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Posts posted by *Lulu*

  1. And sometimes having a mother or father is harmful, if your mother or father happens to be a destructive person.



    Looking at DV deaths in Australia, it is not the gays killing their partners, ex-partners or children.




    I'd like to see primary sources demonstrating that the extinction of dinosaurs and dodo birds was caused by their moral failures.

    Cannot like as we are still under the oppressive limiting of likes.


    I would say that if the bar of parental stability and good is set at what two parent, heterosexuals do on average "the gays" have nothing to worry about. Therapists across America make a living cleaning up the wreckage left by the supposedly superior -one-Hoo-ha-and-one-tallywacker relationships.

    • Like 9
  2. That is the one scenario when hate and intolerance are valid. The oxford comma should not be optional. Omission of the oxford comma should not be tolerated and is most certainly going to bring about the collapse of society as we know it.


    • Like 1
  3. It isn't a semantics distinction. A primary source is a journal from the time period.


    You said a "primary source" and that was what was provided. What exactly do you mean by "primary source" if you do not mean the definition according to Princeton University?

    Sources she likes.



    • Like 4
  4. Very slowly for those who struggle with this arc of the moral universe concept:




    White, straight (or straight passing) men rule, everyone else can just deal b/c God says.




    White and Black, straight (or straight passing) men rule, (as long as the black men remember they are not as equal), everyone else can just deal b/c God says.




    White and Black, straight (or straight passing) men and women rule, (as long as the black men and all the women remember they are not as equal), everyone else can just deal b/c God says.




    White, Black, and Native American, straight (or straight passing) men and women rule, (as long as the black and Native American men and all the women remember they are not as equal), everyone else can just deal b/c God says.




    White, Black, and Native American, straight (or straight passing) men and women rule, (AND WE MEAN IT but no interracial marriage- that's just wrong), everyone else can just deal b/c God says.




    Straight (or straight passing) men and women rule, (AND WE REALLY MEAN IT THIS TIME), everyone else can just deal b/c God says.




    All men and women rule, (AND THIS TIME WE HOPE EVERYONE GETS THE DEFINITION OF "ALL" and "EQUAL"), everyone else can just deal b/c God says.

    • Like 3
  5. ""Among Mamitarees if a boy shows any symptoms of effeminacy or girlish inclinations he is put among the girls, dressed in their way, brought up with them, and sometimes married to men." Nicholas Biddle, original journals of the Lewis and Clark expeditions"


    "Among the women I saw some men dressed like women, with whom they go about regularly, never joining the men. . . . From this I inferred they must be hermaphrodites, but from what I learned later I understood that they were sodomites, dedicated to nefarious practices. From all the foregoing I conclude that in this matter of incontinence there will be much to do when the Holy Faith and the Christian religion are established among them." Franciscan Pedro Font's diary




    • Like 1
  6. "The more things change the more they stay the same."


    ---"Don’t give precious things to dogs. Don’t cast your pearls before swine. If you do, the pigs will trample the pearls with their little pigs’ feet, and then they will turn back and attack you."---Matthew 7:6 the Voice


    "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."


    ---"There is no noise as powerful as the sound of the marching feet of a determined people.†---Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project



    Some days I feel a smug satisfaction in my judgement about which posters belong on my ignore list.

    • Like 7
  7. Arranged marriages are one type, but by no means the rule, worldwide. Even in the case of arranged marriages, there is much more at work than mere property. It's simplistic and wrong to suggest otherwise. If it were just about property arranged marriages wouldn't produce kids, eh?




    The recognition that degeneracy accompanies collapse is relevant. It puts the whole thing into its proper context. There are many different elements of social decline and collapse; increased intellectual and moral degeneracy is one of them. Regarding historical marriage, see above.



    Procreation and property were and are still intertwined across the world in more than a few cultures. Arranged marriages were not just about property but about securing family lineages.

    • Like 7
  8. Humans are biological constructs. Historically marriage has always been much more than just a "business decision". That's a cynical oversimplification, and wrong. Property is secondary to life.



    It's not required because marriage is an extension of the principle, not the other way around.



    The fundamental duality (of which procreation is a manifestation) is there regardless (in a childless marriage between a man and a woman).


