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Everything posted by Cheekymama

  1. I started using AAS with my 7 yr old dd 6 weeks ago and she LOVES it! She loves the hands-on of the tiles, writing on the white board and well, everything about it. She has always asked how to spell things instead of trying to sound them out but since starting AAS I can tell a HUGE difference in her. She announced last week that spelling is her favorite subject. Good luck! Susan
  2. That is so funny b/c I was wondering the same thing earlier today!:lol:
  3. I have used Betty Lukens felt teaching Sunday School for several years now. The kids, age 3 and up, love it and it helps keep their attention. I highly recommend them! Susan wife to dh 14 yrs dd - 7 yrs ds - 4 yrs
  4. Thanks so much for all the replies! You have affirmed what I thought was best, HWT.
  5. Reason for Handwriting...I failed to check the abbreviations before posting so I'm not sure of the appropriate abbreviation...sorry for any confusion. :o
  6. I am interested in other's experience using handwriting curriculum for a lefthanded child. I personally like the writing style of RHW over HWT but ulimately I want what will be the most comfortable and best suited for my dd. Thanks in advance! Susan
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