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Posts posted by tomandlorih

  1. My dd8 has been doing practices/meets without her glasses since her Rx isn't that bad(nearsighted) but over the last year it has gotten worse and I'd like to find her some sport safe goggles. Any of your dc need eyewear and where do you get them?? Her Eye Dr. wants $225 for a pair she's not thrilled with due to the velcro closure. Her hair would get stuck like mad!!

    Thanks in advance!


  2. My dd (just turned 9, grade 3) is doing the online RS Latin American Spanish. It moves very fast and explains nothing. At first, dd and I hated RS (you can find my posts on that=) and looking for something else. I understand the idea of the immersion method but dd gets extremely frustrated having to guess (and be marked wrong) several times before she figures out what they want. Maybe "getting marked wrong" is not an issue for the at-home version though. Anyway, after having plugged away at the RS for awhile, it seems a little easier so we are going to stick with it for awhile since it is good practice with listening and speaking.


    I recently acquired GSWS and it does an excellent, excellent job of explaining basic (but key) grammar concepts. And I had 3 years of college Spanish!) Actual content really reminds me of RS and I plan to start using it like worksheets for reinforcement rather than the RS worksheets. Or it might be good to use it to start with and at least introduce your kiddos to the grammar before starting RS.


    I second looking into Mango as an option.. http://www.mangolanguages.com/ to see if it's at your library. I've heard it as "comparable" to RS.


    Here is a link to the RS worksheets too (and parent guide). http://www.rosettastone.com/homeschool/sem It will give you at least some idea of lesson content and the guide addresses scheduling it and such.


    FWIW, I have a friend (adult) who is in RS Hebrew level 3 and only just now feeling like she's starting to "get it." I think with RS it takes awhile.


    My review of RS ..lol I'm sorry I can't compare other programs. We "chose" RS because we could enroll her for free through the school district. I was also looking at Spanish for Children from Classical Academic Press because it is a explain-the-grammar, parts-to-whole program that *I* prefer =D http://classicalacademicpress.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=7 Luckily, my library rocks and they are ordering SfC-A and I can then borrow it to see if I'd like it more than RS.


    Good luck and congrats on having such nice in-laws! :001_smile:

  3. I don't know about the rest (haven't seen them) but it is recommended to do Astronomy first and I would.. It is repetitive(overly wordy-says the same thing 5 different ways before moving on) and boring my 3rd grader to tears. We are dropping it from our Earth and Space mishmash and continuing on with our other programs. Good luck to you.

  4. Based on these comments alone...I would not do chemo.


    But in full disclosure, at this point, I'm more convinced about the efficacy of natural alternatives (drastic diet changes, lowered stress & inflammation, increased immune system) than I am about chemo.... I know if flies in the face of traditional medicine, but I put more confidence in natural alternatives than standard treatment protocol at this point.


    :grouphug: and prayers to you as you make this decision....mentally & emotionally, you need to be at peace with what you decide- certainly, there is fear & stress involved in any decision like this, but praying for peace & confidence to accompany you on this journey


    I'm not going to tell you what you should do, just what I would do given the situation you've described.


    If time is not an issue, I would wait 8 weeks, have markers taken on tumors, etc.

    During the next 8 weeks I would go SERIOUS gangbusters on juice fasts, raw, immune boosters, detox enemas, etc. This would be hard during the holidays, but I would feel great and no sugar is the new normal.


    After 8 weeks I would have my markers checked and evaluate the results and then see if chemo was the next step, etc. A LOT of healing can happen in 8 weeks and with a slow growing tumor I would be okay waiting that amount of time readying my body for chemo, if necessary. Also I would need to heal longer after such a massive surgery.



    :iagree: with these ladies. Hugs and prayers for peace and healing to you!

  5. I used The World Around Me (an older edition.. maybe 2006?) for 1st grade science and we loved it! It was very thorough with lots of reading and experiments. Maybe to much but my dd loves science. I am keeping it to hopefully do with my other kids. I do know they have changed it and have no idea about the new one. I got my IG off a used forum and the books from the library or abebooks.com


    I really appreciated the topics covered, not a focus on just one area of science but covered all of it. (Life, Earth and Space, Chemistry, Physics, etc.) I added in extra books from the library as interest led and of course, Magic School Bus episodes as appropriate.


    We had such fun with that year of science that last year(with RS4K) was a sad reality check. I would love to find something like that again. Maybe Nancy Larson.. but I can't afford it..:D

  6. I do not believe the flu shot is effective, and I believe the other stuff in it is not healthy for us to have injected into our bodies. I also believe that all the hype about it is only a marketing strategy that is about money, and not at all about public health.

    :iagree: This, plus the kids' uncle (my dh's little brother) had Guillon Barre a few years ago. Why take a chance? Eat healthy, avoid excessive sugar, exercise, wash your hands and keep up your vitamins and trace minerals, especially, Vit D but also, vit C, zinc and just a regular multiple.

