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Posts posted by kchara

  1. I'd let the little sister work there, if I were you. As an oldest, I had PLENTY of fights with my brother about "mine" and "his" (mostly about friends that turned into girlfriends...:glare: but that's another story). Anyway, I do see where your oldest is coming from, but at the same time, I don't think giving her exclusive rights to such a good job is fair to the younger, either.


    I started working on my 14th birthday, and I think it really contributed to my work ethic as I got older. Mine will all be entering the workforce in some way as soon as the law says they can get a work permit. My job wasn't NEARLY as cool as it sounds like that place is, though!!

  2. I suppose how I should explain more in detail why I don't like giving to the church.


    In the denomination I was raised in (no longer attend, but that's pretty recent), tithe didn't go to the local church. The church sent it up to the conference (usually a state level, sometime two states). Eventually, it went all the way up to the global level, and was redistributed from there. Pastors were not paid by the local church, they were paid by the denomination, and church budget (evangelism, heat, keeping the lights on...) came out of any loose offering in the plate, not tithe.


    It seemed like a fair system, but what ends up happening is that if a region doesn't have a lot of tithe to put into the pot, so to speak, they stop getting support from the Conference. When I lived in Wyoming, there were less people in the entire state than in the city I had just moved from. Our tithe count was low, because physically, the numbers simply weren't there. As a result, we lost our Camp Meeting, our pastor was in charge of 9 churches, because we couldn't get the conference to send us any more pastors, and we never saw him. Most of the time, he was out of the country, anyway. Our formal evangelism (revivals, things of that nature that take money) was nearly non-existent, because there simply wasn't money. OTOH, the areas that had a lot of people, therefore, a lot of tithe, got 4-6 pastors in many churches, and their evangelism was supported in ways we could only have dreamed about. Their camp meetings were extraordinary, and a real blessing.


    I guess I got tired of the political games being played with tithe. If I had a church where the tithe did go straight to the local church, I would probably pay tithe to my church. Tithe is to help support the church. BUT... I agree with the PP who said that the church is much more than the local body, so i don't feel bad about sending it to missions work.

  3. It sounds to me like your niece is being a Bridezilla. How over the top she's being would depend on your family dynamic, but asking (or assuming... sounds more like assuming...) that you pay for and create fruit boats while they all go have a manicure party what did me in. Plus, that the aunt and grandmother were traveling quite a distance to be there for her day, the whole thing is rude, mean, and cruel. Sounds like she needs a serious reality check.

  4. Girl, you have identical triplets *and* identical twins??? You go on with your bad self!!!


    I call my twins "the twins." I call my big two "the biggers," and my little 4 (twins included in there) "the littles." I guess it wouldn't occur to me to call them anything else. That's what they are.


    I did have to put a stop to certain people **ahem, DH, ahem** combining their names when he called them. They're identical, and he would go through both of their names as they ran away in that great way that toddlers do. Eventually, he just shortened it to a nickname that incorporated both of their names. Irritating, I asked him to stop it, but I had to put my foot down when the big kids picked it up. :glare: Then we all had a very long talk (read: Mom lectured for an hour to make sure they ALL got the point) about the twins being two individuals...


    I don't usually dress them the same, but I do put them in similar outfits, but with a different fabric or color or something. Mostly because that's what people buy them, so that's what I have. They're two, though, they can suck it up for now.

  5. I just put that out there, as to why some people choose other organizations over GS. That's why. I would not want any of the money or time I put into whatever scouting group to go to an organization like PP, which I find to be detrimental to girls and women, and many local councils do partner with them. That's my personal value system. I find that to be political, and shouldn't be involved in a child's scout group. The question was asked what political reasons people had for not putting their children in GS, so I gave some references. Not trying to start a fight, honestly.

  6. I've heard people say this here before but I don't know that anyone has actually said what their objections are. I do know at the local level there are good troops and bad troops and it just depends on your leader. As a GS leader, our troop has gone camping ( a lot, and moms have always been welcome), worked on outdoor cooking, done service projects, did crafts, and have gone on field trips. Another local troop got together and watched High School Musical:confused: so it really does depend on the leaders.


    Usually, when people talk about the political aspect, it's in regards to the GS being in partnership with Planned Parenthood and the likes. I know that's a huge reason why we decided not to go with GS. They're usually talking about the national and worldwide leadership decisions of GS/GG, rather than the local troops.

