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Posts posted by Tabitha

  1. I usually start doing stuff in Jan., and by March I am buying for the next year.


    However, we just moved from MFW over to HOD...so lots of the planning is done for me. We get it done as we can each day. We just started our new programs this week, will go light in the summer, and pick up speed in the fall again.


    My kids are horrid when they go 2 weeks with no school. So, we'll be doing school work about 2-3 days a week over the summer.

  2. We've been using Horizons since K. It was a bit of a struggle at the end of 2nd and 3rd has been blah for both dd and myself. We just dumped it and are using Saxon 5/4. My dd much prefers Saxon just due to the text she has with it and how it explains things so much better. Writing it all out isn't that big a deal. We also bought the DIVE cd just incase we needed it for extra reinforcement.


    Best price I found was from www.smartalecbooks.com

  3. We just dropped Horizons 3 and started Saxon 5/4. My dd is loving the switch. Saxon does a nice job in their student text with explaining the material and give sufficient examples for the new concepts being taught. So...my vote is for Saxon.


    The best price I found was from www.smartalecbooks.com


    I also think this is a math book no one should be without:




  4. ARGH!!! my 1st and 3rd graders are having a heck of a time with math. i'm thinking of switching to math u see... anyone have experience?? i'm math brained, and my oldest is too and i just don't know how to EXPLAIN what seems so simple to me! ARGH!!!!


    I don't know if you can find any sample pages online, but this book ROCKS in the help department! It thorough and precisely explains every in and out about math, gives sample probs, all in layman's terms.




    I can't recommend it enough. Perfect for everyone!



  5. We just abandoned Horizons 3 for Saxon 5/4. My dd is loving the switch. Yes, she has to write the problems out and doesn't prefer that, but she is doing it without complaint. It's not THAT big a deal. She says Saxon does a much better job of explaining things to her, she gets it right away, and is done with her math faster than she was with Horizons.


    Why does Saxon get such a bad wrap, people saying to stay away? I myself refused to try it for years just because of things that people would say about it, and really wish I would have dumped Horizons 1-2 years ago for Saxon. I think it is a nice solid program.


    If we need to make a change at any other point, I'd go for R&S math for this dd.


    It all depends on learning styles as well with what you choose.


    I do plan to add in Singapore 1/2 way through the year for next school year, just for some approach variation.


    For my younger 6 yo, we are starting with Singapore through using the HOD curriculum, but I plan to get her into Saxon as well. She is more hands on, so I might need to venture into MUS at some point. We'll see....

  6. Let's see.....


    Dd #1:


    For K:

    Horizons Math K

    Horizons Phonics K

    library books

    any dollar store workbook we could pick up for fun

    other things I am sure I am forgetting


    did 100 EZ lessons somewhere around this time frame


    For 1st:

    Horizons Math 1

    Horizons Phonics 1

    Something for handwriting


    Switched over to MFW 1st for History and Bible mid year


    This dd is now in 3rd...starting 4th soon. We dumped Horizons Math this year for Saxon 5/4, and we're dumping MFW ECC for *HOD BHFHG, and moving onto *HOD Preparing after that.


    Dd #2:


    For K:

    MFW K

    read alouds


    workbooks - any for fun


    For 1st


    Singapore Math for K/1

    A Reason For Handwriting A

    CLP for Science

    and whatever else *HOD recommends for this grade.


    *HOD = www.HeartOfDakota.com

  7. I'm trying to remember what we did....


    We were using AO Horizons Phonics K....then 100 EZ somewhere along here...then AO Horizons Phonics 1...then found the WTM and also started using FLL 1 alongside Horizons for 1st...then into FLL 2, dropping anymore Horizons...then GWG 3....


    So, I'd take your pic of reading/grammar programs for the grade level (or perhaps 1 up from that) and have at it. View sample pages to see where your child lies in the program you are considering, and the level/grade best suited for him.

  8. We just left Horizons 3 for Saxon Math 5/4 and my dd LOVES it. It explains concepts to the child very well, I think.


    There is also a wonderful book called Understanding Mathematics from Counting to Calculus that would prolly be very helpful to you and her. It's jam packed with info explaining math, concepts build upon each other from the basics on up, gives little examples, etc.

  9. I've been killing myself the last few weeks planning things out too.


    I'm going with www.HeartOfDakota.com (HOD) for all my children this upcoming school year...I'll have a preschooler, 1st grader and a 4th grader. We're walking away from MFW after using that for the past 2 1/2 years...


    When I first saw HOD, I thought it was too light. Then I delved into all aspects of it...and it's great. I finally feel like I can get it all in. They utilize some wonderful living books for the children.


