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Posts posted by MamaJo

  1. Suddenly, it was clear to me that we were letting biology lead, not God.



    Makes me think of a girl I know got pregnant in her late teens and had been with enough boys that she had no idea who the father was. She told her pastor the she was convinced it was God's will or else she would not have gotten pregnant. Her pastor told her that it was not God's will that she had only proved that her plumbing worked.

  2. For a minute there I thought you lived in the south city of St. Louis, because that exactly describes someone else I know -- I got to know her via our blogs.


    Once upon a time dd and I were planning to figure out a Council's Own badge about Irish Dance because both activities are so popular around here. Then the entire Journeys thing came along, our council dropped the Council's Own, etc. and we gave up on it.


    Okay, thread highjack over. Back to your regularly scheduled discussion.



    I have mixed feelings about the Journeys.

  3. There are no lists available for the high school for which my son would be zoned. However, here's the list for the closest middle school to our house:


    2 Pencils

    1 Black Pen

    1 Red Pen

    1 Blue Pen

    1 Green Pen

    7 Composition Notebooks College Ruled (100 Sheets – Non-Plastic Cover)

    5 Rolls of Scotch Tape

    1 - Spiral Notebook for R-Squared (70 pages minimum)

    1 – 1/2" 3-Ring Binder (Plain Binders are encouraged)

    FCAT 4 function calculator (7th and 8th grade only) ~ No Scientific Calculators

    2 Packets of Post-It Notes

    Subject Dividers for Binder


    Pencil Pouch (see-through: mesh or plastic)



    Personal Small Plastic Pencil Sharpener

    Book Bag (with or without wheels)


    Additional supply items may be required by individual teachers. Your child will be notified of additional items that are required and/or recommended. While shopping for school supplies, be sure to look for all of the specials that are happening now at various retail and office supply stores and stock up for this school year! Depending on funding, school binders may or may not be supplied this school year. Please purchase 1 as a back-up.


    I'm guessing at prices, but eyeballing it looks to me like it would add up to about $40 or 50 without the backpack?


    They have the list in Walmart by the entrance. I always look. At the school my kids would attend each grades list is over a page long.

  4. Ditto, except I don't think people find information about homeschooling on my blog. Most people seem to wander onto my blog looking for info about Girl Scout badges or Irish Dance competitions.



    Wow. I lead Girl Scouts and my co-leader's dd is also into Irish Dance. What a fun little coincidence.

  5. I started a blog but for a slightly different reason as I don't blog about kid or school stuff. On another forum I belong to I used to do movie reviews. For years folks would tell me I was good at it and that I should start a blog. Eventually I listened and for the most part it has been fun.

  6. I mentally toyed with idea of quiverful and probably could have been persuaded to go that way if my dh was on board but he never was. That said, when I had number three, I knew I was done. Everything about our family felt complete.



    I am curious about your OP. I skimmed Open Embrace: A Protestant Couple Reconsiders Contraception years and years ago and had not heard the update on the couple who wrote it. When you said they were remarried did you mean to each other?

  7. My blog is a movie blog so I went to find one there for you and discovered that while Waking Ned Devine is one of my all time favorite movies and I really liked The Full Monty, not a single film that I have on my blog falls into this category!!!



    IMHO good comedies are the hardest kind of movies to come by because it is so easy to err on the side of stupid.


    The best I can offer you at the moment is The Cosby Show which is currently on Netflix instant viewing. Not within any of your perimeters but still good for a quick laugh.



    OH WAIT!! I just thought of one Greenfingers with Clive Owen and Helen Miran is a HOOT! Exactly in the right category too.

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