maid was working. She was very obviously embarrassed, and I believe left the house, but came back the next time she was scheduled to work. A couple weeks later, the same thing happened again. The maid immediately quit and has expressed to a friend that she will never work for foreigners or Christians (NG is a missionary) again.


    The friend is a maid for another missionary family, who confronted NG about inappropriate behavior. NG's claim is that in his home country, this is perfectly normal and acceptable, and he had no idea it would be a problem for a Thai woman. He is independent and did not come through any mission organization that would have provided cultural training.


    So my question is...how credible is his claim? I don't know what country he is from, but I am skeptical. Do any of you come from or know of a European country where it would be acceptable for a man to wander around in the nude in the presence of a non-family female employee?

  4. Haha.

    That is so far away from being the worst mother of the year that they are not even in the same universe. :) I can't tell you how many times I was forgotten and left behind as a child, and I still think my parents were pretty awesome. It's just one of those things that happens sometimes.

    • Like 6
  5. If your DD hadn't seen the candy, would you still be upset at your son? If so, if you normally have a consequence for grabbing things, I would give that consequence (or reminder or lecture or whatever). Otherwise, I don't think it's fair to punish him for your DD's tantrum.

    We deal with this a lot because DS7 has a hair trigger and I get frustrated at the girls for setting him off. But I have to remember not to scold them unless their behavior was actually inappropriate (even if DS hadn't reacted).

  6. Maybe my dc were just different, but I cannot imagine either of mine "grabbing" at food. o_0

    I'm sure you didn't mean it this way, but this comment seems really unhelpful and kind of ... snotty. Like "what kind of hellions are you raising? My angels would never act like that." If you never dealt with any grabbing (hard to believe, but ok), then you clearly have nothing helpful to contribute, so why post?

  7. DD9 is desperate to study food science while homeschooling this coming year (5th grade). I need a kit that includes everything needed for the study, but the ASK kits are right at the top of our budget. I'm okay spending that much because 1)everything is included, and 2)she really, really wants to study this. But I can't find any reviews anywhere! Is that a bad sign? Can anyone recommend this or any other food science kit/curriculum? I will not have the time or energy to put together my own study from other books this year.



  8. 9th grade - the algebra 1 teacher for Abeka Video School. Sniffles, snuffles, heavy breathing in the microphone. It was horrible! I would fast forward through the videos and just learn the material on my own.


    There was also a lady I know who is so sweet and kind and generous, but her voice drives me nuts. She always sounds like she is talking to a 2-year-old, very high pitched, soft, syrupy sweet kind of voice. It feels like she is either condescending or completely insincere until you get to know her, but that is just the way she talks.

  9. I would do as others suggested and talk to his leaders about allowing him to move on and come back to the books at the end of the book.

    However, I would also continue working on them. I would play the song every day 2 or 3 times, making it clear beforehand that he is not required to sing along or even look at the book - just sit or lie down, relax, and listen. That's it; no pressure or requirements for learning. I imagine within a couple of weeks he will have them memorized.

  10. So despite the title of this thread, I'm becoming more and more convinced I need to just go with Rod and staff and apply it to history and literature as well. Yesterday I went and borrowed Rod and Staff Grammar 5 from our curriculum library and I really like it. I have also decided not to waste time on a spelling program with my natural speller, and maybe get her something for vocab instead.

    Thanks, ladies, for helping me process all this!

  11. I really like that description of BJU; it seems to be exactly what I am looking for. However, in general I am opposed to buying anything from them unless it is the only thing that would work. I'll also take a look at Jump In. Anyone know of anything similar to BJU from a different publisher? Or could anyone tell me how heavily the BJU worldview permeates the language arts curriculum?

    I have also considered just using Rod and Staff 5 grammar and writing, with additional writing assignments based on history, science, and literature. She did really well with R&S in 2nd and 3rd (although we did a lot orally, which I won't be able to do this time around). But I wasn't sure if that would be enough to get her ready for B&M 6th grade. R&S doesn't have very substantial samples posted anywhere.

  12. She will have some writing exercises based on her history, science, and literature. However, I really need this year to be as completely scripted as possible, or else it will fall apart. We are leaving Thailand for the US in June, will be reconnecting with family and friends, traveling around the US, probably living in at least a few different houses (sometimes with family or others, sometimes alone).

    So I know if I have to plan out the lessons it just will not happen, especially in the second half of the year as we return to Thailand in February.


    If we do Writing Strands, would you suggest Level 4? I was actually looking at level 3.

  13. Background: Sorry this is long; skip to the last paragraph to get just the main question.


    DD9 was homeschooled through 3rd grade, currently attends an international school, will be homeschooled next year for 5th, and probably (but not for sure) return to international school for 6th. Writing was always a struggle for us through 3rd grade. She is good at composition, is a natural speller with a large vocabulary, but hated physically writing things and fought me every step. Being in school seems to have gotten her over that hump. She has written many one-paragraph expository essays, and just finished a semi-research report about Germany that was several paragraphs long. I think she has the potential to be a really good writer, so I want to be sure we don't let it slide during this year at home.

    We will be traveling at least twice for 4-6 weeks during the first half of the year (road trips, staying in other people's houses, speaking at churches, etc.), so I am trying to streamline school a bit. I will also be homeschooling my first grade daughter and my second grade son (who has emotional/behavioral issues and needs a lot of attention).


    So if you had a 5th-grader just for one year, what writing curriculum would you use? I expect that in 6th grade in the international school, they will be expecting longer essays and at least one research paper, so she needs to be ready for that quantity of writing.


    Thanks for any help!!

  14. Are we assuming this is a fire or something where everything I don't grab will be destroyed? Or will I be having to evacuate the country but friends can gather other things and get them to us later? Either way I'd probably take my purse (has my wallet, phone, and ipad in it), the external hard drive (all our pictures), and most importantly our passports. But in reality, 5 minutes would give me plenty of time to also grab the rest of our important papers, the computer, and some special mementos. If friends could send stuff to us later, I'd leave the hard drive and instead grab the kids' special blankets and toys.

  15. I think it would have been fine to let him go, and it think it was fine to have him stay. If you are feeling bad about having ulterior motives, you could always just explain that to your son and apologize. Eleven is old enough to hear "you know, I want you to know I think you are mature enough to handle the trip. As I thought about it I realized my real reason was that I would be nervous alone here in a new town. Thanks for being cheerful about staying with me. Shall we go get some ice cream/play a game together?"

  16. I don't understand why alcohol would need to be hidden or locked up if there is no known alcoholic in the house. Seems to me it would tend to foster an unhealthy attitude about drinking. But my oldest is only 9, and we have given all our kids a little sip of Daddy's beer on rare occasions, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. Maybe when I have teens I will be singing a different tune.

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