    I will be adding in Latin, and using Saxon 5/4 and FLL + WWE for 4th...in with whatever is used in Bigger. Where it's flexible, I am using what works for us and what we already like. I'm also adding in their reading program for her.


    I'd suggest taking some time to look this one over if you aren't going a secular route.

  10. We are currently using HOD Bigger Hearts for my 2nd and 3rd graders. I also bought Little Hearts to use with my 5 year old but haven't started it yet. We have also tried MFW, some WTM, and WP. I am a big curriculum hopper! :blush: I really have liked all the programs we have used but not all have been a great fit for my kids. So far HOD seems to be the best fit. I also find it to be very flexible and we use our own grammar and math and have added Latin. The whole program takes about 3-3.5 hours a day so you could easily add more science or substitue the science with MWS. That is another thing I really like about HOD, it is very easy to substitute! The Teacher Guide is the easiest I have ever used! I love the layout! The sample week for Preparing is on the HOD site now so that should give you a good idea as far as fit for your 4th grader. I haven't used MOH so I can't comment on that. And for your your 1st grader, I think the time it takes for either Little Hearts or MFW 1st would be the same. Since you already have MFW 1st maybe you should try it out over the summer and see if you like it.:) I'm probably not helping very much with your decision.:) But if you feel led to HOD, then I think you should try it. Let me know if you have any other questions.:)




    Thanks for the input. I can always put MWS on the shelf for another year...I don't have to use it just yet.


    I do like the HOD books picks a ton more than what we've used in MFW. That is a big draw in itself. I use to sell Usborne...and I am a bit tired of Usborne....


    I need to talk to dh a bit more and also show my 8 yo what I am thinking of doing. I need to make sure she likes it as well, and that it's not just a mommy thing.



  11. Too many great choices. Okay, it sounds like you are drawn to HOD for some reason. I've never used Preparing and only just got my hands on Little Hands. I, too, really like the layout for that particular program. I'm not sure if the upper levels are laid out the same. It also sounds like you might want to combine your 1st and 4th grader? My "gut" reactions is to go with MOH since you already have it. We used MOH1 this year and it is a very open and go curriculum. You could easily combine your 4th and 1st grader using MOH...just require less from 1st grader obviously. MOH has a yahoo group that is very informative and offers great suggestions.


    As for 1st grade curriculum...since you have MFW 1st, why not give it a try? If it doesn't work, you know there is a high resale value for MFW curriculum.


    Lastly, I would just say go with your gut feeling...it is usually the right way to go. If you are "drawn" to HOD...go for it! If you are only "interested", stick with what you have until you see it not working, KWIM? I know I haven't been that much help here...wish I could choose for you. Wish I could choose for myself! Oh, one last suggestion: PRAY about it! God has your best interests and those of your dc at heart. He'll tell you the direction you need to go. Take some time "off" the boards (here is me making a note to take my own advice! :D) and off from researching curriculum and just seek God for what He wants for you and your dc!



    LOL - Oh, I hear ya about taking a forum break.


    I was thinking I could easily use that I have this year. NEXT year, use Bigger with the my older 2 dd's with/adding the extras for 5th gr., and then after that go into Preparing.


    The draw for me is everything is there. Even with MFW, due to the distractions of the toddler...I can't get it all in. I don't have the time to gather everything and do their prep ahead of time. I also tend to say too much and over talk for the middle dd...HOD little scripts would keep me from doing that.


    I also don't have that much in the way of a personal library. After each MFW program is done, I sell everything. My oldest is a major bookworm, and HOD seems to have some really nice books. I have not cared much for the books that go along with the extra reading for MFW (and after someone posted in detail about the MFW CtG extra reading books...I really don't want to use that program).


    The pace of MFW K and 1 for phonics and reading bothers me a little. It's a bit slow. That might be okay for dd #2 though. So...I can stick it out and start off with what I have, but if it doesn't work, I'd jump ship quickly. We've been slowing getting less thrilled about MFW, but I've been sticking with it since I have it. I just don't want to start off another year like that, kwim?


    I have prayed about it quite a bit. The Lord gave me peace about switching back to FLL for the older ones grammar, and using WWE with her for writing help. I'm very undecided about the rest, and my mind only settled when I started looking at HOD. I only have the MOH text (picked up used for $18ppd, who can refuse that)...and again, I see this as a library builder.


    I'm gonna carefully weigh things out over the next few weeks, see what brings the most peace for me, and where the Lord leads. I know this is more than just being interested in HOD...if it were just interest I'd have bought all the guides by now to look them over and just see them in hand. This is more serious - lol. And when it's that way, it takes me an awful long time to make the purchase because I keep second guessing myself when I shouldn't be.




