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Posts posted by Nature

  1. I think that is great that she wants to give her hair to Locks of Love and I would let her cut her hair. Many girls do have short haircuts that look nice. If she doesn’t like it, she can always grow it out. I don’t necessarily believe that teens should be able to get any type of haircut, but a short could would be ok (in my opinion). I’d probably draw the line at a Mohawk or coloring it bright pink.

  2. Awhile ago, my husband was diagnosed with a serious, rare type of cancer. There are no treatment options other than a bone marrow transplant, which he will need asap. He hasn’t been able to work for along time and financially, it is a struggle.


    I’ve hesitated posting because my husband is such a private person, but I need support. We need help with fundraising and I don’t even know where to begin. I’ve looked into some options, but with taking care of everyone and everything, I have little energy left over.


    Has anyone here been through this?

  3. Several come to mind.

    The most frequent is “What about socialization?†and “How will they ever survive in the real world?â€

    One time I had an acquaintance ask me if I could watch her child who was too sick to go to school. She said her job is really important and she can’t afford to take another day off. She said I was the logical choice since I’m home anyway.

    In another instance a family member asked my why I would want to “ruin my child†by homeschooling.

  4. I agree- those expectations are not reasonable. I don't have as many kids as you and no younger kids. I might have been caught up with laundry a year or so ago, but it's an ongoing battle. For me and my husband, homeschooling is a priority and cleaning is not. He does like to have dinner every evening, but I'm lucky if I make something four times a week.

    Having young children and homeschooling is much more than one full-time job.


    If a clean house and dinner are important to him, he should hire someone to help you or he should help out more.

  5. My husband has had chronic anemia for many years. Beets are known for helping to increase hemoglobin so my husband has beet juice every day. In addition to meat and dark green leafy veggies, kidney and pinto beans are high in iron.

    I am surprised that she was referred to a cardiologist instead of a hematologist. In can take quite awhile to feel better, so tell her to hang in there.

  6. We did use the workbox system for a while and it worked great. We used two rolling carts with clear drawers instead of boxes on a shelf. What we liked best about it was:


    • Short assignments (each box took about 15-20 min. to do)

    • Encouraged independence

    • Expectations for the day were set and I wasn’t saying, “now do this.â€

    • My ds liked getting up to get the new box, so he didn’t have to sit so much.

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