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Posts posted by ThatHomeschoolDad

  1. No help here.  Growing up, I had a black lab named Sacka, which sounded exotically Russian, but was in fact short for sack a sh*t.  My grandmother had a perpetually off-white poodle named Jacques, -- Jacques Strappé to be exact, because of said never-quite-bleached color.


    I wish I were making both up, but they're true.  It was an interesting childhood.

  2. I question why a 33 year old would want to marry a person who is 16.  What would they have in common?  I suppose different people are attracted for various reasons, but I always wanted someone I could relate to on various levels.  I wasn't looking for someone to take care of me or feel they are not my equal. 



    After careful study, evolutionary biologists have found that the organ responsible for such decisions curiously lies 80-100 cm inferiorally to the cerebellum in the male to the species.  This genetic quirk has also been tangentially linked to comb-overs, attraction to large, noise-making machines, and the urge to invade and overthrow.

  3. Yes, we've run into this over and over. One of our goals in hsing is to head to a good university. That goal is not shared locally...

    Yup. NJ has zero hs regs, which prob adds to the unschool appeal. College never comes up with the local unschoolers we know. The flip side, those who will just die without acceptance to HYP, is destructive in its own right, but how about finding that school that challenges a student based on a passion, that helps mold a student to be more that just a member of the collective? That thinking seems to he out of sight, over the horizon.

  4. Now you can build a colection of bulky attachments! You'll need the grater slicer for sure, and the wisk and dough hook, maybe the copper bowl for mad crazy egg whites. Oo! There's an icecream bowl I just saw that's neat. And the pasta roller. The glass bowl. Meat grinder. A rubber edged paddle for goopy dough. I love my KA, but ai need more shelves if I am to pursue this to the logical end of owning every add on. That's logical, right?

  5. My dh does almost all of the cooking when we are camping. Which is funny because at home he rarely cooks. We also only camp in Yurts or cabins. Tents were a disaster. lol

    Nope, no tents, thank you. Did that in boy scouts and it's checked off the list. We bought a barebones trailer that is a tent on a box, but has queen beds and outlets.

  6. By this definition, I never go on vacation. Even our European travels involve my cooking and cleaning because we stay with family and our food issues preclude too much restaurant food.


    Ah, but that's why camping is a vacation, because it's the only extended time when I don't cook!  Not that our role-reversals are for everyone.

  7. Formal limits, no;  gut limits, absolutely.  It's rare that anyone here will be glued for hours, anyway, and DD has become quite good at turning off after she's had her intermittent fill.  That's why we still pay for cable.  We tried Netflix, but the idea of planning to watch something required more forethought than we put into the activity in general.

  8. As you have not turned 18 you can walk, ride the bus, or take your moped to Vlads. You and Angie are welcome to be here while you do your baking, I however will not be baking.

    Yeah, but Vlad lives in Moscow in the snow, and....well....Canada's mom let'a her drive....and.....oh, whatever. I'm going to my room to play cyberwar with North Korea.

  9. :lol: Not only are you not alone, I'm pretty sure we live in the same state you do. So it's possible that my fantasy of finding a like-minded group is not going to happen here no matter how hard I look! I suspect we're rather far apart though, which is a bummer because I bet our girls would get along great. We're in the middle, near that big state university. I gather from previous posts of yours that you're quite a bit further to the north and east, right?



    Not that far -- maybe 30 min up 287 -- where GW spent those two winters.  Hmmmm....  

  10. There's this thing called a dictionary, but to clarify what *I* meant, that would be the guys who don't care one whit what they wear (and I know plenty). Or hate shopping so much that their wives buy their clothes, so indirectly or otherwise they are dressing them.


    My husband wears work clothes everywhere, and I don't care. Not like we go to the opera or anything.




  11. That's okay. America is after all a teenager and we all know about THEM :laugh: :lol: ;) :001_tt2:


    Which reminds me, can we borrow the car to go over to Vald's and play xbox?


    Oh, and Angela Merkel's mom said she asked her if you'd bring brownies for the next G8.  I said sure.  I think they need, like, a couple thousand.

  12. Depends entirely on the couple's collective style or lack thereof, location of the date ($?  or $$$$?), comfort necessary, etc.  It does not sound like the OP was over the top in any way.


    I do, however, think photo evidence of the shirt/pants in question would help clarify the matter under discussion.


    Just sayin'.

  13. Or who have a similar mindset toward education? We school with an academic bent, and we do school most days, we follow a trajectory, we have college as a goal, etc. But we are the only academic-oriented HSers in a community of unschoolers and very relaxed schoolers. I have a fantasy that if we could find a group of similarly minded HSers, my kids could see that others also find education and knowledge a desirable thing. I know my oldest has expressed displeasure at being the only one of her group that doesn't attend every class/field trip/get-together/park date.


    You mean we're not alone?!




    I am surrounded (SUR-ROUND-ED)  by unschoolers, most of whom are younger than DD.  They are forever going on field trips, and seem to spend all afternoon at the ice rink that we leave after our once a week mid-day skate to "do school."  It's a pretty tight group, because, hey, perpetual playdates.  There are highly academic kids we've encountered at more regional gatherings, but locally?  Zip.


    The question is not one of nice kids, or uninviting kids, or playful kids.  DD can run with unschoolers without conflict.  What's missing is HS friendships based on a shared passion, since passions require work and commitment, and that seems contrary to the local unschooling ethos.


    Nice to know I'm not just seeing things.

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