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Posts posted by cindergretta

  1. Oh my goodness. :( That is horrible. Your poor mom. I'm really sorry. What a lousy situation. I had my purse stolen last year and all I could think about was they just tossed it in a garbage can with no concern whatsoever for the special little keepsakes that were in there. I felt utterly violated and depressed. They also got my driver's license and keys. We changed all of our locks but I still slept "with one eye open" for like a month.


    What a lot for your poor mom to have to go through. :(

  2. I remember in Junior High I was a huge soccer fan. I just loved it - indoor and outdoor. Well, Ricky Davis (captain of the men's outdoor team and a member of our local indoor team) was going to be at the mall. I was so excited to go! But when we actually got to the mall, I hesitated. I really admired this guy and was soooo afraid he would be a jerk. I finally went down to where he was set up. Oh wow! He was just awesome!! He was so kind. (My mother gave him a book with the team's photos in it. He had *all* of them sign their photo and mailed it to me with a card for my birthday!! Now that is a hero.)


    I'm sorry your dc were treated so unkindly and felt disappointed. I wouldn't be too thrilled with that!!!!

  3. Check the mall. Our local mall has a Christmas giving tree every year. I used to take my older two kids every year. They'd each pick a tag, and we'd go shopping. Then one year, it disappeared from the food court. I found out last year that they moved it to a less prominent location at one of the very ends of the mall.


    Yes, they did move that tree and it totally tripped me up for a minute. I wonder why they moved it?? It seems like it would get more "business" in its old location.

  4. I joined the forum you linked to last night. :D Thank you!! I am prone to worrying... I don't want to *not* use OM, I guess I just want to make sure I am using it to its best advantage.


    Once I get the craft kit and can start on the lesson book and craft projects, I think I will feel more like we are doing something.


    I really like it, I just need to get the hang of it.


    Thank you for all the help!!!

  5. 1.) What is your overall approach to behavior management for your children?


    We use a "grace-based discipline" approach. We don't believe in punishment (spanking, time-outs, non-logical consequences.) We *do* believe in discipline, setting children up for success, understanding age-appropriate beahviours and having age-appropriate expectations. (We don't expect a 3 year old to sit still and be quiet for a 90 minute church service or a tired 5 year old who hasn't had dinner yet to walk quietly through a 45 minute grocery - shopping trip.)


    2.) What specific techniques do you use to strengthen desirable behavior?


    Positive reinforcement - "catching" good behaviour instead of criticizing undesirable behaviour. We also try very hard to make our expectations very clear and simple. For example, "We are going out to eat. You need to keep your bottom on the chair and use your inside voice." We try to avoid telling them what *not* to do and focus on what *to* do.


    3.) What specific techniques do you use to weaken undesirable behavior?


    We let them know that a given behaviour isn't acceptable. We don't hide our natural feelings (disappointment or upset.) If something isn't "working," for instance, children are fighting over a toy, it goes away. If we can't use the crayons on the paper, they go away. If we need to scream and/or have a tantrum, use this pillow to keep it quieter and go into another room if it needs to go on longer than the rest of the family wants to listen to.


    (We have 6 children - age range from 2 - 16. One is dx'd on the autism spectrum and one we suspect is on the spectrum.)


    My AT has very specific ways of doing weekly contact:


    1. Tell me each subject you have worked on this week.


    2. Give me specific details about what you have done in each subject this week.


    Honestly, it is like a mini-monthly review each week BUT he copies and pastes the weekly contact into our monthly reviews and all I have to do is the drop-down menu and type in "No parental input needed."


    So, monthly reviews have gotten easier but weekly contacts have turned into a bit of a Hollywood production. LOL

  6. I hear regularly about the "damage" ALEs (especially VAs) are doing to homeschooling. I don't get it.


    But I am not a militant homeschooler and if I ruled the world (LOL) then I would whole-heartedly support public schools, private schools, charter schools, virtual academies, homeschooling... IOW, I would love to see a world where every family was free to decide what the very best way to educate their children is and go for it! :D


    CVA can drive me up a wall, but without it, we wouldn't be able to afford the Y, guitar lessons, violin lessons, and some really awesome curriculum - like Delta science kits and Rosetta Stone. I am very happy with the compromise of hassle/headache to benefit ratio! LOL

  7. Thank you. I think I am starting to figure out that my syllabus is older (2000) so maybe it is different?? Yikes. There doesn't seem to be much (anything??) in the way of science or social studies. I wonder if that will "pick up" as we move on.


    I have some Delta science kits so that part isn't a problem, but I am always at such a loss for what to "do" for social studies. And even the math seems a little light. So it is a great program (from what I can tell so far, please correct me if you know more! LOL) for language arts and arts and crafts and music. Do I need something more current?


    Maybe I just need to read and research some more.


    (I just love the stories and feel of the program, kwim?)

  8. Hi! I am new to this fourm. I am a SAHM with 6 dc. This is our 9th year hs'ing. I have a 2 year old, a kindy, a 2nd, a 4th, a 9th, and a 10 grader.


    About a month ago I started really researching Oak Meadow and I fell in love with it! I wish I had known about it years ago. I found a used (complete) 2nd grade curriculum and bought it for my ds. (He is on the autism spectrum.) I do NOT have the craft kit yet. (And he is seriously bugging me for his "main lesson book." :) ) Anyway, we started using the books last Monday. (My kindy and 4th grade sets should come this upcoming Monday. I finally ended up having to buy their's new as I couldn't find any used.)


    So we are reading "Jolly Robin" each night. Do those of you who use or used it, read every night or Sunday through Thursday or what? What about "Ben & Meg?" How often does your dc read to you out of that one? Do they read it out loud to you or quietly to themselves? My ds has finished it. He wants another "Ben & Meg" book but I can't find anymore. Should he just start reading another book?


    I want to use this curriculum the way it is intended but I feel a little confused. I have read the "process" manual (and feel like I forgot a lot of what it said) and I have thoroughly read the intro and all in the syllabus. But I still feel like I am "missing" something.




    Thank you!!!!! :001_smile:

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