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Little Nyssa

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Posts posted by Little Nyssa

  1. I'm reading the Navigatio of St Brendan. It's very nice and interesting, especially after reading Tim Severin's The Brendan Voyage where he replicates the journey trying to use an authentic medieval boat & supplies.

    Just finished Go Set a Watchman. I will probably share my thoughts on the thread dedicated to it, (not to have spoilers here) but what I thought most interesting was the evolution of the writer.

    After that I have Shakespeare's Sonnets and Stephen King's memoir about writing. I don't care for King's fiction, but I have seen a few nonfiction articles by him which I thought were very well written, so I am interested in what he has to say. I really enjoyed PD James' book On Detective Fiction.

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  2. I read BNW when I was a young teen, since my parents had it on the shelf. I found it frightening, and it has really stayed with me. Of course, I never noticed the Tempest allusions- maybe someday...

    I am still working away at Anatole France's Revolt of the Angels. I'll write you all a review once I am done- strangely, it reminds me a bit of The Man Who Was Thursday. I am starting to get an idea of what the author is up to, but I can't really see where he's going with this, or what side he's on.

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  3. My children (and I myself when I was little) all had incidents of needlessly killing bugs before they realized that it was wrong and not what they wanted to do. Somehow it had to go that far before they realized they didn't want to. I think that I myself would punish, but not a major punishment, and something that would be over the same day.


    Did you mean that friend was texting your son? I would think that would be a little young for texting? If so I think I would let that be a longer-term consequence- not allowed to text with friend for a while.

  4. I could possibly imagine waiting to report until I heard from the pastor: say, for example, he had already been reported, and the pastor had said he needed to come clean to the community as well. I could imagine that happening, so I would want to find that out. That would be information I would want to know. It should not take too long to get that info.


    kwg, I thought about whether I should explain the situation I mentioned above, but I think I really should not, because (I think) there are several people from that community on here, and it is really not my story to tell, and it was very painful to everyone. I am sorry to leave you hanging.

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  5. I've been immersing myself in lots of fantasy/science fiction, preparing for Doxacon (Christianity and fantasy/sf conference) but now that that's done, I'm going to start Revolt of the Angels, by Anatole French. It was hard to find and in the end I had to order it from a print-on-demand service. I'm a little doubtful about it, but it is my very best friend's favorite book, so I'm determined to read it!! Has anyone here read it?

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