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Posts posted by Tabitha

  1. I was getting ready to buy everything we needed for 4th grade. We won't be done with 3rd for another 2 months.


    We did FLL for 1 & 2. For 3rd, we went to GWG. My plans for 4th were to use R&S English 4 and Writing Strands 3. However...my dd's handwriting is absolutely pathetic. She ALWAYS forms things from the bottom up or clockwise when it should be opposite that. I have tried for 4 years to break her of this and have not succeeded. She loves to make little books, so I thought Writing Strands would be nice for her.


    Then I took a peak at the WWE and FLL 3 and 4. Oy! I've stopped in my tracks, and now I don't know what to do.


    Would it be unwise to back up and do FLL3 quickly, using it with WWE. Then go onto FLL4, also with WWE. Then, after this...move onto R&S and Writing Strands...pending what comes next after WWE. I really wish the WWE workbooks for 3 and 4 were out....


    Since she needs handwriting help, this is the biggest thing making me feel I should go back to FLL and pair it with WWE. I only wanted to do FLL 3 to make sure I didn't miss anything in the flow of the FLL series.


    Any thoughts? I want to buy things soon before the money is spent elsewhere.




  2. I've never been...but would love to just for the shopping. I'm not into the seminars either. I once had a friend buy me several of the audio recordings from the MFW sessions so I could listen to certain ones. They were all blank....

  3. This is not the most creative thing, but I have often times bought a new set of whatever character my child likes an set it on top of the cake. You can add silk flowers around it to make it look nicer. The bonus part is the child gets a new toy too. My kids always have loved the special birthday cake toy they weren't expecting to get.



    Yep, I did this one year and found a birthday My Little Pony set that had a toy cake in it that was muscial and played "Happy Birthday." It was a huge hit!

  4. My hubby likes it okay as do my kids. When we first left our old church, we had all decided to attend this church 10 min. from our house. I hated it from the get go...dh took longer to realize it wasn't the right "fit". That's when we heard about the mass exodus from our old church and how 1/4 or more of the congregation had landed at the church we attend now. I'm just not sure what my problem is! Part of it is my "angst" over the co-op...so many of the women are just so different there than on a Sunday morning, KWIM? True colors show forth vibrantly when you are not in "church clothes". It's disturbing. Anyway...perhaps I'll feel differently when I have this baby.


    That change in attitude would bother me, and would be enough to keep me away as well. It is difficult to deal with.


    To me, it comes across that you are attending the wrong place.


    I'm in the same faith, and have attended the same church type all my life. I wouldn't go anywhere else based on the doctrines we teach and ones others do or don't teach. I am non-denominational, Plymouth Brethern if you care to look it up.


    I think it's a personal matter between you and the Lord. Coming to your knees, and listening to Him. Allow Him to direct where you should attend, and where your faith should lead you.


    And, even though it is hard, if that is the right place for you to be according to your faith, etc...you attend for Him, and not for the people. Be the shining example to them, and perhaps they will follow your lead.


    I hope you find peace with this soon...it's a stressful thing to deal with.



  5. ...is going with WWE the better thing to do at this point?


    Holy cow...I don't know what to use now after viewing samples online.


    We did FLL for 1st and 2nd. GWG for 3rd. I thought I was gonna move to R&S English 4...or Writing Strands 3 with R&S or GWG...


    Then I peeked at WWE and FLL 3 and 4.


    Is it back tracking if I go to FLL 3? My dd knows all this info already.... GWG 3 has been very easy for her. But, I hate to think she's missed something (and we STILL love singing the Pronoun Song)!


    My 3rd graders hand writing sucks, to put it simply. She is an avid and fluent reader. Her 5 yo sister writes much neater (just barely beginning to read). I won't be able to use FLL with my now 5 yo until she's in 2nd...it's just too much for her right now.


    I do need a good writing program to help me knock it out of the 8 yo when she continually writes letters and numbers from the bottom up. I've been trying to get her to stop that for over 4 years. Nothing works.


    My hang up is preferring to have the workbooks for her level with WWE...makes it easier to get her to do things that way.


    Where do I go, and what do I use? She wants to write creatively, so I was leaning towards Writing Strands 3. However is R&S Eng. 4 doesn't need to be paired with writing anymore...I don't know.


    I just keep this vicious circle going on in my head - how do I begin to know what to choose?



  6. Wow...WWE covers a ton...



    I was just looking at it, and couldn't tell if it would be too easy for my 4th grader. I was planning to use Writing Strands...but I'm not sure what to use now.


    We did GWG this year, and FLL for 1 and 2 before that. I am unsure if I'll be using R&S English 4 with Writing Strands...or picking back up FLL 3 or 4....


    Then there's WWE....ugh, it's hard to choose!


