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Posts posted by sweetsouthern

  1. I seriously need help for dd. She is about 1/2 way through tt prealgebra and in 10th grade. She struggles desperately with math and even with the tt, i have to sit next to her for every lesson. I have decided to finish out the rest of prealgebra and switch to keys to algebra for 11th grade. (We will most likely do keys to prealgebra first if we can fit it in). Dd is not college bound at all! But we do need algebra 1 and geometry to graduate high school here. Since we have struggled so much and are out of time, im thinking keys to algebra for 11th and keys to geometry for 12th. Will this be enough for a high school graduation credit in each subject? If not, what can i supplement with to make it so at this late point in thd game? We have stepped back and made sure she had all the basic and necessary math skills a non college bound kid would need, so now we really just need to get the basics of algebra and geometry.

  2. dd is graduating this year and her other homeschool senior friends are already planning ideas for their grad parties! help! heres the problem.... most of them are trying to convince her that she HAS to have a grad party for the money. we don't have a lot of family, especially in the area and dd is more of a too herself kind of kid therefore she doesn't have a lot of friends. if we did have a party, im afraid that we would spend more money trying to have something small then she would even make (and she doesn't really seem to want a party). we are very tight on funds and I hate to spend money on something she isn't that crazy about in the first place that all her friends are trying to convince her she will make a bunch of money at. any ideas? if we did have a party, any ideas on how to keep it affordable?? thanks so much!

  3. im thinking about doing a middle school co op class reading peter pan, but im a bit confused on the order of books. it looks like there is the original peter pan, then peter pan in Kensington park and the an official sequel call peter pan in scarlett? does anyone have any input on if this would be the correct order of books or any input at all on scarlett? also any websites or "how you have done this" or study guide links would be awesome! thanks so much!  :)

  4. dd is currently in 8th grade and struggling. she is currently using jump in and its so-so. shes almost finished with it and im trying to decide what to use next. since she will be starting high school in the fall, I don't have a clue. my older dd excels at writing, so this wasn't an issue for her.  any recommendations on what to use next? what would you say are the minimum requirements for amount of writing for 9th grade? we are covering literature and grammar separately, so this would just be writing itself. thanks for any ideas!  :)

  5. my gosh! I wouldn't think this would be so hard! lol!  I cant seem to find a decent version of the great Gatsby , great expectations or wuthering heights. those are three I really wanted to find.


    I have frankenstein and pride and prejudice and was looking for one more completely off the wall to add to that group.  most of the jane austens are fine, but I REALLY don't want to make this an all girls group.


    why is it they don't make a bleeped out version like they do on some television stations so it skips the bad words?? LOL!

  6. lol! describing the parameters of the class is the hard part  :)  its a very Christian based co op, so the book would need to be approved. ive already ran alice in wonderland and Gatsby by them and they are both out. Narnia has been done.  I need to teach 9th -12th grade (even though my kids wont be in this class LOL!). I know these kids rather well and honestly, at the 9th grade point they are only coming because they have to or want to hang out. if a class with any type of structure is taught, the work is just not done and the teacher is just frustrated. so what I was trying to do is at least teach something that might hold there interest and not be a lot of work on my end. if theres homework, most wont do it. yes, don't ask me why I attend here still lol! my highschooler doesn't attend anymore because of dual enrollment and my other dd is an 8th grader and hasn't reached the high school classes yet.  a literature book read at home with discussion during class and then a movie the last 2 weeks has gone well each semester so far, so I called dibs on it for next semester. the book being done now is jekyl and hyde (Frankenstein was voted out).  im going to presume that they will kick out anything jane austen since they are usually deemed girly (therefore the boys will complain).  so yeah, that's my predicament   ;)

  7. im planning on teaching an 8 week co op class using the wizard of oz. it will be for 9th -12th graders and we will watch the movie the last 2 weeks of the class. im trying to find some guide of guide or such to teach this at a high school level. does anyone have any ideas? everything I keep finding is middle school grade level (which I can use) but I would REALLY like to dig deeper into the book.  thanks so much for any help! :)

  8. we have been using khan academy to go back and fill gaps and find missed concepts (dd is in 8th grade but has LD's). we need to totally redo fractions, decimals and percents but im not sure what to choose. khan is just not working for her to teach the concept and I have tried and its not clicking in her head. so I was thinking of getting math mammoth (starting with fractions, then decimals, then percents) or the key to series (pattern through the books) and then she can go back through it with khan academy.  both the key to series and math mammoth look good and with everything we would need, the price isn't that much different. which do you guys recommend? or is there something else that would work? im trying to stay as inexpensive as possible, please. oh and life of fred is out, she hates fred LOL! thanks so much for any ideas!!!

  9. Im looking to find a very gentle prealgebra program (that also will have algebra and geometry at some point) for my special needs daughter. we are currently using khan academy as a solid review, but I don't see this working for her once we get to prealgebra. im also thinking MUS and TT will not be a good fit (we have tried them in the past and they are both pricey). im also not fond of life of fred. any ideas of what else is out there and how to implement it?? thanks!

  10. dd is in 8th grade, 14 but is behind in math and writing. she has several LD's and is immature in her learning still. we started off this year trying jump in for writing and shes already frustrated and done with it.  she needs something that is very easy to understand, can be done totally independently and can produce writings for her portfolio. obviously this wouldn't be on her grade level. it also cant be expensive at all. we have tried so many various things in the past, honestly I cant even remember half of them! lol! at this point I just need her to write something constructive (but behind grade level) and her to not hate it. I have tried just having her come up with her own things, but she is VERY easily frustrated and is VERY non creative!  any ideas at all? thanks!

