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Posts posted by Kissy

  1. If I felt the way you are talking about and found that private school was doing better than I could I still couldn't afford it so it wouldn't matter. I do think it evens out too. Kids are good at different things at different time because of maturity levels and different stressors. If you can't afford private school then do the best that you can and it will work out..If you can afford this then you might think about putting her in too. We homeschool because so far we can do a better job than the schools and it was purely academic.

  2. Thank you so much ladies for your support and for sharing your experiences. Today I am starting to deal with it better..we are doing lots of talking too.. Thanks for telling me that you would still talk to us..I am only 26 and have never lived in a real neighborhood so I have no idea what these people would think..I hope they feel like you.

  3. Any chance he is upset or angry about something? Living between two homes is hard, very very hard. Even in the best of situations it leaves a child with emotions they just don't know how to handle. For 8+ years he was an only child. I don't know how long you have been married but at some point before that he got a step-father. That's very difficult as well. Any chance this was some kind of revenge or expression of anger?


    Ds was a baby when I became his step-mother and he was only 4 yo when dd was born but there are still major issues. He is not good at talking about it because he can't even sort out how he feels. Sometimes he does really mean, out of character things because he is angry. He can't always pinpoint why he is angry or what he is angry at. He knows his actions are wrong and he is sorry but he still snaps occasionally.


    Even though we know we have created the best possible situation under the circumstances he is adversely affected by being born into a less than ideal situation (I am talking of my son here). We have to take those things into consideration when we are looking for the cause of something like this. It doesn't excuse the behavior but the behavior will only change if we identify the motivation behind it, and fix that. Ds is meeting with a consoler once a month. As of yet they haven't talked much about his issues with 2 homes and Dad "making a new family". They are playing games and building a relationship but I think it is important that he have someone to vent to. Someone outside of the family to talk to. I never thought all of that "parent gets remarried and starts a new family" stuff would apply to us. I have been his Mama for longer than he can remember and we have a truly wonderful relationship with his bio mom. But it does affect us.


    Your kid needs boundaries but he also needs you love, please don't keep it from him.


    I think some of this rings true for us too..I was a single parent with my son until he was 7 when I got married and I had known and been dating his step dad since he was 4. We see a counselor because I know there are issues of this new family. Plus his bio dad became self absorbed and backed out of his life..He is just now coming back into his life..it is such a big mess..I am soo flustered..I am still showing him love and letting him know I am mad and hurt but I love him no matter what..but since this post I have found out he has stolen from 2 of his friends so it is not an isolated incident. I am soo ashamed..really ashamed to admit it on here and to my neighbors but I made him return the stuff he stole from them and apologize so I had to face the neighbors..We are knew to the neighborhood so I am sure they will stay away from us now..

  4. It was cash..my dh took it out to buy something..He took $130 then went to his biodad's house and blew $30 of it..I got the $100 back and the merchandise he bought..I am going to put the merchandise on ebay. I have him grounded for 1 week and am trying to set up for a police officer to talk to him and tour the local jail with him..He will not get to go to Awana (we are still talking about this) or to the park this week with our local homeschool group..his grounding is from games, tv, friends, everything. This evening I haven't talked to him a whole lot because I want him to truly understand this is very bad and has bad consequences..I also found out this evening he stole from his friend 12-13 bakugan and he had to walk over there with my dh and admit it and apologize while giving them back. I have no idea if his friend will be his friend anymore. He is very embarassed and admitted to me that he thought he wouldn't be friends with someone who did that to him.


    I caught him..he told me that he found $100 at his dads house but I knew they wouldn't have that in their yard either..so then he did eventually confess after I said I would call and ask his bio dad myself..