    DD needs some handwriting help, her writing is pathetic. But, she also wants to write her own stories and do something more creative...hence going with Writing Strands.



  7. I read the thread here:



    Where would I start my dd going into 4th grade. We've been using R&S Spelling, and would like to break from that since it's too easy and a bit boring for her.


    She likes the though of tiles and hands-on stuff with AAS. She's a workbook gal, but I think the change will be nice for her. My upcoming 1st gr. is very hands-on, so I think this will be fun for her when I start spelling as well.


    But...for the 4th...should I start with 1...start with 2? I'm not sure which to look at.


    Sequential Spellling looks nice too...but it's generally not something we do everyday....



  8. We put MOH1 on the shelf until after baby is born. We're only 1/4 - 1/3 way through the book (just finished up Anc. Egypt). My original plan was to finish MOH this spring/summer before going into MFW ECC in August. Well, MFW ECC just came yesterday and I am soooo excited to start! It just looks like fun and a breath of fresh air into our stale hs. What do you think about this? I'd like to take the next few weeks to plan out ECC, purchase the remaining books I need, etc. (won't take much b/c it's already planned out for me!) and then start ECC in May. We are schooling year round so we would continue ECC in the summer at a slower pace, ramp up again in the Fall and hopefully finish ECC by late winter/early spring 2009. THEN, we could take the remaining few months before the 2009/10 school year to revisit and finish MOH1 before starting MFW RtR/MOH2 in Aug. 2009. The info would be fresh in my dc minds and make a smooth transition to MFW RtR, KWIM? What do you all think about this? Am I crazy to think we could actually get anything substantial done this summer? Thanks for your advice!


    I think this is perfect, and a very sound plan!


    We're doing MFW ECC right now...and will be moving over to MOH1 next...then MFW R2R.


    Having the MFW tm is a nice thing. It is a time saver for sure with not needing to plan. I'm sure that will be a blessing for you since it's one less thing to worry about while caring for a new little one.


    I don't see anything wrong with your plan at all...in fact, I think it's quite the smart thing to do - lol. You might get more done in the summer than you think, and if not...just go with the flow of things. I find my children do better having school work in the summer. If we go more than 2 weeks with no school, they behave horribly. We're thinking of going year round, 9 weeks on...3 weeks off....


    Congrats on the wee one to come!



  9. I think that CtG, Story of the Ancient World, and MOH would all completely overlap and it could be too much to use more than one. I know almost nothing about MOH, but I'm guessing it comes with supplemental book lists like the other two do. I'd probably compare the writing style of the texts and see which you think would be best for your 4th grader.


    If you decide on either MOH or SAW, you'll then need to evaluate what the MFW TM would be adding for you. It sounds like you wouldn't be using the science, or English from the Roots Up schedule (since you're doing Latin). Do your kids like to color? There are lots of coloring pages and timeline figures. The book basket book lists are nice (but may not be necessary with your other resources).


    We used the memory verses, which basically work out to a verse a week, but they are a part of a few longer passages (which I prefer) instead of individual verses. (We finished those early and so we're working on an extra one that I added.) We also loved the read alouds (shown at the site), but we always got ahead of their schedule. (Actually, we were always ahead in the Patricia St. Johns books, and we may be behind their schedule in the Children's Homer.)


    One other aspect of MFW that didn't work well for us was the "book basket" concept. It works much better for me to assign them some reading than it does for them to browse the basket.






    You can see all MOH includes here, view additional pages link under book pic:




    I think I'm going to just stick with MOH, get the audios and any extra stuff. I'll use the MOH table of contents for my tm schedule...and get other books around that for readers, and then follow it for scripture memory.


    I wouldn't use much from the MFW CtG package...so I'm going to just bypass MFW next year (I'm having a hard time accepting that I am doing that for some reason), and then pick it back up with R2R.


    Thanks all for mulling these minute details over with me.



  10. Hey, I can help! I'm a sign langauage interpreter (B.A.) and am very picky about what I use with my children.


    Signing Time has the best kids dvds hands down.


    Pending the age of the child, what I really love (and what my college used) is Signing Naturally.


    Whatever you get, make sure it is true ASL. Pidgin Sign English is NOT ASL or close to it. The Joy of Signing is NOT ASL. People like that book...and...I just won't comment on it.


    If you are going to learn the language of the Deaf, it should be their true language and not the signing systems that were made up by hearing people to teach English to the Deaf (like SEE - Signing Exact English, etc).


    www.harriscomm.com is a great place to get materials. They do have a children's section here, http://www.harriscomm.com/catalog/default.php?cPath=35_101 .


