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Posts posted by LeslieAnneLevine

  1. Get a money order in Euros. Don't do a money transfer (aka a wire). It's too complicated, Europe has a different system, and North American bank tellers don't know what to do (unless you get someone who's done it before)



    Good advice, I recently lost $50 that way. $30 fee for the transfer, then when they couldn't get it to go through, it was deposited back into my account minus $20.

  2. I am really particular about answering the door and the phone. I don't want to talk to anyone who wants to peddle anything, be it magazine subscriptions or their religion.


    I realize that they feel an obligation to do their field work but I want no part of it. However, there have been a couple of times I was in my yard and had to talk to someone (JW both times I believe) I was not rude in the least, unless someone would think it's rude to decline their printed materials. What's the point of taking them only to throw them away. I think the "you're nicer than me" comments referred to the OP feeling guilty that she didn't offer them something to eat, not that she didn't slam the door in their face.


    Re: Mormons in France, I remember seeing them occasionally when I lived there. I've always wondered what their success rate was in France vs. in the U.S.

  3. Also I wanted to be clear that I wasn't saying you should fish it out of the garbage (though I'm guessing it's in some kind of plastic bag) just that maybe it could be an option if she wanted to bury it. I definitely think she should have some part in doing whatever it is she preferred you do. I mean you already had to get it out of the filter! I would not want that job.

  4. No that wouldn't bother me unless I thought it was going to bother my child.


    If your 4 year-old was fine with being dropped off at the party I don't see what is wrong with leaving her there. It sounds like a safe and fun environment.


    I'm not sure if PPs are saying dropping a 4 year-old off at a party is a problem or if they just mean they wouldn't face this situation in your OP because they'd stay at the party or else not attend.


    Oh, and I agree with all the people who said they think the slogan is "Nobody does it like Sara Lee."


    I thought it was too, and probably would have bet money on it, until I found out it wasn't a couple of years ago. I think they should change it to that.

  6. Oh, one more!

    When people think they are justified in correcting another poster's grammar because it's a "pet peeve" of theirs. I like pet peeve threads, but doing it on an individual basis is obnoxious.


    ETA: I don't have anyone in particular in mind, it's just something I've seen from time to time, but have no idea who it was and even if I did I wouldn't hold it against them.

  7. I have a lot of pet peeves, and am trying to work on not getting so bothered by them. Lately, I've been the most annoyed by folks misspelling "definitely."


    That has always been a frequently misspelled word (I remember accusing a former boyfriend of egomania by always spelling it definately--his name was Nate), but with auto-correct I am now noticing a whole lot of people defiantly doing the most innocuous things!


    I don't really get too peeved by things unless they are mistakes made in places where grammatical mistakes shouldn't be (newspaper articles, for example). Grammatical mistakes are a part of life for us laymen, but printed materials and teleprompters should be held to a higher standard.


    That said, it does bother me somewhat when people (especially family members who should know better) say "Her and ______ or Him and ______". If that other person wasn't with them would you say "Her went to the store" or "Him is having a party"? This one just seems so obvious so I think that's why I find it a little irritating.

    (I know some people here would be irritated by my use of "them" instead of "him or her", but I'm more comfortable using "them" and feel it's a matter of preference.)


    I do find humor in mistakes sometimes. The first time I read "I need to nip it in butt", I laughed and laughed. I still smirk if I come across it (I have not seen it here at WTM).

  8. I picked the first 5 and then "other". I didn't vote for part-time classes or tutors because that's not what I would, at least as a first reaction, think of as homeschooling.


    I would consider part-time classes at an institution to be part-time homeschooling (by "part-time classes at an institution" I am thinking half-day school, everyday, not just going for, say, art & music or a child taking a community college class or two) and a full-time tutor to be schooling with a tutor, the way many child actors do. Of course there are many variations and some would seem more like homeschooling to me than others.


    However, people can think of themselves however they want. I wouldn't argue (or even think it to myself) that they weren't homeschoolers if they felt they were. My mind isn't closed on this at all, I was just going by what comes to mind when I think of homeschooling.


    The privately-funded or publicly-funded aspect doesn't make any difference to me at all.

  9. This is very useful information. I'm happy to know that there are organizations giving consideration to whether this is a violation of a Constitutional right. I'm happy to know not everybody is having a martini, glad that another bad guy is dead, procedures be dam*ed.


    I agree with questioning and examining these things, but they need to remain in context. This was a terrorist leader in Yemen, not a tea-party member or Wall Street protester, etc. To make that leap is nonsensical.


    What I don't like is people of influence trying to whip others into a frenzy for their own gain. I have a hard time buying that those on the radio/tv who are loudly declaring that this killing represents a threat to Americans' liberty really, truly believe that.

  10. No, I don't think it sets any kind of dangerous precedent.


    The precedent worry sounds like hysteria. FTR, I am against the death penalty, but this is not the same thing. It's not even a matter of killing anyone who plots against the U.S. The underwear bomber isn't dead and he isn't even a U.S. citizen. Under different circumstances this Awlaki might have been apprehended rather than killed.


    I don't celebrate his, or any, death, however.

  11. I make my own, mostly because they are the only tortillas my son likes.


    The recipe I have calls for 3 cups of flour and I make two of those cups whole wheat flour. I don't have a tortilla press, I just roll them out with a small rolling pin. They are not always perfectly round but close enough. Since my son likes them fresh and warm out of the pan, I usually just make half a recipe and keep it in the fridge for a couple of days to be made into tortillas as needed.


    Here's the recipe I use:


    3 c flour

    1/3 c veg oil

    Mix these together (I do this in the kitchen aid with the beater)


    around 3/4 c. salted water, put in a half cup and then just add as necessary so the dough stays together but is not too sticky (I do this in the KA with the dough hook)


    Then you roll a bit of dough into a ball and roll it out on a floured surface with a rolling pin (I prefer smaller sized rolling pins).


    This should make around 14 or so regular-sized tortillas I think.

  12. Does doing it this way mean that you only give gifts to the kids and not the parents? If so, that sounds a lot easier and more fun to me. I'd try it this year and see how it goes. At least if you really hate it and want to change it back next year, no one can say that you didn't even try it.


    As far as the numbers go, I agree with the PPs that it's fair, but so is your idea about exchanging gifts as a family to each family. I won't say you're being petty because I know how this holiday stuff goes sometimes--it can mess with your emotions!

  13. I voted "entitled", but I am only thinking of my son and our circumstances. (ETA: and I can't guarantee he won't have to pay for anything or won't be limited in choice of college if he doesn't receive any scholarships or aid).


    Children are only entitled to what their parents can easily afford and what they are going to use wisely (or at least relatively wisely). I think parents do have a responsibility to help their children become independent, but that can take many different forms.


    Parents also have a responsibility to make sure they are taken care of (as in retirement savings) and that should come before college expenses.

  14. I hear people say "Oh the Humanity" in a mildly sarcastic, tongue in cheek way (ala Seinfeld) as being roughly synonymous with "Oh, the horror!" I read "Oh the kittianity" the same way. I had forgotten the original reference beyond Seinfeld.

    :lol: I immediately thought of Neuman saying it too, though I did vote yes on the poll because I knew the origin. That event is one my son has found very interesting. We watched a Mythbusters episode about it and read a book (from the You Wouldn't Want to Be... series) in which he was surprised to see the markings on the dirigible (I had written the "thing" but now I see the cat's out of the bag on this thread). He had thought it was American.


    I feel it's fine to use it in a humorous way. It doesn't seem to be in poor taste because it's not poking fun at the tragedy in any way.

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