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Posts posted by happyhappyjoyjoy

  1. Sometimes it seems that some posters who paid their own way through college are acutely aware of those students whose parents helped pay for college but did not appreciate it/flunked out/partied too much/fill in the negativityblank here. And said posters don't seem aware of all the students with financial help who appreciated it/succeeded/studied and worked hard.


    Anyways, Jane and Nan (and others), I really appreciate these types of threads. I don't post much but I always read them and find them helpful.


    Jen that is a good point.

  2. Your opinion does not bother me at all. I am sorry if I offended you.You didn't. I stated that I never take anything personally online. Clearly you know how financial aid works but not all of the readers do. Yes, I do. I received very little. We regularly see posters ask about students declaring financial independence for the sake of financial aid, unaware that the feds and colleges are more rigid now than formerly. Hence my response which is intended to be educational.


    I believe that what both Nan and I were reacting to was your comment:




    We tried to the best of our ability to explain why some parents might have the attitude that they want to pay or contribute to the cost of their child's education. We are not asking you to pay for your child's education if that is not part of your family culture. I am not 100% opposed to helping with tuition, but I learned so many important lessons in life from paying for my own degree in the mid to late 90's. I want my children to learn those as well. My DH and I have no debt other than a mortgage. I value that, because of my experience.



    You wrote:


    The emoticon suggests you are taking offense hence I apologize again. I put the emoticon in to do the opposite. I guess I should have used :001_smile: or ;).


    Be well,



  3. First of all I never take anything online personally; I can't help it if someone else doesn't like my word 'force'. I see people do it all the time. I see many good Catholic families send their kids to the good 'Catholic' colleges, and they come out with 80,000 in loans. That is not what I want for my children. I also am not taking offense:tongue_smilie: that someone assumed I don't know how aid works. I do. I also come from a family with a lawyer and a Ph.D. My family is very educated and values education.


    However, my lawyer father gave up his high-paying career to serve the Lord and be with his family more. I would never give up all the jobs I worked to pay for my own private college education for what he did. I obviously think highly of this, because my engineer husband is in the process of leaving behind his high paying career to become a college professor. I am so excited to have him in a career he loves and that will allow more family time I am about to burst. And, we've been using our money to pay down our mortgage, so when we make this transition to much less money we will have no mortgage. My DH just emailed me an article last week on should people pay off their mortgage or save for college. It was interesting.


    There are so many ways to go through college low cost. Attend CC first. Get loads of AP credit from high school. Don't live in dorms (I never did.) I had a job as a live-in nanny. Work.


    Most of my friends whose parents footed the bill flunked out and took a long time to finish. I was on the dean's list every semester, because I was shelling out 80% of the tuition.


    It doesn't bother me that others feel differently, and I don't know why my opinion should bother anyone else. It is just my opinion.:001_smile:

  4. We finished B in Jan and started right into C. I'm combining a lot of lessons, because there is review and the lessons aren't that hard yet. I also use Singapore workbooks. He was so excited to finally get to multiplication today. He loves graphing his time for the timed practice sheets and graphing the temperatures every day. So far we like it, but I do a lot of review with Singapore.

  5. My ds just learned to tie his shoes by watching a Blue's Clues video. It has a cute little song sung by Randy Travis that he attached to and finally got it!


    do you happen to know which season it was from? we have 1-5 on netflix


    ETA: i saw that it is episode 38 from season 5, but season 5 only goes to 30 on netflix! :(

  6. This is the PDF for the Parent Manual that I found. I think it has a lot of the same information.




    Thank you!



    for those that have used 100 EZ lessons:


    One of my favorite things about EZ lessons is teaching the child to sound out words without stopping in between sounds. I've previewed some lessons on funnix, and she stops in between the sounds. I'm inclined to finish EZ lessons and pick up with funnix after we're done. I had so much success with the book w/ DS1 that he is beyond funnix 2 and doesn't even need to do it. I'd love to hear feedback from people that have used both.

  7. I was just looking at this today but I haven't got a feel for what I'd need to get or where to start. My 10yo is a pretty good speller due to being an advanced reader, however, I'm sure there are plenty of spelling rules that he needs to officially learn (we've never done a spelling curriculum) and I could probably use the refresher as well. Is it something that people start at the beginning with, no matter grade level?

    I was going to say AAS also. You could get it for the younger one and have the older one learn any rules he doesn't know. I have a feeling we are going to love TOPS lentil science, too. We haven't started it yet though.

  8. The website says the free download was extended until 2-13-11, but I don't see a link to download. I emailed Funnix -- we'll see. I paid the high price for Funnix 2 about 6 years ago!! I hated to pay full price, but my ds loved it (as a follow up to 100EL)! He went all the way through it, so it turned out to be worth it. I'm sure my dd would enjoy switching to Funnix early.


    You had to request the dowload by 1/31. If you did that you can complete the download by 2/13. I don't think the offer was extended.

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