    Regarding this society, I'd just say the rule of history is clear. Normal, healthy societies worldwide have consistently held marriage to be heterosexual. Our society, in contrast, is not healthy. It is degenerate. Historically we also observe that degeneracy accompanies collapse, time and again. See Babylon, ancient Rome, Sodom and Gomorrah, the Baghdad caliphate, the Ottoman empire, and even Germany prior to World War 2. Related;



    History does not agree with you.


    For most of civilization women were property and married off in ways that benefited the male heads of families. Just because some relationships formed by an arranged marriage were good and loving doesn't mean they all were. The idea of romantic love driving relational pairing is relatively new in the scheme of things.

    • Like 23
  9. I am claiming that South Carolina is still South Carolina. It is only part of the United States because it has been forced to be. If we had forced Japan to become a U.S. territory instead of keeping their own country, it would be the same as someone there flying their old flag.


    Only the South was not taking up arms against their country. They had left the USA. They were a separate country. I am certain that they realized a loss of life hung in the balance. However, they felt it was their legal right to secede. The colonists felt it was their God given right to be free, but knew what they were doing was going against the laws of their country.

    No. It would be the same as if a government building or property was flying the Japanese flag.


    What sort of shit storm would ensue if a Mexican flag were flown over a government building in Texas? Because that is what this is like.

    • Like 3
  10. (((Hugs)))


    BTDT with Punk a couple years ago. The OT was strongly suggesting PS and we seriously considered it.


    At the end of the day we decided to keep him home for many reasons including that we did not feel the school system would be able to provide the same level of accommodation as I could at home, we knew this child would be bully bait, and we did not believe the system's penalization structure would extinguish the problem behaviors.


    We are still a few years from launching this one into adulthood, so I don't know if I will consider it the right move a decade from now. What I do know is that he is progressing as well or better than we anticipated several years ago. It will never be a walk in the park parenting a child with intense needs. And you will never be totally past the questioning. (Human nature bites sometimes.)


    At the end of the day you have to do what is right for the entire family. You shouldn't sacrifice everyone else to his needs or vis versa. So, for all it may be worth, here is my two cents:


    Can you find a way to balance the intensity of parenting a SN child with caring for yourself and DD?


    What is your mommy intuition about this?


    Have you asked the professionals what changes you could make at home to create more sucess for him?


    Have you satisfied yourself with what the school is actually able to deliver?



    If you've answer all of the above questions for yourself then you are positioned to make the best choice you can. Don't drive yourself insane trying to find the perfect choice. There is no such thing. Look at the pros and cons and go with what makes you feel most comfortable. You are right that you have his best interests in mind. Your decision will reflect that. Even if the professionals would have made a different choice.

    • Like 5
  11. Nope and I understand that. I don't disagree but at a Confederate Memorial, I wouldn't be surprised to see a Confederate battle flag. You could argue that there should not be a Confederate Memorial on states grounds which I fully expect to happen next.

    That seems quite a leap. There are memorials of all sorts across the country. There are memorials to explorers who were nasty bits of humanity leaving distruction in thier wake. There are memorials to outlaws, memorials to crooked politicians, memorials to individuals that opposed the federal government in one way or another. Why would Confederate memorials be some exception?


    As for the use of the battle flag, there is zero reason for that flag to be used at a memorial.


    Use the first official CSA flag.


    Use the state and regimental flags.


    There is no need for the swastika to be flown over German WWII memorials and there is no need for the battle flag to fly over Confederate memorials.

    • Like 1
  12. Still not accurate comparison because the flag used should be the one used by the armies the memorial is honoring not the opposition. If they are honoring the armies that fought against the Nazis then the Nazi flag wouldn't be the one chosen nor should it. If Germany had a memorial honoring the ones that fought on the Nazi side of the war, then it would be exactly the place to fly the flag but I am grateful that they don't want to honor said Nazis however it would not be my place to tell them not to do so as it isn't my country.



    These are memorials to men who fought and died for Germany during WWII. They are nazis. They may have held none of the beliefs the party espoused, but they were, for better or worse, a part of the army that made the atrocities of Nazi Germany possible.


    I do not see any images of Nazi flags flying or being displayed at these monuments.


    You can honor the dead without wounding the living.

    • Like 15
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