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Posts posted by charcat13


    No. It's really about much more than that. Have you seen this site?



    It's a site where men and boys vote on what is a "stumbling block" issue so that girls can make better decisions. Let me give you some examples.


    It is a stumbling block when swimsuit ties stick out from under clothing (e.g. tied around the neck).

    Thirty-five percent of men and boys who voted agreed or strongly agreed with this statement.


    It is okay to expose the stomach when wearing a swimsuit.

    Nearly 60% of men/boys disagreed or strongly disagreed with this statement.


    Seeing a girl take off a pullover (i.e. a shirt that must be pulled over the head) is a stumbling block, even if she is wearing a modest shirt underneath.

    Nearly 40% of men/boys agreed or strongly agreed with this statement.


    Leotards, sheer skirts and tutus in theatre or dance performances are immodest.

    Over 35% of men boys agreed or strongly agreed with this statement.


    Seeing a girl stretching (e.g. arching the back, reaching the arms back, and sticking out the chest) is a stumbling block.

    Over 56% of men/boys agreed or strongly agreed with this statement.


    You have less respect for an immodest girl than for a modest one.

    An astounding 75% of men/boys agreed with this statement, which is SHAMEFUL, IMO.


    This is what you get when you make every bit of attraction a sin that is laid at the doorstep of the attractive girl. That is the problem.


    While we do have modesty standards (nothing drastic) in our family, I certainly don't want my girls to grow up thinking they have to dress like nuns to earn respect from men. I also don't want my son blaming all of his feelings, responses, actions on girls just walking around minding their own business. He has the capability to turn his head if something is too "distracting."


    Probably a smarter approach than let's do it all in one day :)


    My biggest problem is juggling two of them. I wish I coud take a fied trip to other homeschool families and see how they handle more than one child. Don't laugh. Two intese kids seem like a lot to me.


    Today was my first day doing something planned with all three. That's why we were easing. It's an adjustment every time we add one. I agree about wanting to see how others do it. We need a homeschool reality show. A little 30 minute peek into other styles and such every week.



    I don't think any of this is called for. I don't understand equating farmers who rib each other over the color of a tractor with Jim Crow or gang rape. It implies no sense of scale or understanding of history. No one is beat up in the video. No one is called names. I highly doubt anyone is going to watch this video and run out hunting for hate crimes to commit. Posters have repeatedly stated why the video is offensive. Others have said otherwise. Calling those who disagree complicit in hate crime is heinous.


    I have to agree. There comes a point where people are afraid to speak at all because anything they say will be used against them. It is the tool of the weak minded to silence speech by making those who disagree with them out to be a bigot/homophobe/racist. Of course bigots, racists, and homophobes exist but sometimes a joke is just a joke, not a hate crime.

  4. That's depressing.


    (according to this chart)


    I spend $600 a month for 6 people. That boils down to a little over a dollar per person per meal.


    My 600 includes toilet paper, toiletries, cleaning supplies, and pet food.


    We do have a a freezer full of beef from the farm and chickens for eggs, but still.


    Once I did the calculation, I figured out why the food budget is SO tight.


    Will you shop for me? That's awesome!



    If they just want to reinforce bigotry it ain't funny.


    Otherwise I can watch Paula Deen.





    Hmm, I wouldn't want a pepto pink tractor. Am I bigot too? Or does my being female make that ok? Seems like you're stereotyping a bit thinking all "queers" like pink. Not all homosexual men are effeminate.

  6. I'll disagree with the problem being that college educators are making loads of money. I know many and that's just not the case most of the time. Not to mention the fact that they are buried under student debt themselves much of the time.I do think the costs are crazy. I just think it's coming from the administrative level.




    There are too many parts and texts that need to be used for my child to get adequate review to master concepts. I am leaning towards Math Mammoth because it is so incremental.



    MIF has a part A and B textbook and workbook and teacher edition for each grade. If multiple books is what you're trying to get away from MM is the way to go.

  8. My DS is working through SM (the OOP Earlybird K books). We've reached a section on number words for the teens and it seems an odd time to teach this. He's reading CVC words and recognizes the words for 1-10, but these are way above his current reading level. My inclination is to skip it and come back later, but I'm curious how others have handled this. Do you skip it and return later, try to have them memorize the words, or something else?

  9. This sounded oddly familiar, particularly in its tone, so I did a forum search on Gary North. Turns out that a couple of years ago he put out an article castigating homeschooling mothers (specifically the mothers) for not cranking out curricula and posting them on the web for free.




    Oh wow! After reading the Gary North article I'm even more confused. Since when do libertarians think it's someone's responsibility to give away their hard work for free?

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