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Everything posted by MamaFran

  1. We use MUS and really really like it. So far we've done Primer, Alpha, and currently somewhere in the middle of Beta. We'll probably end up skipping some of the lessons (or use them as quick review) in Beta since ds already knows how to skip count by 5 and 10, understands money, and can tell time. Ds is a very math-y kid. He sped through Primer at alarming speed. LOL! He understood place value right away. He is very a visual/kinesthetic learner. He has asbergers. I think he probably would do well with any math problem, but I really like the dvd's to help me tech the concept. I think a color workbook would have been a huge distraction. He loves the blocks. And he adores Steve Demme. He actually watches and rewatches the dvd's on his own. We're going to keep using it until it stops working. I will say that I made a mistake in not maling him memorize the math facts as we went along. We're still working on the last few subtraction facts but I let him move on since he was getting bored just reviewing facts. He should have them all down by the time we get to double digit subtraction in Beta. I'm planning on using it with dd. She's 4 so we probably won't start for at least another year. She already has all the blocks memorized and hands them to her brother when he needs them. If it doesn't work for her we'll move on to something else. I kinda like the look of Singapore and may use thier Challenging Word Problems for ds along with MUS. He has a hard time with word problems, but can do them once I help him decipher what is actually being asked. All those words seem to throw him off. LOL! I was more drawn to MUS because of the dvd's and support. I am not a math person. I took 3 years of Algebra and still don't really know what I was doing even though I aced the classes.
  2. History Odyssey schedules both books. We're just finishing up Ancients this year. It lists CHOW as optional but I've been using both. Ds loves loves loves SOTW! So much so that when SOTW2 came in the mail he grabbed it and ran around the house screaming "Yes!!". LOL! I had no idea he was tht attached to it! He does not care for CHOW and actually groans when I get it out. He finds it really dull. We've skipped some readings in it because of that. I like it, so I think we'll continue to use it with HO Middle Ages along with SOTW. He tolerates it and listens (as much as he ever really listens) but just isn't thrilled with it. I've been hoping it would grow on him.
  3. I don't feel the need to join, and I live in PA, the land of really really bad homeschooling laws! When we first made the decision to join i looked into HSLDA, but got a really bad vibe from reading through their membership material. Also they have (or had, haven't checked in a while) misinformation about PA law listed on their site. I'm also not Christian (dh is Catholic, but I'm not) and felt uneasy about their "other" political agendas.
  4. It was something like $3.93 over the weekend. We've been home this week, but dh is out right now topping up my tank. He's started filling it up every time I hit 3/4 of a tank so it doesn't cost us so much. I know where dh works in DE it was over $4 last week and they are usually cheaper than us. We're in Chester Co. PA.
  5. I looked through the first couple of pages and didn't really see anything listed for SEPA. We are classical/cm homeschoolers in PA, between Philly and Wilmington, DE. We've been very active in the local MOMS Club, but I find as all my mama friends are sending their kids off to school I'm feeling more and more like an oddball. LOL! (I was already on the fringe!) So thought it might be about time to find other homeschoolers. So here I am. I have a 6 year old ds (will be 7 in August) but he's an aspie and so not into the whole social thing, a very social 4 year old dd, and a happy-go-with-the-flow 5.5 month old dd. If anyone's out there, please post!! :)
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