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Posts posted by happyhappyjoyjoy

  1. I think the whole point is that they don't know they're dead until they 'wake up' to it. She didn't have the peaceful look of someone who had woken up, so I would assume she simply didn't know what was going to happen after moving on.

    and that just brings me back to my dissatisfaction with the whole bit....people not knowing they are dead...........and another reason why it doesn't make sense....desmond seeing the parallel reality when he was hit w/ the electormagnetic shock by widmore and then trying to 'wake' everyone up....why would he need to wake everyone up if it was just jack's post death amnesia bit


    per richard's eye liner i thought in the recap before the finale the producers said something about his infamous eye liner and that he doesn't really wear any??? does anyone else remember that....

  2. I was thinking today about how much I like what they did with the sideways Mrs. Hawking story. We're expecting her whole "you can't do this" thing with Desmond to be more of the same old protect the space-time continuum at any cost Eloise--but then it turns out to be all because she doesn't want to lose Daniel again. So in her life she was this woman so devoted to the island and a particular view of truth that she was willing to sacrifice her son for it, and then in the afterlife she doesn't have any purpose other than being a good mother to Daniel and indulging his every piano playing whim.



    see this is more of why the sideways resolution makes no sense to me....why would she not get to stay with daniel after they are both dead????

  3. Well, not surprisingly, it doesn't work like Purgatory because it wasn't Purgatory. That's like criticizing lasagne for not being like fish.


    no it isn't. what jack's father said at the end revealed that the whole sideways sequence was jack after death before he was ready for 'whatever the after life is in the writer's eyes'. most people would refer to that as purgatory in a general sense.

  4. This was a great article from First Things:




    I didn't agree with all of it, but I remembered a great literary term. Deux ex machina - The term deus ex machina is often used to refer to a contrived plot device that lazy storytellers use to solve an inexplicable problem.



    THAT BLOG POST IS EXACTLY WHAT I WAS SAYING. the writers lack of understanding of sin and redemption left the writing flawed.

    thanks for sharing it.

    and yes, deus ex machina was an episode title from an early season

  5. I loved how they ended the island story with Jack killing the smoke monster and then sacrificing himself and Hurley taking over, ben staying w/ them, the rest leaving yet we don't see what happens to them....I like to not be told everything.


    I hated how they resolved the sideways story (ie...the afterlife is reliving your life differently until you realize what your life really was and you meet up with other people in a unitarian church and your dead father tells you, you made your own meet up place.) puke! blah!


    I was looking for those in the sideways flash to realize that all the struggles they went through on the island were worth the character development they all went through and to choose it....something along those lines.


    My dissatisfaction w/ the afterlife sequence demonstrates my dissatisfaction with universal thought and moral relativism of our day.....(the afterlife is going to be what ever we want it to be.) and as someone who believes in purgatory per my Cathoilc faith I detest when it is misrepresented. In fact I really wish people would use another word for it when referring to what happened in the show.


    With all that said I can still enjoy the end of the main story line and the 6 seasons I've watched over the last many years. I'll probably watch them all over again:)

  6. If you read The Well Trained Mind, it goes into detail on why these are good exercises. As a classroom teacher, I was not taught to use any copy work or dictation in my class. I really appreciate how SWB and JB explain that you can't squeeze anything from a dry sponge. The children need the framework in the early grades (ie copywork and dictation for writing) in order to develop into great writers in the older grades. Sure a K, 1, and 2 can be creative, but if they don't also learn fundamentals they won't know how to properly express their creativity when they move on. My dad did copy work and dictation in Catholic schools in the 50's. Catholic schools were much slower to throw out these methods than the public schools. I would have had the same reaction as those teachers 6 years ago. It is really out of ignorance.

  7. You might want to wait on FLL, Peace Hill Press is splitting FLL 1/2 into two books. I think many moms already skip the writing exercises in FLL and use the ones from WWE.


    We've started FLL without WWE, so I am using the copywork, but won't once we fold in WWE.

    why do you suggest this? is there less overlap w/ the new edition of FLL? i got the old one for a great price last year, so i'm not very tempted to buy the new one. i actually came here today with the same question about overlap between FLL and WWE. i think i may just use FLL by itself.

  8. funny this should come up today....i just used it today. my son is 6 and has been reading since 3 1/2. it has been so long since we did 100 EZ lessons that there were some sounds he'd forgotten how to say by themselves "/l/, hard /th/." i put the cd in the computer and loved how you click on the sound and they repeat it. he is also not used to saying ALL the sounds for a phonogram (all 4 sounds for y, etc...), so for the first few times, i'm going to pull out the card, have him click on it, and then repeat it. then i'll sort through mastered and review piles. i'm glad i got the cd. if it were just a pop in the cd player cd i probably would have never used it

    hope that helps

  9. LOL, that is exactly where I am today over math programs!


    Merry :-)


    Alright, I've decided to do AAS:) I already bought 1 and 2. Honestly my oldest can learn quickly with most anything. And, my 2nd is the poster child for 'tactile-kinesthetic' learner, which was one reason I picked it (even though he won't use it for several years from now.)