  11. im going to be teaching a literature class for 8 weeks at a co op where for 6 weeks the highschoolers read the book and discuss in class and the last 2 weeks watch a movie of the book.  so far the Narnia series has been done and the boy in striped pajamas has been done.  I was thinking of doing alice in wonderland and having them watch the latest Disney version with johnny depp (so we could discuss the differences), but the movie is a bit odd (not to me lol! but its a highly Christian co op and well, you get my point). I considered doing pride and prejudice, but I was trying to think of any other ideas? it cant be a very long read and anything like Macbeth or Frankenstein would be out for this group for sure. any idea? thanks so much!

  12. I borrowed the student text and dvds of Jacobs geometry from a friend for dd to start next week. I hadn't realized (my bad!) that she didn't have a teachers guide or solutions manual for it! her son never used the program and went to algebra 2 instead. the student guide has a few answers in the back, but NOT very many! I seem to find the 3rd edition of the answer key anywhere for a good price that I can afford.  any ideas of what to do? has anyone made it through just doing the problems that have the answers in the back of the book?  thanks for any help!

  13. Logical reasoning and because tools from geometry are necessary in trigonometry and calculus. The usual developmental college sequence kinda assumes that geometry has been studied although not necessarily mastered in high school.


    Jacobs is $35 to rent on amazon...isn't that cheaper than dual enrollment? Or is renting out of the question?


    ETA: If cost is a really huge consideration, CK-12 has a free one.



    If money is an issue:

    Jacobs Geometry can be purchased used for $14 incl shipping on abebooks.



    Not in great condition, but if money is tight, it should suffice.

    There is absolutely no reason to purchase the newest edition of a math book. Geometry has been around for centuries.


    For $30 you can get a copy in good condition.

    I would need a solutions manual and the dvd's as well for Jacobs. I cant seem to find lials geometry with the DVTS for cheap.....

  14. please don't start bashing, but im just wondering why teach it?? dd just finished Jacobs algebra 1 and loved it, so we were going to start Jacobs geometry, but its rather expensive and honestly I cant afford it!  based on a thread I made the other day, we have decided to use lials for algebra 2 (intermediate). lials has a geometry, but again, expensive.  dd likes the video part of the lessons (but hated teaching textbooks). at college for dual enrollment it would be college algebra to start, so im wondering why if she is doing so very well with algebra, why not just skip geometry and start algebra 2 and then see if she takes the community college placement test and fits in for college algebra.  any thoughts??? no basing please, just thinking out loud hear  ;)

  15. I just purchased lials intermediate algebra (algebra 2) text and student manual for dd. its the 8th edition.  she has been using Jacobs for algebra and geometry along with dr Callahan dvd's. she seems to like the dvd approach and since I see lials has the dvt's I would like to get them , but I have no clue which ones im looking for! lol! they are a confusing mess!!  can anyone please point me in a direction of which dvts I would need for lials intermediate algebra 8th edition? also, the dvt's, they play on a computer only?? are they similar in style to dr callahans dvd's does anyone happen to know?  thanks so much for any help!

  16. dd just finished up Jacobs algebra and is starting Jacobs geometry.  she will be taking a dual enrollment English class in a few weeks. im trying to plan a bit ahead, assuming she does as well with geometry as she did with algebra, im wondering if she could take a college algebra class for dual enrollment in the spring. I guess the other options would be to take algebra 2 at home or to take intermediate algebra for dual first. since the math curriculums are so expensive, even used, I was thinking it might just be best to do them as dual. (of course this would depend on how she would test on the entrance exam for math, but lets assume for argument sake she tests into college algebra). thoughts anyone? 

  17. im trying to explain something to one of my daughters about her relationship and loving another person (boyfriend/girlfriend).  she puts her whole heart and soul into their relationship and although I adore her boyfriend for many different reasons, I just think she is putting more into their relationship then he is. yes, im sure as her mother, I will think this anyways, but I guess the point im trying to get across to her is that if she always gives her heart and soul so freely, he will never have a chance to realize how much she is worth.  I guess kind like earning money and being given money, one makes you understand and learn the worth of it where as most people just feel that if they are handed something, it comes easily.  does that make any sense? am I wrong for thinking this and if not, can anyone try to help me explain this to her in a loving way?  :)  no bashing please.... she asked for my opinion and im just trying to help her understand. thanks!

  18. we don't have a community college within over an hours drive. one of the future options dd is thinking of would have her moving away and possibly doing community college wherever she lands up. she would be working of course and on her own. she will also only be 17.5 when she graduates. so if she is attending CC locally where she is leaving, she would be paying the out of state resident price, right? is there a way for her to become established as a resident of that state to pay that cost?  the reason im asking is because dual enrollment here is $350 per class, $800 per class as a college student. but the next states community college that we have in mind is only $130 a credit, so $390 a class, but that's the resident rate. just trying to understand all the paths in front of dd  :)  thanks!

  19. I don't even see a required reading for this English class lol! I think its purely just writing. that's why I was thinking from what she has done over the summer, plus what I may have her do second semester (she wasn't planning on taking another English course for dual, she wanted something different), she could land up with a half credit in literature.

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