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Posts posted by cindergretta

  1. I applied for a passport in the 1990s and had to send in birth certificate.


    Wow, interesting. We never did. (I grew up military. When I got married, my parents gave me my old passports, IDs, and the document they used as a birth certificate for me. It wasn't an actual birth certificate. It was a 5x7 sized paper from the hospital saying I was born with a shot record on the back! :lol: The one my dad had was a postcard from the hospital where he was born saying he was born there!! He didn't need his actual birth certificate until 2007 when he needed a new passport. And these were the "documents" we used for passports, military IDs, driver's licenses, etc. Now I must admit, that seems loosey-goosey just as much as sending dd's actual birth certificate seemed hinky, lol! I am just about 40 and have never had an actual birth certificate. I wanted to get one a few years ago but it turned into such a Hollywood production, I dropped it. Now I am thinking I better try to get a couple of them. Dh's should be a REAL challenge to obtain, given he was born in Okinawa. :001_huh: He is Okinawan, by the way.)

  2. Feeling all irritable tonight... Here's another thing that is driving me bananas! (In addition to the SSN and birth certificate thing)


    When people use "that" instead of who is turning into a giant pet peeve of mine!


    For example:


    Everyone that needs a form should get one from me. (Everyone *who* needs a form should get one from me.)


    I see it written ALL over and not just in casual writing where I would mostly expect it or in causal conversation where I would mostly expect it. I see it in articles, newspapers, letters from coaches/leaders/teachers and spoken by coaches/leaders/teachers.


    I know it is a ridiculous thing about which to get my panties in a wad, but clearly I want to complain about all sorts of silly stuff tonight!!!!




    (I can't sleep. I hope I can stop posting inane things.)

  3. Three weeks? Two weeks? This makes me a feel a LOT better. It seems like IRL everyone is telling me how it takes like 2 months... But how many of them are speaking from actual experience and how many of them just want to appear knowledgeable while causing stress??? :confused: :glare:


    I'm glad I am not alone in feeling twitchy about the over- and mis- use of SSNs. :D

  4. You should get it back fine. It is a post-9/11 thing. As a Muslim I've seen my share of ineffective security measures and post-9/11 "security theater" but I think it's a good idea for them to get the original. Anyone can photoshop anything these days...


    True, but there is an actual human accepting the documents, including the original birth certificate. And they are signing off on the paperwork. So that human would have to create the photoshopped certificate, kwim?


    (I'm not opposed to applying with the original; I am opposed to having them mail it off while I sit around and just trust they will mail it back. It isn't like nothing ever gets lost in the giant entity of the gov't.... :tongue_smilie: )

  5. Yes, they demand the original BC for a passport. They never stapled ours, however. I was VERY nervous as mine can't be replaced from London. It did get back though, safe and sound, in just 2 weeks!


    Phew! I hope it only takes two weeks. She said it would be mailed separately from the passport. It just felt bizarre to me. Dh didn't have to submit his actual birth certificate in '98 when he got his passport. I think it must be a post-9/11 thing. I just wasn't prepared for it and it threw me, kwim?

  6. Dd16 will be having surgery in a few months. When I was doing a pre-registration at the hospital, they wanted her social security number. Why? When did SSNs become the go to for all identity everything??? I don't like it. I thought they were meant for employment purposes only. I hate that you have to give everyone and his brother your SSN nowadays for every little thing. And it is even scarier when they want them for unemployed minors. How long would it take for me to find out/figure out that someone has stolen their number and is using it for nefarious purposes?


    I took dd16 to the Post Office today to apply for her passport. She has a state issued ID. We brought her birth certificate (certified copy with the raised seal) with us. They took her actual birth certificate and stapled it to the application to mail in! :001_huh: I thought they would photo-copy it. I am *not* happy that her actual birth certificate is being sent to the gov't and we are supposed to trust they are going to just send it back. :glare: (Not to mention undamaged, given the staple through it.) And what if she needs it during the next 2 months until we get it back? Since I had no idea they were going to take it, I don't have a back up. (And I am not too thrilled to have to go and get one, either. It is a huge time suck and it costs money, which is extremely tight.) Gah!


    Sorry, just venting tonight. :rant: Clearly I am frustrated with a few things... :tongue_smilie:

  7. Where I live, there are no "school sports" in elementary school. So the park district runs them and they are placed on teams based on their age on Aug. 1st. And you have to have a birth certificate because your dc can "play up" a year, but there is NO playing "down."


    In terms of the linked article, I had multiple issues with it. (Not the least of which would be the over-arching theme that a classroom is superior to the home for learning or education. I tend to disagree with that "school" of thought! ;) )

  8. Just a comment about the gifted designation - when I was in the gifted program in high school, it was based solely on IQ. In my kids school it is based on teacher recommendation, standardized test scores (grade level), and samples of above-average work. No IQ testing involved at all. And the teacher recommendation part keeps out behavior problem kids - because they see gifted education as a privilege for the 'good' kids, not something to meet the needs of kids who learn in a different fashion.


    Oh, that's just swell. How many of those "problem kids" are that way out of sheer boredom from not being challenged and would thrive if their "giftedness" were discovered and catered to??? Ugh!

