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Posts posted by yslek

  1. I don't use MOTH, so can't comment there, but wanted to mention a kid chore system that works for those of us who can't/don't like to stick to a strict schedule. It can be found here:


    I bought this a while back and started using it with my dc. I love how it breaks everything into managable tasks. We moved a few months back, and I need to start this again. :D

    That said, if you know what kind of chart you want and how to make it that would probalby be the cheapest/best approach.:thumbup:


  2. Hmm... not really a farm girl either, but we did have chickens during some of my growing-up years, and I've seen chickens mate plenty of times. However, I'm still not sure I know the answer to your question.;)

    Here's what I could observe: the rooster mounts the hen, and the hen sort of squats. It takes all of about 20 seconds (maybe less.) Not sure what parts "connect" though. :confused:

    Hope you get some clearer replies than mine.:)


  3. This sounds like me. :) I have trouble falling asleep most nights, no matter how tired, and trouble waking up in the morning. This was definitely way worse in my teens than it is now. I haven't found anything fabulously effective, but the following sometimes help:


    I read somewhere that if you don't fall asleep within the first half hour or so, to get up and read a boring book until you feel sleepy, then try again.


    There is a homeopathic product I found at Fred Meyer called "Moon Drops" which works when I use it. I only use it rarely, though, because I don't want to have to rely on something to help me sleep, and falling asleep with something sweet in my mouth makes me worry about my teeth.


    I hope others have some good suggestions.



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