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Posts posted by LeslieAnneLevine

  1. I'd keep it, but not as a lesson to her. Instead, I'd keep it because that's the year she was excited and twirling and the wing broke--it's a cute memory. I really don't think this is going to anger you in years to come. It seems that you are already feeling a lot calmer about it.


    I hope your DD feels OK about it too (not sure if she's the kind of kid who will feel terrible about it or will shrug and move on).

  2. The comparisons to physical and emotional abuse and neglect are not appropriate. A child, and especially a teenager, can learn many things on his/her own, but cannot choose to not be abused or neglected.

    I think of my mother's childhood: verbal abuse, neglect, alcoholism, poor PS education... A happy child in a loving family who is not expressly taught certain subjects makes for a very different situation. I'm not saying it's ideal, but some posts on this thread have been over-the-top, as if the children are in great peril if the OP doesn't do something fast.

  3. The 10 yo--this is truly sad. I'm having trouble invisioning this family's daily life and interactions. I wouldn't worry at all if a mathy 10 yo didn't read, but I would worry that no one is helping her to read instructions.


    Yes, this exactly. I don't have a problem with the concept of a child learning to read at age 12, there are other ways of learning lots of things, but that involves some help and guidance being given to the child.


    I don't understand the concept of not having books in the house--do they not check books out from the library? Are the younger children allowed to listen to audiobooks? I disagree with reading nothing but the Bible to children who are not yet reading, but the kids do eventually learn to read and they are out in the world and around other people. The fact that the children are happy would be a huge factor for me. You can catch up on math and history, you can't catch up on having a happy childhood (not to mention the psychological damage an unhappy childhood, say one spent partially in foster care, does to people).


    The biggest problem I have with the family is the religious set-up, with the mom being submissive and the dad authoritarian. However, as far as I know, that's not illegal. I wouldn't be calling any authorities.


    I also heartily agree with Mrs. Mungo about not being able to rely on the system to solve the problem. If there were some easy solution to this that would come about by reporting them, then maybe that could be considered, but I don't think that's very realistic.

  4. I think it's fine if people want to make gifts, but should not be imposing that on others. I have no interest in making anyone gifts, but would happily accept any gifts people want to make for me.


    I'd also rather get gift ideas for people than try to think up the perfect gift to buy (though it is fun when it occasionally happens). I invest time and effort into the relationships in other ways. For me, family is what it's all about, so I don't see how homemade gifts could make that any more real for me.

  5. I know what you mean, OP, but I love them and so does my son. We went to see "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" at the theater (Northwestern Univ.).


    Am I the only one who thinks there is great value in the kids seeing the various "bad" characters? I thought the whole point was to watch, realize how awful it is to be bossy like Marcie, and vow not to be like her. That is how i interpret the whole thing.


    I agree with this except that I've never seen Marcie be bossy.

    I love that the characters are imperfect and I really don't think any of it is lost on the kids. I don't know any kid who thinks of Lucy as a role model!

  6. We did a mic check (and got cheers and fist pumps) then began singing Jingle Bells. When we stopped, the whole food court -- like 500 bumping, shoving, strangers hauling giant bags -- sang another round by themselves. Then we did some politicized Christmas songs, used the people's mic to remind everyone that this is not what goodwill towards men and peace on Earth looks like


    That's awesome! :D


    Just after midnight I ordered a pair of snow pants for my son since Lands End had a nice deal (30% off, free shipping no minimum).


    This afternoon I went to the library, which was not crowded in the least.

  7. I don't understand why no one knows if there will be a rehearsal dinner (unless I missed an update--I did read the whole thread but I may have been slightly distracted while doing so). That seems like something one should know.


    If there isn't a dinner, I don't see why a little birthday party would be so horribly inconvenient. If there is a rehearsal dinner, I see the problem. That's trying to fit in too much.


    If it were my son, I'd do something fun with him, maybe arrange for cousins to hang out after school and give him some gifts. We could do a family gathering a couple of days after, no problem. I wouldn't let him think for a second that his birthday wasn't important to the others, just that a gathering would be so much easier for everyone a day or two after the wedding.

  8. I think that if you see that some caffeine helps your son, then that's your call as a parent. It's certainly not poisoning to give your child a little caffeine to help ease ADHD symptoms. I'd just be careful to also give him a bit of caffeine everyday to avoid headaches.


    I'm not familiar with what's in Red Bull besides caffeine, so I can't really comment on it, but I like the PPs suggestion of looking into a natural caffeine source to see if that would work for you.

  9. My mom worked at a big retail chain during the holiday season a few years ago and it was very obvious when someone made a point to say "Merry Christmas" in response to her "Happy Holidays" because it was said in such a way that took all the Christmas spirit out of it. It ended up just sounding a bit snotty.


    Christmas and New Year's are holidays, so if someone wishes you happy ones you say "Thanks, you too."

  10. apparently, sil is so "shocked" that her dd can't invite her girlfriends (who've already been invited), DESPITE being told on *three seperate years* to not invite guests to my home when she and/or her children have done so (or just shown up with them), she's threatening to have her own dinner.


    She really thinks that is going to get you to change your mind? :lol:

    People really are very funny sometimes. I agree with those who say it's incredibly rude to invite others to someone else's gathering. Even if it's a someone with a desperate/sad situation, they need to call you up and ask you if it's OK. I'm sure in special circumstances you would say yes if at all possible and it seems you do invite significant others as well, so I really see no problem with you drawing the line.

  11. I kinda doubt the bolded part. :D


    What can I say but...

    Different strokes, for different folks

    and so on and so on

    and scooby dooby dooby


    ETA: The Joan Jett version of course :)


    ETA 2: I really could see the OP thinking that people would like knowing there was a celebrity reading here, even if they didn't know who. I think she underestimated most people's curiosity.

  12. No.


    But someone told me in a thread that she was considering blocking me...and that I was the first person she'd EVER considered blocking.


    How childish. I can't stand when people pull stuff like that.


    Yes, several people on this site. None on the other sites I use.


    My answer's the opposite, no one on this site. On another site I tried to block someone due to her strong views on something that she had no experience with, but was very real in my life (and like a raw wound). However, half the time I wasn't signed in, so it wasn't worth it.

  13. I don't accept that it's not zero. If you do this in order, as it's written, it's zero. If you do this on a calculator, it's zero.


    ETA: It would seem to me that if you want it to be anything other than zero you'd have to write it as:


    (I know I didn't put enough ones to match the problem on the poll, just pretend I did!)

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