  12. Who has used all of these and can mull some things over with me?


    I knew, just knew, once I hit these boards again my homeschooling life and curriculum planning would be turned upside down.


    Here's my deal. I jumped over to MFW about 2 years ago after dd#3 was born. We were following the WTM, but I needed that tm MFW offered. I do all the homeschooling, and needed that break from juggling a new babe and doing all the lesson plans. And, I wanted more Biblical studies for everything.


    We're now into MFW ECC with gr. 3. I'm only doing 1/2 the geography since it's too many worksheets to fit in. I feel like I'm only using it for the tm. Not sure how much dd is retaining. I do not like the CtG book picks, and would only be using them for history (well, following their list of studies but using a different spine).


    So, I bought MOH to look over...and have ordered LCC just to read it for myself....


    Then I found out about HOD. With an upcoming 4th grader, 1st grader and soon to be 3 yo...it seems like HOD would help me get it all in.


    I know you can sub. things...so from those who have used HOD, I need to know if all this would work together. Here is what I have, was planning:


    Perhaps buying Preparing from HOD...and then also using these


    For 4th:

    Math - just starting Saxon 5/4 so that would carry into 4th

    Grammar - going with FLL 4

    Writing - going with WWE

    Science...I have some MWS I'd like to use...can use it as a supplement

    Prima Latina - I have had this for 2 years and wanna use it.....

    MOH 1 BUT only as a supplement or extra since I have it here...more than likely I'd get the audio cd's to play while doing games, craft time, or other quiet times.


    Question is should I splurge on the Preparing + all the extras with it...or just do what I have listed above and use MOH as the history spine? I don't have that much in the way of books for this era. And, we aren't doing a reading program. I would add that on as well if I did HOD.


    Then I have a K'er, now...planning for 1st. I have MFW 1st, but I'm not convinced 100% to stay with it. This dd is very hands-on, very active, and I have a short window of teaching time with her. I was thinking the HOD Little Hearts would be best for her....


    Then there is the upcoming 3 yo to keep busy so I can teach the other 2.


    I like WTM, and I like the aspects of Classical learning...but I also want to do more notebooking (esp. since that is what my middle dd needs).


    Is it possible to combine all I have with HOD? Looking at their site (which I have read all the threads at the HOD forums on MFW jumpers...and am waiting my registration approval)...there seems no issues subbing the math, grammar, etc. I just didn't know about when to add in the Latin that I want to do.


    I feel odd leaving MFW...I swore I'd stick with it, but I think it's time for a change for a year. I wanna do more classical...but realistically, with my girls, I don't have time to plan it out nor the energy to get that intense. My oldest would LOVE it, but the other 2 are not of that mind set.


    I'm interested in hearing from those who are using HOD now, that have done or are doing some classical alongside HOD...and those who moved over to HOD from MFW.


    MFW to me seems a little choppy, but workable. HOD seems to give a bit more on the Biblical side for all their studies. Maybe not...maybe it's just the tm layout that makes it seem that way. HOD seems a bit more smooth.


    Thanks for mulling it over. I need to buy things soon...and keep stalling because new things keep popping up!



  13. Yep, start at level 2. WWE has 4 levels, one for each FLL level. You can do this writing alongside the FLL written/copywork portion if your child needs more practice...or don't do the FLL written stuff and just do the WWE. Anyway, WWE is meant to complement FLL.


    That's what I get from all the info....


    Here's that nice long thread the poster above referred to:




  14. Well, I do like FLL. But, we do sooo much narrating, copywork and dictation in Hist, Science, and with WT1 that ....using the FLL method would seem really redundant.


    I think, after looking at online samples myself, that R&S 4 is fine. It might be a bit more work, more probs to work out, but I don't think I'd go down to 3.


    If you haven't looked already, you can see online sample pages at www.milestoneministries.com



  15. Susan, I am not clear on how Writing With Ease coordinates with FLL. Is the new book intended to be used alongside FLL 1/2? Or, can it be used with FLL 3? I think I read that Writing With Ease is to be used with first graders, but then I saw on the Peace Hill site that it can be used with older beginning writers.


    Hey Donna,


    I've been reading up on this alot too. There is a nice lengthy thread on WWE if you search back a bit...perhaps a few days ago were the last posts.


    From what I've learned, there is a corresponding section in WWE for each level of FLL 1-4. You can use this in place of the writing portion of your FLL level or in addition to that pending what your child needs. So, WWE is for all FLL levels.


    Editing to add in that thread link. It's 16 pages and counting:




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