    Here is their page for Signing Naturally:



    And for learning grammar and syntax, this is the best book out there. It is a teacher's edition, but when you are learning this material is best to have all the info and answers right there for you...I wouldn't bother with the student editions:




  11. I just bought a subscription to Click N Read Phonics through the Homeschool Buyers Co-op. So far my dd seems to enjoy it. The group buy is still available from the co-op. Also, the co-op is going to be introducing a group buy for Explode the Code on-line soon too. I am not sure what the price is going to be, but you may want to keep an eye on it.




    Ditto - we just did this too for my 5 yo. She's totally hands on and can't sit still for anything. I have a 15 minute window with her and then it's a battle to do anything. She LOVES this phonics program and will sit through the entire lesson easy peasy, so I couldn't not get it esp. for this price. You can do a demo lesson online as well to see how your little one likes it.




    Since you are having a German exchange student this summer and have studied German then I strongly think you should have your dd develop her German, quite frankly. There is plenty of grammar in the German language to satisfy anyone and in this way your oldest might built up a real language especially if you get another exchange student next summer...




    This is pretty much a one time thing for us. Unless someone else through our church wanted to do it. I'm not into taking just anyone and through any program.... It just stumbled upon us this time.


    I looked through Power Glide today, and this one is different than the Spanish one I looked at a few years ago.


    I'm torn now between pursuing German...and using the PL.


    Wondering if it would be hard to do both.....



  13. This is what I was going to say too. CtG is basically an OT study with other cultures brought in at appropriate times. The Bible is one of the main history texts for the year.


    BTW, I liked that CtG scheduled us to read directly from the Bible, but I found that we preferred reading from The Story of the Ancient World by Guerber/Miller as our spine! This book follows CTG's weekly topics almost exactly! It's the story of the OT in chronological order with the history of other ancient cultures (and how they interacted with and influenced the Israelites) woven in. We've really enjoyed our year and have a much greater understanding of the people and events of the OT as a result.


    So, I'd recommend choosing only one Ancient history/OT study: CtG, MOH, or Story of the Ancient World -- SAW. (We ended up just reading SAW in order with Victor Journey Through the Bible instead of referring to CtG. SAW has book lists in the back per chapter and really could be used on it's own.)


    Otherwise your schedule looks good. You could still use your MWS, even if you choose CtG. We ended up not liking the CtG science, Genesis for Kids. We've used MWS and would definitely prefer it.


    I think 4th grade is a great time to start a writing program. We've used R & S for grammar in the past and then switched to GWG. We're going back to R & S next year too. I think it'll be a good move for you and that it'll be easier to switch now than later (because R & S could very well be more rigorous, especially as the levels increase).


    About PL, you could start LC1 instead with a 4th grader. The publisher recommends PL for K-3rd. LC1 is the recommended starting point for 4th graders. (I say this, but I've decided to let my then 4th grader take PL next year as an easy start to Latin. The main reason I'm doing this, though, is because some of his 4th grade friends are forming a class and because we are also doing Greek -- EG2. Otherwise, I'd go with LC1.)


    HTH! Your schedule looks good!


    Hmmmmm...nice food for thought.


    So, since I wouldn't be using much of the MFW program...is just getting the tm, and perhaps that other Ancient book you mentioned, something smart to do? Or, since I have MOH on it's way...I can use that as a supplement. DD likes to read a lot on her own, so this with the cds for her personal reading time is a possibility.


    I would forgo their science...and I've got basically everything else here for history. Just adding whichever history text to their tm? I did not like SOTW1, so I haven't looked at them beyond that (can ya tell!).


    Thanks also for the GWG and R&S comments...we'll definitely try R&S. I do want to do a gentler approach for the Latin, so since I have all the PL items I'll just do that. If we move fast, that will be a plus.



  14. Just a few thoughts from someone doing the WTM/LCC/MFW mix.


    I occurs to me that if you do MOH and MFW-1st this year and then MFW CtoG next year you will be doing ancients 2 years in a row. Is that ok with you? Did you want to do that?


    CtG and 1st go really well together and if you wanted to I think you could totally put them together and even your 1st grader will get a lot out of CtG - I do understand wanting to wait though and the science books on the shelf would be a big draw to me.


    After reading LCC I was really encouraged that I could simplify things. There are some building type subjects that we do daily and then content subjects are once a week.






    Phonics for dd


    I am integrating our English grammar studies into Latin. So before we go over a grammar concept in Latin I do a quick review of it in English. I am considering Lively Latin next year because it would do this for me.


    We are doing ECC right now and we school 4 days a week so our week goes something like this...


    day 1 - Bible missions

    day 2 - Geography

    day 3 - Science

    day 4 - art,music, projects


    We take the whole week's work and put it into one day. Next year we are doing R2R and we might need to move a little history to day 4 so it's not overwhelming. We will see.


    I know that MFW is constructed around the CM philosophy of short lessons exc. but that simply doesn't work for my kids. It jumps around to much and they really like to immerse into a topic. By rearranging in this way it works very nicely.