  5. Really it is all about genetics..My grandparents are in their 80's and still drive and do all their grocery shopping. Neither one has to have anyone come in and help them but I was a CNA for people that needed help in their 60's but age and how well you do is all about your genes..I think the fact that his mom is still getting around and doing well speaks volumes of his genes..I will remind you that age does not determine when you leave the world..My mom died at 24 of a car wreck anyone can go anytime God calls us. As for McCain's skin cancer my FIL has had the same kind and much worse for his whole life and he is 60, it hasn't caused any major problems. He has had to have a few spots removed from his face and neck but other than that he is fine it does not slow him down any at all. After being a CNA and working with elderly I personally feel good about McCain's health. I also feel that most of your older people are very wise, they have seen the most years on earth and the US so it might be a good change to have someone really old in office. Just a thought.


    My husband is always telling people that Moses lead the people when he was 80 yrs old. ;)

  6. My oldest bio dad is like this..he was in school to be a biomedical engineer, married, with a job, living in another state..since WOW he is jobless, dropped out of college with only 1 year left and lost his wife so he moved back home with his parents..he is 27 and to me too old to live off his parents I mean he has a child he should be supporting. My son goes to see him not often and he says his dad doesn't have time for him he just sits and plays WOW all the time..he admitted he is probably on it 12 hours a day but I think it is more lots more. his wife told me when they got married $1k disappeared..I thought maybe he got on drugs but now I think it was WOW. There is the horror story. now I know another guy who plays it at night and still hangs out with his wife and children and he goes to work. He doesn't spend lots of money on it. For him it is just a game not a life and he says his guild (clique he does war with) understands that he has a family to love and support.

  7. He's feeling fine otherwise. I haven't noticed anyone else getting sick and I have not noticed him going to the bathroom. He gets nervous easily, so I'm wondering if perhaps it could be his thyroid?. I think I will call the doctor tomorrow and schedule a check-up. Now I'm :crying:. He's never interested in doing anything with the family. He's content to hang out in his room.


    Maybe he is nervous..or it is just his body regulating to new exercise and heat. How long have you been in Japan? Could he still be regulating to a different climate? No reason to get upset right now..it could be a number of reasonable things but taking him for a checkup is a good idea so you can get some facts and make sure everything is kosher..I will be praying for him and you and hoping you get good news and he puts on some weight soon.

  8. Winners from last year that continued on to this year:

    Singapore math


    Biggest winner this year

    Beautiful Feet Ancient History-love it.


    Other great winners:

    Latin Road to English

    Mind Benders

    Writing activities from Mrs. Renke's 4th grade http://www2.redmond.k12.or.us/mccall/renz/bookprojects.htm


    Ok but not spectacular would be the reader's digest science. I am adding stuff to it but my son LOVES science so it isn't a surprise. We also feel kinda lukewarm to the Music book, my son likes listening to the cd but not reading the text.


    I have a Prentice hall science explorer on the body to try for half the year for science but we haven't gotten into it yet.


    Flops that have already been overturned:

    Language Arts Through Literature


  9. With my son I have let him skip ahead if he knows it..he does have to show me he knows it. We use Singapore math and he does a 5 minute drill on computation daily (I call this warming up his math brain). he likes doing the drill and has enjoyed seeing his improvements on a daily basis it is timed so it is like a race. I grade him but only on what is done example if there are 100 problems but he only gets 40 done I grade him on 40 problems. It makes his confidence soar and he has been getting much better. he hates to write so we have been doing some fun creative writing projects and I have let him write about pokemon a time or too just to get him writing. My son had lost his spark in public school and he came home last year and it went ok but not great..this year his spark is beginning to come back..the best advice I have is be upbeat and willing to try anything. You know your child best and you will find what works just keep trying. It is well worth it when you see them like school again and like learning.

  10. I personally like this link: http://www2.redmond.k12.or.us/mccall/renz/bookprojects.htm


    It has very creative ideas to book report writing rather than just writing the report. You can look in her past years to get more project ideas too. Not sure this is what you are looking for but thought it would be a fun supplement.


    I have some other links to help you explain the introduction and what should be in that and the body and conclusions and what should be in them too..is that what you are looking for?

  11. I love Singapore Math. It clicks with my son who was struggling with math in public school. We use the textbook and workbooks. We have used 3A through 4B.



    mental math- has lots of good word problems.

    has cartoon pictures.

    shows math through pictures and bars.



    computation drills..you will need to add these in.

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