  7. Well, we're "officially" going to be schooling our PreK starting July 1, which means that I really need to sit down and work on goals and a new schedule for him. We're hoping to start Tot school with the girls, but I need to figure out how to get everything organized and away from them, first.


    This year, we're going to be splitting up my olders, and focusing more on teaching to their strengths, and working on their weaknesses, rather than just trying to keep everything together. Also, we're going to be adding a subject to study missions and such, and working our geography into that.

  8. In some places, homeschools are considered a non-accredited private school. The state basically stays out of your business... BUT, if you start charging tuition, the state starts paying attention. I know this happened in Wyoming to a school we knew. We as homeschoolers were considered on the same "tier" as a private school, so in theory, we should be under the same amount of scrutiny (which was basically none), but, because this particular school was charging tuition, and doing a VERY poor job at educating their students, the state investigated. (We left before we found out the results of the investigation, but we did learn the state could come in and shut them down.) I would *really* investigate the tuition aspect of it, it might take you to a whole new place with the state you don't want to go.

  9. I don't allow my kids to substitute words like that. Well, they do say "shoot" and "dang it," but I don't think they know what they're substituting, so that's not a deal to me. If I think they're intentionally substituting a word, we have a talk. If the talk doesn't work, they are subjected to one of Daddy's drawn out, boring, and impossibly long lectures. Usually cures it.

  10. My parents wouldn't have picked Wolf. My mother preferred me to marry a guy *she* could boss around, and Wolf's far too stubborn.


    Yep, this is my mom, too.


    His family wouldn't have picked me, either. They were actually shocked (I mean, totally floored) that we stayed together. Luckily, his mom likes to pretend we don't exist, anyway, so we don't have to deal much. ;-)

  11. AWESOME museum! I grew up in Indy, and we went all the time as a kid. When I lived there with mine, we would get memberships to the Museum and the Zoo as Christmas gifts, and we went one year to the museum at least once a week. It was SO much fun! I don't know about getting tickets for a discount (you might check some of the local hotel packages), but whatever you pay, it's WELL worth the cost. Other cities from around the world send representatives to Indy to study the Children's Museum when they're designing they're own... it's that good! :)


    ETA: I think the free days are the second Tuesday of every month, from like 4-8 pm or something like that. Definitely check them out, but know they're wicked crowded during those times.

  12. I would take the money and security... BUT BUT BUT... it's been a very hard year or two (or three...) here, financially and emotionally, and I'm jaded. We did the lifestyle change, and it didn't work out. Not that we wish we hadn't done it, we know God has taught us a lot through this, it's just not everything we had hoped it would be. Now, we're using what we've learned, saving, and hoping to move somewhere similar to our old lifestyle. (We lived in a city, and moved to very rural areas. Now, we're looking to move back to the city. Soon.)

  13. We have a 2001 Town and Country. We put a booster seat in the back, a forward facing car seat, and a child with no car seat. It's a squeeze, though. I wouldn't recommended it if you didn't have to. Then, we found a bench seat and took out our captain's chairs in the row behind the drivers, and we have a forward facing, a rear facing, and another kid with no seat. That's a little better, b/c the kid with no seat is on the edge.


    We're saving up and looking hard for a 12 or 15 passenger.

  14. I had a similar labor, and started pit. **IF** it ever became necessary (and I do mean life or death) for me to go that route again, I would get the epi immediately. My labor got so bad that I literally couldn't breathe. How can you relax if you can't breathe??


    I've heard of people going completely med-free with pit. It's not a race I want to run. I have had natural births, and I'm expecting any other births I have to be med-free, but if it comes down to pit, I won't even try.

  15. With all the MIL and Mother stories I see here on the board, we really should take advantage of the extensive experience and wisdom that is shared here and compile a "Guide to Being a Great MIL". It would be a best seller. I can see that expectant parents could give it as a gift to the new grandparents!:glare:


    I'm tellin' ya, I'm taking notes! I think I might get a pretty journal to write down all of my reminders in for when my kids marry!

  16. Tie them up tight in a black trash bag and put it away for a while. I used to do this when a child in my classroom had lice -- never had an issue.


    :iagree: If you can stick it out in the hot sun, even better. That's what I did with ours when we caught lice. Works for stuffed animals and toys that can't be washed, but probably need to be, too.


    ETA: You might want to make sure you LABEL the bags, though. When we had lice, DH thought the bag with all of my kids' toys from their baby days and such was trash, and threw it out. :P

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