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Posts posted by solascriptura

  1. I've noticed that pediatricians, in two different offices, tell our children to never allow someone to touch them in an area they don't want to be touched and to tell a parent if they don't feel comfortable, even if it's a doctor. I appreciate these doctors reinforcing what I say to my kids.


    All the doctors have said something along the lines of "I'm only touching you here because I need to check to make sure everything is okay and your mother is right here. Let me know if you want me to stop. Never be afraid to tell your parent if someone touches you in a way you don't like."


    It didn't stop Nasser from preying on girls as it seems he abused some in the presence of their parents, but I think such conversations can help. Kyle Stephens' testimony about her father truly broke my heart.

    Her story is truly heartbreaking.

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  2. DH’s grandma is 100. She’s still sharp and reads a lot every day, but the rest of her body has broken down and she is just done with it all. She apparently even asked her eldest daughter to smother her once and was completely serious. :(

    What?? Wow. Very sad.

  3. I'm getting to old to feel guilty about everything.  For me, guilt shows up depending on the favor.  If it involves helping sick kids, the elderly, or single moms I will most definitely feel guilty about not being able to help.  I will almost always do the favor asked.  If it's just a task to make some other able bodied person's life easier, I wouldn't feel guilty at all.  

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  4. I haven't been to any celebrations of life, but morbidly, I've thought of mine.  Some ideas: singing of favorite songs (I'm a Christian so worship songs and hymns are important to me), potluck of my favorite foods, a ton of pictures of my family and friends all around the room, Reading of favorite Scripture passages or poems.  

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  5. I was tired at the gym on Tuesday, but I wonder if that's because I ran 19.25 km on Saturday? I don't know if it's possible for it to take that long to recover... I felt great during the run - much better than two weeks before when we ran 18. 


    Had a tempo run last night which was good. I was supposed to do an easy 5km today, but it was rainy, cold, and windy out and I didn't feel like going to the track. 


    The really fun part about this week is that I tried on my goal skirt yesterday. It's a 26" waist and I was only able to wear it a few times last year between when I bought it and when I lost my mind and had a few months of carbapalooza (I was hit with really bad seasonal depression and gained 25 lbs). Anyway - not only could I put the skirt on, but it actually fit comfortably. I wore it all day. 


    What's weird to me is that I'm still 15 lbs above what I got down to last year. And yet, all of my clothes from my smallest weight are fitting beautifully. I know, logically, that it's muscle gain. I've been lifting heavy for months and I definitely know that I've built muscle, but there is some sort of brain disconnect that tells me I can't possibly fit into my skinny clothes when the scale still says I'm not at my "goal" weight. I think it's time to revise the goal weight ;) I do still have some inches I can pinch, but as soon as those are gone I'm done. I really feel happy when I can walk into my closet and wear anything I want.


    Congratulations!  It is hard to let go of that mythical number on a scale, isn't it?  I always tell myself that it doesn't matter and to go by measurements, but the allure (or hate) of the scale always calls.  

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  6. The whole situation just makes me sick.  How many millions if not billions of people have watched these girls in the Olympics marveling at their talent, dedication and accomplishments?  To think that they accomplished all of that while suffering through such emotional and physical distress.  It just makes me entirely sick.   While I still have some control over their lives, I will never let my kids live under another person's supervision like that.  

    • Like 9
  7. I love dogs, but I don’t think emotional support chihuahuas should be allowed in grocery stores. I’ve seen owners petting their dogs like a toddler holds a lovey while looking over the hot and cold bar at Wegmans. Gross.

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  8. I have watched my bf care for her ailing parents from teen years to this day. We are now in our mid 40s. I ache for her. It has been so difficult and has drained away all of her should have been carefree youth. I am constantly amazed at how long people can live a sick and unhappy life.

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  9. That’s a pretty hard one. Every church varies so much it’s impossible to say if a certain church or denomination is will living and gentle. The best I can say is for him to find one that is Biblically sound and seeks to live out the gospel. However, no church is perfect and flaws will be found in all.

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  10. I'm on the smaller side, but I still have jiggly bits after 4 kids.  I've tried shapewear before and I just couldn't go there.  As I've gotten older, I just cannot stand being squished, confined, twisted, contorted, whatever you want to call it.  I now just try to find flattering clothing that smooth over the muffin top and love handles.  It took a while, but I did find some.  On top of that once the weather heats up, I feel like I'm cooking in the Spanx.  More than feeling squished, I can't stand feeling squished and sweaty.  

  11. So glad I have beach body on demand. The weather has been well, very wintery but i have not missed a workout and really enjoy trying different workouts. Can't wait to get outside and continue my half marathon training.

    I think it may have been you that pushed me to check out the Beachbody on Deman and buy it! Thank you!


    What are your favorite workouts?

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  12. I grew up solidly middle class, but I saw how incredibly hard my parent's worked to provide the necessities of life.  They easily worked 10-14 (or more) hour days 6 days a week with a vacation only about every 10 years.  Much of my reflection only occurred when I had kids and thought back to my own childhood.  


    The thread on growing up poor has some fascinating comments, but this is something that I've wondered for some time.  


    If you grew up poor with parents that struggled to provide, are you are will you encourage your children into more secure futures?  What loving parent wouldn't want their kids to "follow their dreams" or pursue a future that will make them happy?  As many of us know, this doesn't always provide for security.  Will you insist that your children finish degrees that will help them secure decent paying jobs?  I'm just curious what others think.  



  13. Something similar happened to me when I had been painting my laundry room. It’s odd to ask, but is this the case for you? My clothes came out of the dryer smelling like I had washed them in gasoline.

  14. Because God directly affirms the need and blessing of communal worship and the necessity of regular communion together with believers. An impulse contrary to that, which separates the believer from the flock, wouldn’t line up with what God has already disclosed about himself and his church and worship in biblical revelation. It would be one thing if it was an extra opportunity, like a bible study or class, but the main weekly meeting? That wouldn’t pass my sniff test either, though it would certainly appeal to my flesh.


    Taking a break because someone is sick or circumstances don’t allow it is being providentially hindered and very different than opting out of meeting because it’s more relaxing, fun, or convenient to hang around in PJs with family.


    That might not be the case for every believer, but I’m right there with her on this one. God doesn’t separate me from his people, he urges me toward them for love and the best refreshment of my soul. My family is not better served sticking together alone instead of with other believers, unless we are in the midst of a circumstance or crisis where we physically cannot join.

    Yeah. I agree with this. Above what we feel or think, Scripture is the one to guide believers.

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