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Clear Creek

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Posts posted by Clear Creek

  1. I just got my degree and I have been homeschooling the entire time. Now my oldest is only in 3rd grade, so the first couple of years were pretty easy, but the last two years were quite difficult (but doable) since I was schooling two. I took all but a few of my classes online, which really helped since it was very flexible. I kept a schedule, though, and it made a world of difference...in the mornings I would do school with the kids, and in the afternoons I would work on my schoolwork for several hours while the kids watched movies or played. The key for me was to follow the schedule and keep my focus on what I was supposed to be focused on - none of my own schoolwork and no computer time for me when I was teaching my kids.


    I took classes full-time all the way through, except for a short break after I gave birth to my third child (I stopped classes a few weeks before he was born and started classes again when he was six weeks old - guess I didn't already have enough to do each day :lol:). I am sure you can do it, it sounds like you have some great support! Best of luck to you!

  2. I have been lurking on these boards for the last couple of years, ever since I read the WTM, but I wouldn't give myself permission to register until I finished my degree. Well, I finally got my BA last week, so here I am!


    I have three children, and have been homeschooling them from the beginning. They are in 3rd, 1st, and pre-k. I hope to eventually get around to putting my curriculum in my siggy, but for now I will just say that we use an eclectic mix...mainly R&S with some other stuff thrown in.


    I look forward to getting to know y'all!

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