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Posts posted by ThatHomeschoolDad

  1. I heard/read somewhere that far more people, on either side of the bell curve, identify as middle class than actually are in terms of straight $$.  Since pols of every stripe trot it out at rallies from barns to banquet halls, I suspect it's one of those vaguely aspirational, non-threatening terms way more political than objective.


    But that's just me.



  2. Why do you think that happens, Tom?


    Couple things....


    One is expectations vs reality.  There are kids who absolutely must get into (pick a school) or their lives are crushed, and there are parents for whom anything less than a name-brand private school is failure.  I had a mom whose son got into RPI but not MIT, and she said, "well, it's really the graduate degree that counts."  Um....yikes.  In these cases, banging a kid's head against the wall with multiple tests is more about parental ambition and expectations.


    Two is the oddities of the score curve.  As you get up into the 700's, scores are more at the mercy of shifts the Board will put in after the test.  Missing one question might drop a score from 650 to 640, but that shouldn't radically change your choice of schools.  That same one question can drop an 800 to a 750 and figure into admissions at, say, Yale.  You can prep all you want too, but you can't predict the curve.


    Either way, there does seem to be an upper limit, a terminal velocity for any given student.  Prepping and taking more than three tests leaves the student searching for that one little missed thing, only adding to the psychological baggage.  Doubt and second guessing will kill a great score, and prior assumptions about what that mythical great score must be feed more doubt.


    I had one student who did a complete Kaplan course, a complete PR course, then did 12 weeks with me -- almost a year of prep.  She was fried.  I don't take students like that any more.

  3. After struggling for years, I asked for, and got a really big restructuring of our second mortgage, dropping the monthly payment by a grand.  That was immensely satisfying the way only a heavy FedEx envelope can be.


    Little satisfactions this week:

    Now that we're in the last year of Nebel science, I figured out how to halve the time it takes to put together a Nebel science lesson.

    My King Arthur cinnamon swirl bread didn't come out flat again yesterday because I tripled the rise time.

    I quickly jumped on some very latent side effects from last November's treatment and prevented a trip to the ER, which is good.

  4. I live in a city.  Not saying I couldn't get it, but it seems far less likely.  I live in an area where it's nearly an epidemic.  I was once in a homeschool group (filled with hiking loving folk) and like half the people had contracted Lymes.  It's just gotten to the point where I'm too freaked out because of knowing that.



    Natrapel is a staple in our van.  Great anti-tick and no DEET.

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