  9. We red shirted our oldest. I never realized people had such hostility toward another family's choice about what is best for their own child. :001_huh: It certainly wasn't about making him "gifted" or giving him some "edge" over someone else's priceless snowflake. :glare: It ended up not mattering one whit as we switched to homeschooling pretty early on and never looked back. (We were extremely low income at the time and he qualified for a 2/3 scholarship to a local private Christian school. As it turned out, we couldn't take advantage of the scholarship because for that particular "academy," boys had to be a minimum of 5 yrs 8 mos to start K. He was was 5 yrs 2 mos and academically on par but socially/emotionally a twit! :tongue_smilie: )

  10. Our ds9 is going to a sleep clinic for children with autism. He can't fall asleep worth a darn. It has times of being an overwhelming issue for us. Dh isn't comfortable with giving him melatonin (although our ds18 uses it) and ds9 is on meds for ADHD and anxiety. We don't use them when he doesn't "need" them (we aren't going somewhere or aren't doing school or whatever.) But his sleep patterns have always been wackadoodle, since long before he started meds.


    I am really looking forward to the sleep clinic. They don't use meds to correct sleep issues, so that is a huge bonus to us.


    Our dc are allowed to sleep in our room any time they want - in their own little nest on the floor. ;) It just isn't a big deal to *us,* but I understand that it is extremely different for each and every family. :grouphug:

  11. I know you are right - hence why I feel so conflicted. For any other family we invited, this would be such a non issue to me.


    I can just see this particular child whining "but it's MY REAL birthday" and her parents completely unwilling to actually parent in that situation and looking to ME to solve the problem by making it special for their DD since they didn't want to be bothered.


    If she isn't whiny and parents aren't pushy, maybe it won't seem like such a big deal on the day of?


    I think that is true, if it happens naturally and doesn't feel forced upon you. :grouphug: (I have a hard time holding young children responsible for behavior and feelings for which they haven't been taught better.)

  12. I have dealt with crazy parents, once one who wanted to "join" our birthday party and celebrate their daughter whose birthday was a week later; another who was offended that our party was "too big" since we invited the whole class, and declined; when she discovered nearly every other child was going, she frantically called the morning of the party to see if her DD could come anyway (we said yes). I know how incredibly annoying these parents can be. You have my deepest sympathy on this.


    The thing is, as annoying as the parents are, and as much as it might disappoint your DD (although I think you might be projecting a bit here) - can you have some compassion for a child whose parents refuse to host a birthday party for her simply because they don't want to? And now the child has to choose between attending a party (which she will NOT be given) on her own birthday, or she has to choose to miss the fun party and have NOTHING.


    And you don't want to sing to a child? A 7yo?


    Please. Re-think this. She is innocent in all of this. Please don't hurt her because it might take an iota of attention away from your child. I mean this sincerely - your child already won the parent lottery. :001_smile: She is already getting more positive attention than this child is getting at home. Please, think of this child and sing her the song and give her a cupcake. I beg you.


    I read through this thread, trying to sort out my own personal feelings and not really sure how *I* would approach this situation were it happening with one of my dc. I love what you wrote. It works for me. I have never regretted acting out of sheer kindness, even when it wasn't deserved, if that makes sense. And I can see that *for me* in this case, too.


    Birthdays are HUGE deal in our family. We are a large family and we have extended family living all around us. For me, it is so uber important that my child feel, truly feel, special and like the center of the universe for that one day each year because it ain't happenin' any other time... :tongue_smilie: But even with that, including someone else for a moment or two... What a gift, for the other child AND for my child. (Our birthdays for our dds are 4/5 & 4/7, and 8/8 & 8/20. One dd shares a birthday with a special needs uncle. It is *hard* to get special attention around these parts! :lol: )


    I forgot to add that I think your dh is awesome!! Anytime a hubby tells the wifey to relax and let him handle the tough parts, well, that's loooooove in my book! ;)

  13. I would not separate or threaten to separate the friend and my child to separate rooms. I think that would be scary for the friend even if they are used to be being at your house. At that age I would sit or lay down with them to get them settled down if it got too late. My daughter had a sleep over a week ago for her 7th birthday. I had 7 girls here that ranged in age from 7-9. I had to sit in the living room with them for a little while to get them to settle down. Several of them fell asleep but there were some stragglers that didn't. I told them to stay laying down and watch the movie until they fell asleep and to come get me if they needed me.


    I guess I expect to have late nights when I'm hosting a sleep over. I like early bed times too, but I also think there are special occasions where you say to heck with bed time, lets have some fun!


    Excellent post. ITA. :iagree:

  14. We have a ton of KK. We definitely prefer it over the Thermos Foogo. And we looked repeatedly at the Thermos because back when we got rid of all plastic, KK was still primarily an internet thing and not easily found in stores. So we were actively looking for alternatives that were more affordable and convenient. LOL Still using KK, years later! :tongue_smilie:


    Camping equipment stores have a lot of SS options for plates and bowls and cups.


    We use glass and ceramic for eating and storage. (I looked into SS but it was too pricey and when I started researching plastics, I didn't want to transition. I wanted the plastic OUT and needed an immediate replacement, kwim?)

  15. That is very young for a sleep over, IMO. (6 y/o) We generally don't sleep over or have anyone else sleep over at that young of an age. (There is one child who does and my dc go over to his house, but that is because our families have been friends for 10+ years and we - the parents - are basically all parents for all the dc. :D )


    I would put a calming movie on around 9 or 9:30 and have that be the settle down and fall asleep time.

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