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Posts posted by yslek

  1. No answers but I feel the same way. :bigear:


    Same here. Are you perchance a 'P' on the Myers-Briggs? ;) I tried the MOTH schedule once, too. Spent all day figuring out & making my beautiful schedule (that part was sort of fun) and lasted only 1.5 days actually following it. I was sooo awful those days, trying to force everyone to follow my brillIant plan... :tongue_smilie:


    Anyway, I'm no help, but will watch this thread in case someone out there has the magical answer we all seek. :D

  2. I had B use the first several levels early in our hs journey. He did fine in the early levels (learning sounds of letters & vocab memorization) but once we got to level 3 or 4 (sentences/endings) he was totally lost & frustrated. He used Getting Started with Latin several years later; I like this much better for beginning Latin. It's also very economical!

  3. :grouphug:


    I think they are old enough to have the discussion. Or, you might wait until Father's Day and use that holiday to show them how to respond on these occasions. (OK, let's make sure to get Dad a card, breakfast in bed, etc to show our appreciation.)


    :iagree: about the discussion. As a once-oblivious teen, I don't think the Father's Day suggestion would make the desired connection. Not unless you make it for them. ("This is the kind of treatment I would really like to receive on Mother's Day.")

  4. Yay! Thanks for sharing this. My last pregnancy totally threw our homeschool. I finally felt like I was getting past the burnout early this year, but hen we had some uncertainty about whether or not we'd have to move, and hints went chaotic again as I obsessed about he unknown future (bad habit of mine.) We luckily do get to stay here another school year, but we're selling our house now, so schooling is often interrupted by showings. Ugh. I will get back into my groove, though! Your post gave me a much-needed boost. :)

  5. Glad to hear your updates. :)


    Yesterday I felt pretty great. Zero brain fog all day! I also managed to get some exercise in, which felt really good.


    Today (day 5) I woke up feeling very nauseated & kind of shaky. Ate sone slivered almonds & drank some rather salty homemade chicken broth. The ginger larabars I ordered for dh (he's having trouble getting enough food while at work) arrived a little bit ago, so I ate one, hoping the ginger would also help settle my stomach. I don't feel like vomiting anymore, but food doesn't really some appetizing either. :( Hopefully this is very, very temporary.

  6. Got your groove? :)


    My groove has turned into a fruit & nut rut. I discovered this by tracking my eating on my blog for a couple days. Okay, I knew it. But didn't want to admit it. No fruit and no nuts today. Whatever will I eat?


    Getting there! I'm writing down everything I eat & it seems like coconut products are playing a pretty big role in my diet, perhaps too big? Hard to say. I need to eat something & I'm still working on not being hungry all the time. Dh had a pretty bad day yesterday in that respect. Today is day 4 for us, and I seem to be not as hungry as I was the first couple of days. Progress?


    I really enjoy reading others' updates. Keeps me motivated!

  7. Had the Mirena in for around a year. Insertion was ok, slight cramping for a few days. Eventually had super light periods, which was wonderful. Downside: weight gain. Like constant weight gain that didn't stop until I had the Mirena removed 20 lbs later. My whole body composition changed; it was terrible. Tried losing the weight after removal, but got pg instead. :P Dh got snipped after IW's birth. :) I'm still struggling with the excess weight.

  8. Dh has been feeling crappy & was ready to just start. So, day 1 for us today. We've been so hungry; obviously some adjustment is needed. I'm not lipophobic by any means, but so much of my diet consists of (full-fat) dairy products that cutting out dairy leaves a huge hard-to-fill gap. I'm putting coconut oil in my tea/eating avocado, egg, nuts/trying to up the veggies. Hopefully will find my eating groove after a few days. :) wish us success!

