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Posts posted by Tabitha

  1. My thing isn't listed as an option.


    I have the phones set on their lowest ring setting. My cell phone is on. Dh typically calls me on that. I've told HIM that that is the only phone I will answer. I use to stick to that, but now if we are laxing or on break, I'll pick up if the house phone rings.


    Family has been told not to call before noon/2pm. They still do.


    If it's an emergency, after they (family) calls my house phone and I don't pick up they always call me on my cell...so I pick up (except for one sis who just calls all the time).



  2. We're in the Kansas City area. I'd like to know whatever you find out...DH wants me to schedule this soon, so if you get info early this week it would be great, but please don't put yourself to any trouble!




    Okay, I've already told dh and he said he'd post on the Forestry Forum tonight. He thinks there are quite a few guys in your area.


    I'll get back with ya (he just started watching a movie with the kiddos).



  3. Whereabouts are you located? My dh is on a lumberjack forum, and he can see who is in your area. These are honest to goodness lumberjacks and I'd contact them first before anyone. In fact, one crew from this forum is currently on the Ax Men series now airing.


    My dh doesn't mill would himself but would love to quit his secular job to do so. We've had some trees of ours milled that we had cut down.


    When you do this...you need a place to store all that wood while it's drying. I guess you can send it somewhere and have it done for you, etc.


    We have a garage full of boards from 2 trees. We won't be parking cars in there for years to come. One tree was 150+ years old...rings got too tight to count anymore.



  4. She will be attending college in Germany.


    I felt that in her writing that she did fairly well commanding the English language. Perhaps a few syntax errors...or grammar tense...but nothing more than the German sentence structure being a bit more wordy or round about than English. So, I guess sentence structure would be something to work on.


    Her conversational tone was quite well on the phone. A bit apprehensive, not confident in her skill (I could pick up on that right away). But it was the first time we talked on the phone and she was super nervous. Both families are excited about her coming, and my dh wanted to talk to her dad so he knew something about us and where his dd was coming to. My dh spoke German with her dad, and he was very glad to not need to speak English (he can barely get by in English, I guess).


    In the meantime, I'm borrowing a friend's Rosetta Stone program for German to reaquaint myself with that language. Dh and I lived there for 6 months about 14 years ago. We studied with Berlitz prior to, and did a weekly class during our stay, but nothing since for me. I just wanna be able to converse better than I can incase she needs an English breather from time to time.



  5. As someone who came to the U.S. to go to grad school with 7 years of English under her belt, I'd recommend finding out if she has to take any language test to enter college here. I had to take the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) and I had to score above a certain level. There were grammar questions and also some essay writing as I recall. I'd go from there. Chances are she's quite good at English already, she just needs practice speaking and working on those test skills.


    Have fun with her :-). It sounds like a wonderful opportunity for her- how gracious of you to open your home!


    At that time, what did you find was most useful to you...or what areas did you feel you needed improvement on?


    I just looked at the community college schedule. It won't work. Classes start 2 weeks before she comes. She'd have 2 weeks to take classes, and then it will end about 4-5 days after our church conference. I can't see trying to pay $500-$750 for an international student to attend classes for 2 1/2 weeks.


    I'm off to email her and see if I can get some specifics on the areas she wishes to focus on.


    Thx much-o!


  6. has more grammar than most Americans if she's been studying it for 9 years. We had a couple of friends (15 & 13)from Germany come stay with us a year or two ago and they seemed to have a good grasp of grammar but needed to speak more fluently and build confidence in English.


    Grammar in the US usually stops at or before 8th grade. If she really wants to do some, I'd recommend Jensen's Grammar, one of Warriner's English books or an 8th grade workbook. I didn't get a good grasp of English grammar until I studied German!


    Get a collection of older movies (that use proper grammar and vocabulary - not slang) for her to watch. And books on tape for the road trip! Take her to places where she will have to speak a lot (ie. church potluck where EVERYONE will want to know who she is, why she's here, where she's going to school, what she's majoring in etc, etc; teaching at VBS; make her order at restaurants and stores)


    If she want to improve her English for college, don't forget writing. College level writing doesn't happen as informally as conversation. If there are no convenient courses, you could use Jensen's Format Writing and some clasic literature and have her write a few essays.


    We didn't do any writing with our guys, but they were a bit younger and had different goals.


    If a class at the CC works out, I'd go for a lit class, not a language class. It will be more worth her time.



    Thanks for the comments.


    We called her last week and spoke to her and her family for the first time. We've been emailing since Dec/Jan.


