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Everything posted by Renai

  1. Your creativity is not being stifled by the 12yo. It is being stifled by all the clutter in the brain that needs to be Konmari-ed. I'm a proud mama. :D
  2. Just woke up. Too early. I had another 22 minutes I could have used to sleep!
  3. Dancer agrees. (about Konmari-ing her own brain...)
  4. Dancer asks, "so you split yourself in half, to be your own couple???" You can still sleep in my bathtub. I just don't want to wake up with two of you in my house.
  5. That's pretty amazing that you were a couple all by yourself.
  6. I am, and have always been, a terrible multitasker.
  7. Working hard to get homework in on time tonight, which means a lot of reading before I post a discussion. I think I'm almost done. In other news, here's the outline of my next presentation I'm doing that is due on Saturday: http://prezi.com/qjhnq5sft_o8/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0share
  8. There are resources on the Educando en Familia site (and yahoo group and probably fb). But it's in Spanish.
  9. I'll take you. You'll have to sleep on the sofa or in the bathtub, but you're surely welcome. :D
  10. Bueller? Still working on homework. And tomorrow starts the first full week of prek. Tired.
  11. Ugh. This professor is not answering my emails. The last one I sent was Thursday. I turned in a couple of assignments late, but within the late timeframe to be considered for grading, But I don't know if she's going to grade them. If she doesn't, I'm going to fail this class. So close...
  12. Fire in the mountains. Smoke is everywhere. Not a lot, though.
  13. Renai was here. Now Renai is going to get herself and Gymnast ready for church.
  14. I just totally got busted! Dancer remembered I had the app on my phone as she was telling dh that the Roku was turning on and off by itself.
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