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Posts posted by ~Puddins~

  1. Thanks, ladies, it's neat to know I'm not alone.

    Rose, yes we knew a family growing up who simply took their children out of the public school system but did not actually educate them at home, just endless hours of VHS tapes. Very sad.

    Rebecca, I'm very sorry that your early homeschool experience was so terrible. I'm sure your children will appreciate the sacrifice you and your husband make for their education. I know that is one thing my brother and I are very grateful to our own parents for.

  2. This might seem silly, but I love the Praise Baby cds :) My youngest son received some as a baby gift and now our entire family loves them. My parents have even bought some now after hearing them at our home. The songs are well chosen, the lady does a nice job singing them, and we find ourselves singing them even when not listening to them.


    I also love Amy Grant's two hymn cds. The arrangements are nicely done.

  3. I was just wondering if there were any parents on here who were homeschooled themselves? My mom home schooled my older brother and I, starting when he was in 1st grade. I honestly didn't think I would ever homeschool my own children, but then after I actually gave birth to them, my feelings changed :)

    I feel very blessed to have my parents who are so supportive of us and it's nice to be able to ask my mom "What did you do when..." :)

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