    There, it is done. I can always change my mind later if I decide to look at something different, but I'm going to give this a go.

  10. what should I do?


    At this point I want to teach my children syllabification (a la AAS 2 or ?). I have realized that PR doesn't do this (I'm sure there is some reason and perhaps it's not as important as I think it is. It makes sense to me though!).


    I have actually toyed with returning the PR and using AAS but I have reservations there as well.


    In a last ditch effort to solidify my decision I'm wondering if there are any PR users who also want to teach syllabification. How will you do this? When? What will you use?


    Any more experienced Moms who can set me straight if this desire is unfounded???


    If my MAIN reason for choosing PR is to teach strong phonics and spelling skills then I wonder if it will be overkill. I'm not sold on the AIO aspect yet . . . Maybe AAS would be a better choice and it will include the syllabification. Those are just my out loud thoughts -- no need to respond!! :lol:


    :confused: :confused: :confused: (Insert a tiny little voice saying "God please send a sign from Heaven telling what to do????")

    i could have written this word for word!

    you are so my long lost twin


  11. If you know the markings there is no reason why you can't add them to AAS, as well as cover all the phonograms. AAS even sells a set of all the phonograms you could buy instead of waiting to get them all by buying each package. My oldest two were used to covering all the phonograms with SWR, so I just continued to cover them all with AAS. In addition I still have my oldest mark up her vocab words via SWR/Spalding, though I don't have her do her spelling words.


    I love how by the time you are in book 3 you are working with the words and concepts in so many different ways: word banks, sorting words exercises, dictation, writing station, review sections, silent e book, homophone list. There really is a lot going on. Levels 1 is very simple and even level 2 only has a few of those pieces, like the review and the word banks.


    But I admittedly think that Spalding is strong, but is overwhelming. I am still finding odd holes in my oldest dd's understanding. She did SWR for 3 years, and while it did take her far, she was stuck at the same 7th grade spelling level for the last year and a half. With AAS I am finding some of those holes, those rules she seemed to know but didn't apply. Instead she got by in her visual memory most of the time. In SWR it was hard, for me, to see patterns of which she was getting consistently wrong. That might have been because how I used it, but probably more because the whole program overwhelmed me.


    Really I think either one will get you where you want to go. I prefer AAS, because it makes more sense to me to do things incrementally and I love the additional hands on aspect. I haven't used PR but it looks to be a very strong program. If it clicks for you then go for it!





    ok after thinking about this all night and even dreaming about it, i think i'm going to get the SWR book and use the markings w/ AAS. thanks for all the help

  12. I had not looked at PR at all before I purchased AAS 1 and 2. I do like the look of AAS after reading through it. One thing that concerns me is that I want a true Spalding (or should I use that other name that begins w/ an O that I can't think of right now) method. I like the idea of marking for rules and learning all the phonemes quickly. (I did have WRTR, but it just doesn't fit with my style. Looks too boring for me.) At first PR seemed like overkill with all the DVDs etc...., but the idea of a complete language arts program starting with level 2 is appealing. The bridge to latin is very appealing.


    Also, my son is a new 6yr old that has been reading since he was 3 1/2. He's already a decent speller for his age. I don't need any basic reading instruction. I really want to cement the more complicated phonetics.


    Any input will be greatly appreciated.

  13. sorry to hijack....

    is there a way to order the rule tunes only?

    i finally looked through AAS1 and have AAS2 to look through now as well. i really like it for my new 6yr that has been reading for 2 1/2 yrs. the PR rule tunes have peeked my interest though. i also found the history of English that i saw on the site interesting.


    ETA: the thought of having a complete program in PR2 has also peeked my interest, which is annoying me, bec i really do like AAS. is this going to be like math with me (not being able to decide on one great program and combining the best of 2???)

  14. I just started reading through Level 1, and I like it as much as I expected, too. I'd planned on using FLL to go with it. I don't know if I will use any writing or not for 1st grade. I may just do copywork initially. I really don't want to take on too much for our first official year of homeschooling.


    I've been reading some other threads as well and have a second question. Do your children get the spelling rules from AAS? I really want my children to have that very ingrained in their minds, because I was such a horrible speller.

  15. I thought about getting mine, but it meant taking the Praxis 2, since I'm not certified.

    Doesn't bother me to use the options where I test dd, tho--for me, it's the best options b/c there aren't any other requirements (read: hoops to jump thru! lol).

    May I ask why you want to use the license option?


    I don't want to submit a curriculum plan. I don't mind testing once a year. I just don't want to have to do anything else.

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