    I think it's totally a confidence thing, feeling more comfortable using the language.


    Also, right now, she is taking a Biology Class In English. I found that so odd that German schools have a Biology class that is all taught in English.


    Thanks for giving me some things to look at, and some good food for thought.



  7. I used this for dd when she was in K and 1st. We really enjoyed it. I also used FLL, for grades 1 and 2. I found there was a lot of overlap between these 2 programs when it came to the grammar aspects. It was nice, but after a bit became a bit much.


    I need to look back, but I did not want to continue on with Horizons and switched over to Growing With Grammar.


    I believe I still have the student readers and the tm. If you are in need of them to browse...lemme know. Just to clear them out they would be super cheap. If you decided to stick with it, all you would need is the student workbooks.


    The readers are nice, but I also wanted more Biblical stories for dd to read. I do remember that being one reason for just going with a different program for grammar, and then supplementing with other readers.

  8. We are having a young gal from Germany come stay with us from July-end of Sept.


    She has studied English for 9 years, since 5th grade. She plans to start college in Oct., and wants to study/major in English.


    Her whole intent was to come to the US, stay with a family, take some language classes, etc. In return for staying with us, offer some child-care services....


    We're pretty much having her come and do whatever she feels comfortable doing. It's through our church, so I do feel comfortable having her here. I wouldn't do it otherwise. We aren't planning to dump the kids on her. We're wanting her to feel part of the family and do what she would do at home.


    Anyway, the language classes are out the door. Two weeks after she is here we will be attending an out of state church conference for a week (which she is very excited about going to). Then in Aug., more than like a road trip with me to VA for a week. Then Labor Day is our annual run to the NC beaches for a week. She'll have 2-3 weeks inbetween each, and I can't see a language class at the local community college working out.


    Dh says we should homeschool her - lol. My 8 yo uses Growing With Grammar, and is already planning to give her work from her books and test our new friend - what a hoot!


    So...what good grammar programs are there out there. I would love to just order some stuff, or take her to Borders and B&N and have her pick some things out. Then perhaps do lessons with her while dh takes the kids for a bit.


    I honestly think this is the best way to go. I know she might be disappointed in not attending local classes, but with the time involved...not arriving until July 7th...college classes are in full swing. Plus being gone so often on trips....


    I would love any and all suggestions.


    I don't know what to look into at the high school/college level. I thought perhaps even something online or on cds/dvds might work as well.


    I do plan to discuss this all with her as well, before buying anything. She mainly said her concern was getting down the grammar better.




  9. My ds used Saxon 5/4 and hit a wall near the end of it and I switched him to Horizons. My dd's are in Horizons 3 now. I have had the same feelings towards it as you and considered switching them, but they seem to be getting it more than I thought they were. Sometimes I think they aren't getting it, and then after a while, it just cements itself.


    Personally, I think that sticking w/ Horizons and supplementing w/ Singapore works really well. We did that last year, and it really helped. I think our problem this year is that I too am not doing enough drill, and not supplementing. Having used both programs though, I think Horizons is much better than Saxon. JMNSHO


    Thanks for that insight. I am making (forcing) myself to make this decision a bit slow. Perhaps some online math drills might help get us past the hump for this year. I'll be looking and reading, and giving it a few weeks of trying some new drills before I buy anything.


    Thanks again.

  10. I just saw the link posted for the Rainforest math helps...so I might not jump ship....


    However, I am thinking of ditching our Horizons 3, and going over to Saxon. Horizons just isn't working for my 8 yo 3rd grader, nor myself, this year. Our biggest prob is that I didn't get drills in during the previous years (younger sister and a new babe took up a bit of time)...so we are floundering. Dd gets her stuff right, just takes a bit or wants to always use her fingers. Now that we are in division...that lack of drill is hitting a bit harder.


    Looking at the online Saxon placement tests...dd knows all on the K-3, and on the middler test, her skills and knowledge would get her at 8 or 9 placing her in 54.


    Due to the need to beef it up on drills, should I start with 3 and move fast/skip to get to whatever lessons start to challenge (if I do this, I've now wasted 1/2 of Horizons, and perhaps 1/2 of Saxon)? Or, start with 54 and go at whatever pace she can handle (also getting the DIVE cd for extra help if we needed it)?


    I'm at a loss of which to start with.


    I do want her to play around on Rainforest Math for a bit and see if that might fill in the gap for us, and then definitely switch over to Saxon next year.


    Any thoughts?


    Tab (I was on the old boards for quite a bit, and then have been pretty absent the last 18m or more...catching my breath from dd #3).

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