    Hi, and thanks for sorting this out.


    I like the MFW tm and that is the draw for me. I want more Biblical than what SOTW is (well, SOTW 1 anyway) and that is why I wanted to try MOH for a year. Also...I could just skip CtG and go right to R2R as well. Right now, I am looking at selling ECC when we are done in June, and not having to buy that much for next year - that is a big plus in itself.


    That would work, wouldn't it, just going to R2R...and keep me out of Ancient for 2 years?


    I do like your layout better. It is a bit too choppy for me as well. It's nice to delve more into one thing at a time.


    Thanks again!

  15. I am really trying to decide what to use in the earlier years. Why would I choose one over the other? I would like to hear both sides.


    My line of thinking is that I am using R&S for the older ones why not just streamline and keep R&S for the youngers. But, I do see that FLL has everything in one book so I wouldn't have to supplement for copywork and dictation.


    So many choices!!!


    I don't know how R&S is at that age, but my oldest loved FLL. It was a nice mix of things so that she never got bored with it - poem memorization, oral narrations, etc. We didn't do much of the copywork. With dd#2, I'll be using it in full working in the copywork.

  16. Tabitha,


    I am just trying to bump your post so somebody more helpful can brainstorm with you.


    I am not familiar with MFW that you are using, but off the bat then I'd think that your oldest would really need some beefing up in order to be challenged if she is doing this with younger sister. Perhaps you could add in something like Sonlight readers for her at her level?


    Also, while we love, love GWG then you could consider Jr. Analytical Grammar. WHich level of GWG were you using? Perhaps go level 5 so she'll be challenged since it is a pretty easy to use curriculum. Or look at the other one I recommended or try Easy Grammar for a year although that one doesn't have diagramming.


    Since you are having a German exchange student this summer and have studied German then I strongly think you should have your dd develop her German, quite frankly. There is plenty of grammar in the German language to satisfy anyone and in this way your oldest might built up a real language especially if you get another exchange student next summer...


    For math then Saxon 54 is easy so be ware if she gets bored doing that one after a regular 3rd grade text.


    For writing then WS seems like a fine choice. Just get both books and start in book 2 and then proceed from there.


    Was that helpful in any way?


    Thanks for the grammar suggestions. I'll look into those. We're in GWG 3, and it is too easy, but she's still learning since it's solidifying what she knows and has learned before. I just didn't think about jumping to a higher level....:tongue_smilie:



  17. Heather,


    Have you looked at GeeGuides online? If Kyle likes doing things on the computer, he may like this. Both Hannah and Abigail love it and Abigail being more visual picks things up as quick as Hannah if not faster. It's not crafty, but they are learning about art. I bought the lessons through Homeschool Buyers Coop last year, and we're just now starting it.


    You can do a lesson/demo to try it out.




    BTW, Hannah just pulled out some pics and found one of Kyle making that flower box - lol.


    Hey Tabitha!


    Well, you know Kyle and he is finishing up 4th grade right now so this is what I can tell you about his lessons:


    Spelling: Phonetic Zoo A

    Language Arts: Easy Grammar, copywork and Latina Christiana II

    Writing: IEW (we did not like Writing Strands)

    Foreign Language: LCII

    History: SOTW 4

    Science: Lego Robotics

    Math: MUS (we did not like Saxon 54)

    Bible: AIG and AWANA

    Reading: classic books (he loves to read)

    Music: Piano lessons

    Art: not happening, he hates anything art-related


    Next year we will start the history rotation again and I am leaning towards a more LCC approach.



  18. Thanks to both of you.


    We are starting German now, and it's just to prep for summer. DH and I know German already, the kids don't. Power Glide isn't that intense...I see it more like play/fun learning to grasp some of the language vs. seriously studying it. We'll see how well they do with it.


    We're moving over from Horizons 3 to Saxon 54 next week...having only finished 1/2 of Horizons 3. Looking over the lessons, I think it will be fine. Horizons introduces more early, but at a slower pace. We need the textbook style that Horizons does not offer.


    For the Bible/History, I am beefing up with Mystery of History (MOH) vol. 1 with the cds/activities.... Mainly she's doing the little Bible notebook with her younger sibling for fun, and to fill that yearing desire to finish coloring her Bible book. So, it won't be just the MFW 1 Bible/History stuff solely for the older...I did feel it wasn't enough.


    Kyle's stuff looks great Heather. I'm learning and looking into LCC. I love the WTM, but with a slightly different focus. Once I get LCC in and read it, I think I'll be doing a mix of things for the following year. I really want to focus on a few areas and really develop those, then add in other things as we can. Hannah's a workbook kinda gal, and Abigail is more hands on - I've got my work out for me with those two.



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