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Posts posted by MelAR05

  1. I can't believe I'm in first! I'm never first in anything, but I am competitive. :)


    I'm sure I won't be there for long.


    One problem I have with this fitbit is that now i know that my husband always burns more calories than me. Therefore, he gets to eat more. In a day, he can barely get his 10,000 (light activity) steps and I can run 4 miles plus get 20,000 steps. Yet he STILL burns more calories than me. I understand the science of it. He's a man. He's taller. Blah, blah, blah.


    I like to eat and have struggled to stay at a healthy weight for nearly 3 years now. I just don't like that no matter how much I exercise, I will never get to eat as much as him without gaining weight. Rant over. :D


    Oh, and I'm not from Australia. I live in Arkansas, which some people think is another country. ;)

  2. I'm really glad to hear from someone who's stayed there. We lived across the street from that hotel and know the location is amazing, but I always wondered if it was a good place to recommend to family who visited us. Thanks!

    For about 3 months in 2009, we lived across the street from the Americana. :) I always thought that would be a good place to stay if we came back on our own dime. Inexpensive and a great location.
  3. We are Christians who do not attend church and have not for the last 6 years. I'll admit that it's been a lonely road. We, too, live in the South. Whenever we tell someone, specifically homeschoolers, that we don't attend church then their guard goes up and they are less likely to trust us, or they try to recruit us. :/ We tried going back to a church for a while and just couldn't do it.


    I feel closer to God and more comfortable with who I am than I ever did attending meetings, but the lack of friendships have been rough.

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