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Posts posted by MollyAnn

  1. Whenever a color doesn't work out DH and I call it "the Bathroom Effect"
    About 5 houses ago we chose a beautiful shade of spring green for the bathroom, in the small room it became neon green. I am pretty sure my make up looked really off for the year we had it up there. It came time to move and we painted it a beautiful cream.
    In the house we own now we painted over dated, dark, fake wood panelling with a really nice sage green. We started with what I thought was a Caribbean blue and we got one wall done and realized it was hideous. I insisted we go back to the store and pick something else. We are about to put the house on the market and we are having it painted 'creame brûlée' I have to say it is really pretty and makes the room look larger.
    I can't stand white walls, too many rentals I think.

  2. From now till the end of August it will be slammed and not the best experience for your first trip. The best time to go is in September, that is when we are going this year.


    3 days really isn't enough time to go to DisneyWorld. There are 4 parks and each park needs its own day. Do not go for the Park Hopper. Getting from one park to the other can take up to two hours.

    If you really can only do 3 days and are looking to take it kind of easy I would do: Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Hollywood Studios.


    If you are flying and only have 3 days consider going to Disneyland. There are only two parks, going from one park to the other is very simple, all resort hotels are walking distance to both parks and Downtown Disney, far less walking at Disneyland.


    All parks have 'Rider Switch' you get them from the ride attendants, it allows one parent to stand in line at a height restriction rides and when that parent gets back the other parent can go pretty much to the front of the line. It is so both parents can ride without wasting a lot of time. The kids can go with both parents.


    Our favorites are Pirates of the Caribbean, Haunted Mansion, Space Mountain, Peter Pan.

    A lot of people will laugh at me, but at DisneyWorld I love Carousel of Progress and Transit Authority. I think those are my absolute favorites along with just walking down Main St and soaking everything in. Makes me tear up every time.



    Check out the 3D movies, take in one of the live shows, if your DD is into the Princesses consider taking her to the Bibbity, Bobbity, Boutique. You need reservations for that and you can make them 180 days out, you want an early morning reservation for that.

  3. I have found that sometimes I need to NOT ask my kids what they want to do and just sign them up for it. I let them stop going if they really don't like it after at least a month or two of attending. 

    I have struggled with finding good social outlets for my kids. DS is about to be 12 and is in Boy Scouts. He has a great time and loves the meetings and camp outings but he hasn't "clicked" with anyone that he wants to hang out with outside of scouts.

    DD is about to be 14 and she clicked with the girls in her troop. It does help that her troop is a homeschool only.


    The place where they made the best friends was at Tae Kwon Do. Martial Arts is not for everyone but both schools they have attended had a a very close community. The kids see each other 2-3 times a week and are in class with each other for years. Plus you get the benefits of physical fitness and self defense, lol. 



  4. Thank you all so much for your input. It really has helped us tremendously.

    The only thing we know about Atlanta is that we are moving there. I was drawn to the north because of Whole Foods and Trader Joes and it seems all the UU churches are in the north, but community and small town feel are more important.

    We are now looking exclusively at Peachtree City and hope to be there within the next few months.

    Groups and co-ops were mentioned above but I am not having much luck finding any information about them. Are there any websites, FB pages, yahoo groups that you could recommend?

    DD is about to turn 14, DS is about to turn 12 and they are understandably upset about leaving friends, it would help so much if I can get them involved with things as soon as we arrive. This will be the third time starting over in the last 6 years; it took us forever to find good community these last two times and that is really sticking out in their memories right now.

    Thankfully this will be the last move.

  5. I wouldn't tell them -- even if they ARE local. Let them figure it out. If they're going to respond so negatively, they don't deserve the information.

    I completely agree. Don't say a word.

    You don't owe an announcement to anyone, just let them figure it out on their own. When they do figure it out an start with their comments say something like "I am currently creating life and I would appreciate it if you would keep your unsolicited comments and negativity to yourself." Or "This is our family and our well thought out decision to bring another child into it does not concern or affect you in any way. Please take your comments somewhere else."



    Edited to add: Congratulations! I am so very happy for you.

  6. I took DD to BBB when she was 8 and she loved it.

    We went to the one at Downtown Disney because they had a reservation time before the park opened and we were there probably around 45min. We only did hair and make up and DD was treated like a princess by every character we visited that day.

    She is now 13 and is a little ticked off that the BBB said she was too old for another visit.

  7. DD's Girl Scout troop is presenting England for International Tea, they would like to do a short presentation of Shakespeare.

    Is there a particular passage of Shakespeare that stands out to you as being appropriate for Girl Scout event, around 1-2mins long, and a part for 5 girls?

  8. I have been a GS leader for 9 years and been in this situation. You did nothing wrong and please do not apologize to anyone for anything.

    If I had been the parent in this situation I would have been irritated with my child that her behavior led to the need of her being spoken to.


    I can see why the parent went the director. Whatever the policy is, human nature is human nature and the parent did not want confrontation. Especially when she knows her daughter was in the wrong.

    It is unreasonable to expect that you wouldn't contact the parent over this. When I had a problem parent who complained to council about me, you can be sure I contacted her.

  9. Every year our Girl Scout service unit puts on an 'International Tea' for Thinking Day. It is a time to learn about and celebrate different places and cultures.

    This year our troop decided on England. Dd wants to make authentic English crumpets and tea as our food to share. Problem is there are too many recipes out there, most from American websites. One site said only baking soda is used for crumpets but some recipes call for yeast.

    If you are from England and make crumpets, what recipe do you follow? And are you willing to share?

  10. My cousin was adopted. When we were growing up she talked about finding her birth parents and talked about how her birth parents wanted to keep her but they were too young and were forced to give her up.

    My cousin has never looked for her birth parents, she has no desire to know her birth parents and I am pretty sure it is because she fears what the actual reasons of her being placed for adoption were. My mother thinks it is because my cousin doesn't want her birth parents to know they gave her to a nut job of a mother.

    When we were in our twenties I really tried talking her into looking and I finally had to learn to leave it alone. It is me that has the curiousity, not anyone else. As much as I still wonder about her adoption (and would really love her to have another parent besides the crazies she has) it isn't any of my business.


    This isn't any of your business and really doesn't concern you. You do not risk being hurt by pursuing this.

    Your DH and his siblings know their loving and wonderful mother was hurt. To them she isn't a sibling, she is the result of their mother being assulted. This woman, whoever she is, lives in ignorance of her beginnings. Who are you to shatter that?

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