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Posts posted by MelAR05

  1. I have been out of town for a wedding and did not get any reading done. Not even on the long drive. :( Visiting family and being a part of a wonderful wedding made the sacrifice worth it though. I did finish (28) Unbroken 2 weeks ago and thought it really was an amazing story. I have a much greater appreciation for what soldiers and POWs went through during WWII. I am now reading The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and it's a delightful and fun read. The extra bonus is having Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law in my imagination as I read. :D

  2. #32 The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie (audiobook) - She had me guessing right up to the end with this one - quite a shocking twist!


    Loved this book!! This has been a VERY busy summer so I am not able to get on the computer much. Thankfully, I am still getting to read and on pace to reach my goal. :D I've read (26) And Then There Were None and (27) Death on the Nile, both Agatha Christie. Really enjoyed both! Taking a break from her for a while and am currently reading Unbroken. I have put off reading this book since it came out. After thinking Seabiscuit was such an incredible book, I did not want to be disappointed. I will let you know what I think. So far it is a hard read. It is difficult for me to read about someone else's suffering. :tongue_smilie:
  3. Between vacation and adjusting to being back from vacation, I have not been able to post. Plus, my children are always on the one computer. But I have been able to keep up with my reading. I finished (22) Murder on the Orient Express, (23) The House at Riverton and (24) 4:50 to Paddington. I attempted the Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover Challenge and it was a fail. I could not finish the book. I tried Fly Away by Kristin Hannah. Beautiful cover but it was just too depressing for me. Currently, I am on an Agatha Christie kick. So this week I am reading The Tuesday Club Murders and The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. Thanks to the recommendations here I will be reading more of Kate Morton as well.

  4. If so, The Iron Will of Shoeshine Cats by Hesh Kestin serves up 2 parts mob story, 1 part noir to make a gripping, ripping fun yarn about the Jewish mob in 1960s NYC. Definitely recommended.




    Here's what Stephen King had to say about the book:



    (I know someone on this thread posted about World Book Night -- where book lovers get multiple copies of one particular book & then distribute them in areas where there may not be many readers with the hopes of sparking a love of books & reading. Apparently, Stephen King chose The Iron Will of Shoeshine Cats to be the book that has a couple of 'preview' chapters included with his book that was being distributed in the giveaway....)


    I am adding this one to my list. :thumbup1:
  5. I was too busy to post anything last week but finished (19) A Love That Multiplies by Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, (20) Fahrenheit 451 and (21) All Quiet on the Western Front. I am glad to have read all three but for obviously different reasons. Vacation begins on Friday so this is a busy week trying to get everything in order but I hope to read a lot on vacation. For this week, I plan to read either Murder on the Orient Express or The House at Riverton. This will be my first Kate Morton book and first Agatha Christie for that matter. For beach side reading :coolgleamA: I plan to take along Unbroken, Ford County Stories by John Grisham, and Strong-Willed Child or Dreamer.

  6. We will be attending my brother-in-law's Coast Guard retirement ceremony in a couple of weeks and are wondering what would be a good gift for the occasion. It can be a large gift ($200+ range) as there will be 4 families contributing.


    Thanks ladies!

  7. For those reading 1Q84 -


    I just took the dog out and noticed a big, bright, almost full moon. It looks like someone hung it there. My mind went right to the book. Fortunately I only saw one moon. :)


    I've been looking at the moon too. I keep hoping there will be more than one. ;)

  8. Last week I finished 1Q84 and read Homeschooling Our Children Unschooling Ourselves. I look forward to discussing 1Q84. This week I finished 1984 and will start Strong-Willed Child or Dreamer.


    I thought 1984 was pretty amazing, in a scary way. What was strange was I started reading it on April 4th, the same day (April 4, 1984) Winston writes in his diary . :scared:


    I just noticed the books I read in the same week looks pretty odd. My poor children.


    In Process:

    The Pilgrim’s Progress



    18.) 1984

    17.) Homeschooling Our Chidren Unschooling Ourselves

    16.) 1Q84

    15.) The Handmaid’s Tale

    14.) How to Eat a Cupcake

    13.) Rome Sweet Rome

    12.) Don Quixote

    11.) Simplicity Parenting

    10.) The Well-Educated Mind

    9.) Gone Girl

    8.) Last Child in the Woods

    7.) East of Eden

    6.) The $100 Start Up

    5.) A Christmas Carol

    4.) Dracula

    3.) The Night Circus

    2.) Switch

    1.) Getting Things Done

  9. Still plugging away at 1Q84 and will likely finish this week. Not sure what I think yet. With only 200 pgs to go it has really slowed down and doesn't seem to be going anywhere. I am also reading Homeschooling Our Children Unschooling Ourselves.


    In Process:


    The Pilgrim’s Progress






    15.) The Handmaid’s Tale

    14.) How to Eat a Cupcake

    13.) Rome Sweet Rome

    12.) Don Quixote

    11.) Simplicity Parenting

    10.) The Well-Educated Mind

    9.) Gone Girl

    8.) Last Child in the Woods

    7.) East of Eden

    6.) The $100 Start Up

    5.) A Christmas Carol

    4.) Dracula

    3.) The Night Circus

    2.) Switch

    1.) Getting Things Done

  10. Last week I read The Handmaid's Tale and up to Part II of 1984. Not sure it was the best to read both of those in the same week. Everything is beginning to look like a conspiracy! :) This week I am reading 1Q84.


    In Process:


    The Pilgrim’s Progress






    15.) The Handmaid’s Tale

    14.) How to Eat a Cupcake

    13.) Rome Sweet Rome

    12.) Don Quixote

    11.) Simplicity Parenting

    10.) The Well-Educated Mind

    9.) Gone Girl

    8.) Last Child in the Woods

    7.) East of Eden

    6.) The $100 Start Up

    5.) A Christmas Carol

    4.) Dracula

    3.) The Night Circus

    2.) Switch

    1.) Getting Things Done

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