  7. Lots of experiments in the Janice VanCleave books. She was doing them with a group of kids at her church I think so I think they would go well in a group situation. For specifically chemistry, can you borrow someones Pre-Level 1 Real Science 4 Kids? We did that last year and it seemed to cover a great deal in a short time and my dd enjoyed the experiments.

  8. Rock Around the Earth from Winter Promise looks good.


    It says for grades 3-6 but I love, love the book Geology Rocks for experiments and stuff. http://www.amazon.com/Geology-Rocks-Hands-On-Activities-Kaleidoscope/dp/1885593295/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1350961551&sr=8-1&keywords=geology+rocks


    I am adding it in this year to Christian Kids Explore Earth and Space. I'm combining RSO E & S with Apologia Astronomy and CKE E&S but the vast chunk of our year is being spent on CKE.. Short lessons on great topics that aren't short on content.. wayy less preachy than Apologia and CM style notebook work. http://www.christianbook.com/christian-kids-explore-earth-space/stephanie-redmond/9781892427199/pd/427055?product_redirect=1&Ntt=427055&item_code=&Ntk=keywords&event=ESRCP



    Note: We are doing earth and space along the same sequence as Apologia.. starting with the Sun, Mercury, Venus, then the vast majority of CKE in order for all the Earth stuff, then moon, and the rest of the planets in order.. finishing up with stars and whatnot in the spring when we *might* have a clear night to look up.

  9. I've heard SWB say that timelines in the elementary grades are basically pointless since the concept of time is difficult (if not impossible) to grasp at that age. Soooo don't feel like a failure- I'm sure you're spending time on the important things, and a timeline at that age certainly isn't one of them!!



    Oh this makes me feel lots better!! I'm not the OP but I've never gotten a timeline started in this house either!!.

  10. I too am not thrilled with History Odyssey (Ancients, Level 2) for my 5th grader. It takes him forever to do some of the readings and at the end of the day I feel like he just isn't retaining anything at all. I don't do the history pockets but have subbed in some library books and notebooking pages for those things.


    :iagree: It's just rush, rush, rush and I don't feel she's retaining much of it, if anything. But I rather felt that way last year about SOTW too, which is why I wanted to try HO. *sigh* The History Pockets and supplemental books from the library are what she is remembering. Hope it gets better or we'll probably go back to straight SOTW with AG next year. :tongue_smilie:

  11. We started with Song School Latin last year at 7. DD loved it. Switched to Spanish (Latin American) this year with a local hs group + free access to RS. DD likes the language but does NOT like RS. She needs to understand and I find myself explaining grammar concepts. I do recommend picking a lang. you are familiar with if poss. for just that reason. I just got Getting Started with Spanish and really like it from a teaching standpoint. Slow and steady, introduces grammar concepts simply but thoroughly. I also want to get Song School Spanish and DD wants SSL 2 as soon as it's avail. lol

  12. I agree with those who say to use the name and not forget. One of my favorite sayings is that my son may have been born still but he was still born! If I ever get a mothers ring/necklace I will most definitely include a stone or charm for my son.


    They are probably in shock now and want to process but will need people/support later. The counselor/grief group is all their emotions can probably handle now.


    I'm so very sorry that you all have to walk this road. It is not something I wish anyone had to go through. Like any grief, it will get better but never go away. My son would have been 6 last Sunday and I still cannot bring myself to develop the pictures.



    :grouphug::grouphug: and prayers for your family.

  13. Do you use workbooks at all?? Last year I had a ton of dr. appts and switched my dd8 over to a notebook system where I ripped apart all her workbooks and 3 hole punched for the notebook. That, with audio cd's of SOTW and we were able to get an amazing amount accomplished on the road.


    But if it just a move and really temporary.. I'd say let it slide=D

  14. Just to note: Song School Spanish does feature native speakers on the album of songs (a man from Honduras and a woman from Puerto Rico) on about 90% of the songs on the album. Lydia George (singer from Puerto Rico) is the featured vocalist throughout most of the album.


    There are few songs without native speakers, and this fact must have generated the idea that there are no native speakers are featured.



    Christopher Perrin

    Classical Academic Press


    Thank you for the clarification Christopher and welcome to the forum! My dd8 LOVED Song School Latin last year and can't wait for SSL2=D

  15. Honestly, he ends up not being selfish in this because he admits that since he is the one who has hesitations about this, and because we are both adamant about not having another baby, we end up either being creative, abstinent, or using barrier at the absolute safest time (about 1x month). This is harder on him because I am okay with creative :lol:, but he just sees it as a cross to bear because it's his hesitation that is causing the difficulty. He knows he would be happier with a permanent solution, and he keeps revisiting it, but he is still worried that going in and changing the body physically may be wrong. I don't get the logic either -- to me, preventing it in any manner is the same.


    Oh, well.. looks like you'll be safe enough with that. lol It sounds like he's getting there and will get there when he's ready.. Sorry for the strain in the meantime though..

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