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Posts posted by kchara

  1. Do you mean to say you believe she is paid by ACOG? (Sincere question.)


    I don't think Dr. Amy is paid by the ACOG, but she is quite possibly one of the most educated idiots you'll come across while researching obstetrics, midwifery, or homebirth. She has quite a reputation, and I don't know anyone on either side of the issue who considers it a good one. I've read recently she doesn't even promote ACOG guidelines, because they're, frankly, not invasive enough for her.

  2. I haven't read the whole thread, b/c I'm on my first cup of coffee, but here's the main reason we don't buy Disney. Last year, Demi Lovato had a break down on tour with the Jonas Brothers. We went and looked at a lot of the stars from Disney, and the vast, vast majority of them have serious emotional and/or addiction problems. We feel this probably stems from entirely too much pressure too early on. Those kids usually have their shows, plus advertising and modeling, Disney TV and other appearances, many (most?) of them have music careers, and there have been a lot of them now with clothing lines. It's just too much for children, so we choose not to add to what we feel is exploitation by buying their products.

  3. My kids have nursed their baby dolls... which is slightly odd, since I primarily bottle feed. ;) But, I encourage them. I'd buy the doll, if it weren't way overpriced, IMO. (I read last night it was going to be going for about $90... way too much for a doll like that for us.)


    I could live without the flower tipped halter top, though. Still, not that big of a deal to me, considering some of the clothes I've seen for little girls at WalMart recently.

  4. I agree with the PPs who said let him decide. I am left-handed for writing, but I notice that I do a lot with my right hand, too. (For example, I can't cut food with my left hand. For some reason, it just doesn't work. And I can't operate a computer mouse with my left hand, even one of the touch pads like my laptop has.) It might be that he might be more dominant with writing, but use his other hand for other activities.

  5. I had planned on my youngest being a water birth, but it didn't work out. (We ended up transferring.) I would've bought a birthing pool, though, because I'm tall. I have a hard time submerging in a bathtub, so me submerging in the fishy pool just wasn't going to happen. If you're petite to average height, though, I've heard the fishy pools work just as well. :)

  6. Yes, I think the name Auschwitz should be common knowledge. I don't know the names of the major camps, but I do know that one.


    OP, if you're going to get into a study of the holocaust and the camps, you might consider going slow. There's a lot there, and a lot to take in. More than I ever realized. I went to pretty decent schools, and they really did their best to make it "real," and touch us with the truth of what happened, but there's so much more there now, that I'm still learning.


    DH is a WWII buff, and I've already told him he'll have to teach the kids about the holocaust. They absolutely, 110% need to know, but, emotionally, I can't do it, and I know that, so he'll be doing all of the history when we come to that. I can't even finish Anne Frank's diary.

  7. I think there is a difference between immodest dressing for the simple purpose of drawing attention to yourself, and the costumes worn in different dance disciplines. I love ballet, and I love Irish dance. I probably wouldn't consider either of those particular costumes "modest" when worn outside of the context of the dance, but in context, without them, it does take away from the dance, and I don't consider the outfits immodest.

  8. I voted maybe, because it depends on the level of obnoxiousness. My SIL tends to post nothing but rude responses to me, but she does it so infrequently, I don't bother to unfriend her. My brother, though, pulled what it seems like your BIL is doing. He crossed the line, at one point, about a year ago, and I unfriended and blocked him. I still have his wife on my friends list (different SIL), though, so I can see what's going on with my nieces.


    So, I guess it would depend for me on how personal and how obnoxious they really get.

  9. I use it, more or less. We have tweaked it to fit our family a bit. I don't do 1/2 hour blocks for most things, for example, and I don't use the chart they have. The little sticky things were just too much, and they kept falling apart, so I make a color coded chart on Excel and use that.


    Managers of their Chores was another great resource, but, again, I had to tweak it some. ;-) Most people I know who use Titus2 stuff end up readjusting it to their families, they're not super strict about it.

  10. I would never, ever, EVER!! But... I'm in the throes of an infestation of our house, b/c of staying in a hotel that had the little suckers. There are steps you can take, to prevent bringing them home, if you do happen to pick them up. I know there are sprays you can get, but I honestly doubt they do much good. The best idea is to not ever put your luggage and clothes on the bed, and then keep it all outside for a day or two after you get home. Someplace hot.

  11. Don't trust one simple thyroid result. It sounds like you really need a series. When my thyroid issues were diagnosed, I had a really low result the first time, and then an amazingly high result the second time. The ended up diagnosing me with Grave's, but I think that was wrong, and it's more like Hashimoto's. Anyway, the point is, the thyroid is a REALLY funny thing, and I agree with finding a really good endo. :grouphug:

  12. There is no excuse for what that father did. He essentially chose his girlfriend (and later wife) over his daughter. Inexcusable, IMO. I've had that done to me... twice. It's not a matter of a teenager not having too much power. It's more of a father assuring his daughter in the midst of a life changing event that she is still his daughter, no matter what, and he still loves her.

  13. Okay, how much do the episodes cost on Amazon? Do you have to pay some join-up fee, or can you just buy them one-off?


    We've watched through season 5 on Netflix instant watch, but we've been limping along begging friends with cable to record the current season - we've watched the first four or so, but are way behind - waah!


    We've got Roku, so depending on how the Amazon thing works, I may just buckle and pay the $$...



    I think if you pay for Amazon Prime, they're free.

  14. I haven't read all of the responses, but here's my two cents:


    In our family's case, it wasn't the actual separation that was devastating. That was necessary, absolutely. The situation was beyond unhealthy, it was complete madness. It was the childishness of both parents during the divorce and after (and it still continues... 20 years later), and it was that both parents basically went their own ways, leaving us in some sort of limbo. Both went and started over with new lives, and we didn't really fit in anywhere. It was sad all of the way around. I'm not saying that happens to everyone, but it did happen to us. When you have children, your ex will *always* be a part of your life, in some form or other. Even if they're not around, their "ghost," so to speak, will be there. I think people with kids sometimes divorce so that they won't have to deal with the other person anymore. When you have kids, that just doesn't happen, even after adulthood. I think to assume it will can be incredibly damaging to the child.

  15. I would love it, BUT our entire family would have to redo how we run things. DH would have to get used to us, and we'd have to get used to him being around all of the time. We'd redo our schedules and probably our meal routine (having our big main meal as lunch instead of supper), but, I think the benefits would so very much outweigh the extra initial work.

  16. My DH has no problem sharing a bed, he says that when he does, they just sleep all the way on opposite sides of the bed. I, personally, HATE sharing beds, or rooms even. If I am in a position where the room is supposed to be split 4 ways, like at a retreat, I'll pay for the whole room myself if I can, or at least pay for half of the room, so I don't have to share a bed, like Denise does. It gives me the creeps.

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