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Posts posted by ~Puddins~

  1. doesn't fit my kid...or I dislike it so much that I do a poor job using it (the old if Momma ain't happy...)


    That's me, too. I find that if I am uncomfortable teaching it, then 99% of the time it won't last long in our house. You wouldn't think I would have tried that many curriculums considering my oldest is only 6, but oh yes I have :001_smile:

  2. Thank you all! We've decided to take a trip to our library and look on the Spanish side of the Children's section :) DS is excited. We do have neighbors that speak Spanish and I usually will ask them "how do you say?" so maybe now I'll just make DS ask them himself and work on social skills at the same time as foreign language :D

  3. I was reading the post on which foreign language to learn (besides Latin) and I was just curious what age most of you begin teaching a foreign language (including Latin)? I believe TWM recommends formally beginning that around 4th grade?


    The reason I ask is my 6 yr old has been interested in learning a foreign language (we live in south Texas so we hear Spanish A LOT) and he always asks me "What are they saying?". And now he's begun asking me how to say "book" in Spanish or some thing like that (only he asks ALL day long). However, our schedule really does not allow for a formal curriculum on foreign language this year, plus he is still working on total mastery of English phonics so I was just wondering if there were any recommendations for getting him started on a foreign language, but one that won't make me feel badly if we don't spend too much time on it this year :001_smile:


    Also, would we be breaking a cardinal rule if we learned Spanish over Latin first? :confused1: What to do!!

  4. I'm going to also recommend Ruth Beechick's "An Easy Start to Arithmetic". I got it in a set of three (Arithmetic, Language, Reading) and just finished the Arithmetic tonight. Every thing she says makes perfect sense. The "scope and sequence" does not begin until 1st grade. For K she just recommends living math (how many people are at the table, grocery store games, cooking, etc).

    If you can find this at your library, I think you would gain a lot from it, I know I did!

  5. My 6yr old is using the Bastien series right now. I debated between that and Alfred's, in the end went with Bastien's and he loves it. The books are *fun* and keep his mind engaged, but at the same time, lessons are short and to the point (I am teaching him). I think he would have enjoyed Alfred's just as well however :001_smile:

    Has your son studied music at all or will he be a beginner?

  6. We started with Abeka Language (no no no), and are now so happy with FLL. It's a gentle, repetitive, sit on the couch kind of book. My two younger children love sitting in, especially on the picture narratives. If you are looking for a challenging program, this is not it. If you are looking to set the stage for future language study, then this book is wonderful.

  7. I just placed my first order with them. I usually go with CBD, but they did not have one of the things I needed. So I'm glad to see that RR is also a good place for ordering school supplies. I just hate the wait though, I'm always so anxious to get my stuff!!

  8. Donna,

    Wow, our stories are quite similar! I also live in TX :)

    I've been using Abeka for a year now, we did the K5 program over the summer then started 1st grade in September. I was very sad to see my son hating schoolwork, but he really did. A friend loaned me TWTM book and I realized that was how my mom had taught my brother and I (we were also homeschooled). We are finishing up the Abeka math because we are so close to the end. I plan on using Saxon math over the summer at an easier level just to keep math facts fresh in his mind. With reading, I have taken away the endless charts and workbooks and we do much more reading (together, aloud, alone, etc) and my son already enjoys it more. We immediately stopped using the Abeka Language book and started FLL and I'm so glad we did. It's much slower than Abeka, but I am grateful for that. We started SOTW 1 and are enjoying that, although I do add my own faith based ideas/projects to it. Our whole family is enjoying that together. As much as Mike was learning in the Abeka books (because they are good books, don't get me wrong) I want him to have the desire to learn, I want him to be able to discover things on his own, and the traditional approach with workbooks was not giving him that foundation.

  9. Emmy,

    Your schedule looks a lot like ours. We are currently transitioning from a traditional approach to classical and I feel a lot like you do. I'm sorry I can't be much help in suggesting other things, but I wanted you to know that I'm right there with you trying to build a solid language foundation for my grammar aged children, yet feeling slightly lost :o

    I have begun my son copy sentences that I've written out and that's nice because it's some thing he can do while I'm helping his younger brother.

    Blessings on your day!

  10. Thanks to all. I have Phonics Pathways that I am using with my second son (I knew Abeka would way overwhelm him!) so I was trying to figure out a way to continue on with my oldest with PP, but the structure is so different from Abeka that now I'M confused. My younger is doing ETC and loving it, and I think that might help out. Plus we did order Spelling Workout and that's been a hit. I'm wondering if the OPGTR might work better for me since it's more scripted though...hmmm...

    thanks again! I greatly appreciate all the help and advice.

  11. My son did (well, is doing right now) the Abeka reading program (Letters and Sounds plus the Handbook for Reading). I don't want to continue with it as we both felt over whelmed with endless charts, lists, worksheets, augh! He's doing quite well with reading, which is wonderful, but I am wondering where I should go with this for 2nd grade next year? Do 2nd graders continue with a phonics program or is more just tweeking the skills they've learned already?

  12. I was wondering if any one had suggestions for teaching a 1st grader to draw? I am terrible at it and my son loves to draw. He has some Ed Emberley books that are *fun*, but don't really teach the art of drawing. I had an email from Amazon about a new book called 1 2 3 I can Draw by Betty Luxbacher but I can't find much information about it. I checked out "Drawing with Children" from our library, but I have to be honest here...I don't have the time for some thing that in depth. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! :D

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