  9. Hadn't heard of the whole30 before his thread. I've been having patches of eczema for the first time in years, and cutting out this & that doesn't seem to do much. This may just give me the kick-in-the-pants I need to try going dairy-free. :P


    I found the whole30 site & read a bunch. Mentioned it to dh, and he said he'd do this with me in May. Yes! I keep coming back to this thread to see how you all are faring. As we finish off cheese/milk/etc I won't replenish so we don't end up with food we can't eat come May. I might still make yogurt & sourdough pancakes for the kids, though. Not sure yet. If I don't, I have to figure out what to do with my cultures. :D

  10. I experienced this for the first time with #5. After I really went into labor, I quickly went into what I thought was transition. Unfortunately, no ampunt of intensity was going to do anything...my midwife found that IW was on the other side of my pubic bone. Probably the result of poor muscle tone after 4 babies. :/ She had me get into stranded-beetle pose and bear down while she held my cervix in place. That got his head pressing in the right place, and within less than an hour he was born. So glad for my midwife's skill. I bet I would have ended up with a c/s in a hospital.


    So, yeah, definitely consider positioning. Hope your bundle arrives without much more delay! :)

  11. Chili (both red & white), soups, tacos, burritos. Really anything I used to use canned beans for. :D


    Oh, and Hoppin' John is a new favorite around here. Tried it for the first time in February, and everyone loved it.


    I also recently started sprouting my beans before cooking them (soak overnight, then put in colander. Rinse 2x/day until tiny sprouts are visible, then cook as normal.) It takes extra planning (which is why I pretty much always have something soaking or sprouting these days!) but takes care of the, um, *side effects* of beans. ;)

  12. B's 8th grade plans are still a work-in-progress. Here's what (I think) I have this far:



    Latin: 2nd Form Latin (might need to finish 1st Form first)


    Math: Saxon Algebra 1/2


    Writing: Writing With Skill (finish 1 & 2)


    Grammar: continue Analytical Grammar


    Literature: LLOTR


    History: HO Level 2 Medieval (?)


    Science: Science class at local co-op (?)


    Logic: Discovery of Deduction (?)





    FIRST Robotics (if he wants to continue; hasn't contributed much this year, but seems to be enjoying it.)


    Playing clarinet in homeschool band (& maybe adding saxophone)


    PE: ???

  13. My high school used Saxon. I had been warned away from it by friends at the school (the school was phasing it in, and students at a certain level of math & above had the option of whatever the school used before & Saxon) and was very apprehensive when I found out that at my level (Algebra 2) there was no choice but Saxon.


    As it turned out, Saxon was one of the best things that happened to me. I barely passed Algebra I and Geometry, but would forgot the material as soon as I was tested on it, and never *really* understood everything. The constant-review format of Saxon was exactly what my brain needed. When I took Advanced Math the next year, I had to work hard (& sometimes ask questions--sometimes repeatedly about the same type of problem :D) but the constant review meant that concepts I had trouble remembering got reviewed enough to stay in longer-term memory. It's the only class I ever got a 100% in, and when I took the PSAT partway through the year, I scored well enough to be a National Merit semi-finalist. I also was able to apply what I learned to real-life situations, so it wasn't just memorization without understanding. :001_smile: I loved that class so much that I saved up my own money to buy my own copy of Advanced Math.


    So, definitely a positive for me. I don't view it as a one-size-fits-all curriculum though (really, is there such a thing? ;)). 3 of my 4 school-age kids are currently using Saxon & doing well. (My K-er is doing RightStart A, because it seems to be a really good match for his thinking style.) HTH

  14. I'm not gf, but have experimented with gf recipes since a number of friends & family members can't have gluten. I got a cookbook from the library that had some really good recipes. It was called Grain Free Gourmet. Also, if you google GAPS diet recipes, you should find workable recipes. (GAPS is gf & a whole bunch of other stuff free as well. Some recipes do feature coconut products, but many should work for you.)

  15. I haven't seen anyone mention the Memoria Press Kindergarten lesson plans yet. I'm on week 3 of this with my 6yo, but from what I've seen it would fit your criteria quite well. There's memory work, read aloud, Bible story time, and some activities. Neither a science or history focus at this point. Most of the focus is on the 3 Rs. I'm really pleased with it so far. :)




    (You don't have to buy the complete set. I think many of the elements are cheaper at Rainbow Resource, and I've been able to find most of the read-alouds at the library.)

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