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Posts posted by Oakblossoms

  1. Play outside a lot. Collect lots of nature stuff and start a nature table, basket or shelf. Put a big magnifying glass there. Get a kid size pair of binoculars. We use a pill box, the kind with days of the week, to collect little dead bugs we find.


    Buy Magic School Bus DVD's to watch.


    Get a blank journal for the child and yourself. Practice drawing something like a tree throughout the year.


    Children that age love nature. It is a great time to really connect to science in a pretty fluid way.


    The only science kit I like for younger kids is Stepping into Science from Thames and Kosmos.


    Raise butterflies, collect some tadpoles from a pond. Observe, Observe, Observe. We did a weather tree one year. That was really fun. I just drew my own. I am on my iPad so I will be back with links.

  2. He is looking at 4 houses and they are all in small towns. Three are in towns with services. So, it will be a town. But, nothing like we are used to. The closet city will be Billings, MT. I am really pushing for a particular town which coincidently my dh father reccommeded without me knowing it. It won't be farm living.

  3. I might use the spreadsheet thing next year!


    We only have 5 kids. I have the older two most independent this year out of necessity. I have been solo parenting while my husband works and lives in another state. We are moving at the end of this month.


    I like having a time to read together at least once a day. Usually it is mid-day.


    My oldest has a 4 year planner from The Well Planned Day. I use a Well Planned Day planner for the next two.


    I wish I had grand advice. But, I have been in survival mode. I just juggle a lot and plan my day to be really long. We don't get up early and everyone works best at different times. I need breaks through the day for my sanity or I end up angry and bitter and yelling. So, we never get done at 3. Someone is always doing schoolwork or helping to watch a baby while I help someone.


    We have a YMCA here and that is the biggest thing I will miss. They have amazing daycare. My older three are safe to roam freely. I often drop the little two at childcare and take a steam and nice long got shower. It is like a spa :)



  4. I think homeschooling is for everyone. So, if I don't feel good it isn't working.


    I am so attracted to Waldorf but it doesn't work. I am not crafty at all.


    I am always surprised at what works especially since my kids are so different. I am coming up on my 4th Preschooler. I have been thinking a lot about what I want for her. My first two went to PS. My third has some special needs. She seems to be doing well and it is going to be so different with her.


    One thing I have learned is less is more for us. One good book is ways better than a million extras and crafty stuff and well timed TV shows. One book and discussions so they can connect to other things is nice.


    Quite a bit of what we use now is PHP stuff which I always fight but it works.

  5. Yes it would. I just like to mention that we did a lot of reading because people often think KONOS is this really difficult curriculum that you spend hours planning and you need to see and have lots of things. I am not particularly crafting. I can't see. The only thing I ever sewed for KONOS was done by hand. We tracked and "killed" stuffed animals. Then we turned them into coonskin hats.

  6. My husband has had increasingly horrible health issues and depression. He has at least one family member with diagnosed Celiac. He was really bad over a month ago and I told him he has Celiac. If he doesn't want to land in the hospital or worse give up gluten. And, he did. And guess what all these things are going away.


    We have three children with unique issues that I can certainly link to gluten now. So we are all GF now. Well trying.


    My dh lives two states away and he is GF. He doesn't care about testing. He is done. He made a mistake and ate soy sauce at a restaurant and he effects were scary.


    I am trying to work on a GF kitchen so when we get move this summer that can be one less shock. We are moving from PNW to Midwest and it is going to be culture shock.

  7. My oldest three are boys. They are all completely different in personality and learning. One thing they all have in common is dawdling in schoolwork. Mix things up during the day. Make sure you are taking a break between tasks to jump around or fidget with some Lego. Give a cookie and milk for a treat. If he sits and tries to learn, the work can't sink into his brain. He really will be wasting everyone's time. Don't take a summer break. Just continue to do a smaller amout of work through the summer.


    He just needs practice learning to get work finished. Since, you are the mom you get to help. Setting a timer for say 15 minutes and get him to work in 15 increments for each subject for a week. Then add 5 minutes each week till you are up to 45- 1 hour for the subject.


    SWB has a great talk out now titled Homeschooling the Real Child. It is on the PHP store as a download. I keep it on my phone and listen to it when I think I must be crazy and there is something wrong with all my children :p

  8. Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design http://www.amazon.com/Politically-Incorrect-Darwinism-Intelligent-Design/dp/1596980133/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pd_S_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=1MM3E217W50E3&coliid=I1X7H78X03JNNC


    We have never done a logic class. I realized my oldest is really stuck on being right. I want him to be able to stick up for his beliefs,in a logical respectable manner.So, you might consider that, as well.

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