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Posts posted by Kissy

  1. My son is an advanced reader but it still working on getting his writing better and I know MP does a bit of writing in their work. So my questions is for a young 2nd grader who has already completed his phonics curriculum to the end and is using All About Spellling which helps his reading would you use the 2nd grade literature guides or back up and use the Storytime Treasures & More Storytime Treasures as his second grade reading? I think he would find the Storytime Treasures to be more fun and engaging but I worry that it is not enough for second grade but I also worry that the second grade set is too much for second grade. I have also considered VP More Favorites. Any help?

  2. We did one for a young child like toddler with the thick books, some beanie babies, toothbrush, wash cloth with Thomas on it and I can't remember what else..Then we did one for a little older child and it had a beanie baby, toothbrush and toothpaste, washcloth, card games, candy, crayons, notebook, and ball. My older son made one for a youth with one of his favorite books, notepad, colored pencils, regular pencils, socks, pens, a card game,and lots of candy.

  3. I think every person is different and kids start liking the opposite sex at different ages. It has nothing to do with maturity some to do with puberty and a lot to do with peer pressure. Kids want to act out what they see on tv, in life, and everywhere else it makes them feel like they are living it up. My son wanted a gf at 13 and I told him he could call a girl his gf but they couldn't not date. That only lasted a month before they got on each others nerves. I do not think supervised visits or just calling a girl your gf would make things progress to the next level. I think the other boys mother should be more concerned about him going on group dates and to a girls house. He should be monitored if he is allowed to see her outside of school. His mom should be right there with them the whole time. My son is now 14 and has a gf and she has been with us to church and lunch. She goes with our family places but they stay in sight at all times. I don't think there is anything wrong with this boy for wanting a gf but I do think there is something wrong with his mother for letting it go the way it is. Her son might be the first daddy too. I also don't think there is anything wrong with your son not wanting a gf and I think you should be relieved. From a mom of a boy who really wants me to loosen the reigns and just let him go it is a struggle when they start wanting to date and you know they aren't ready. :)

  4. I chose Book Catalogue and so far it is awesome. I did have to download a scanner too it suggestion xying scanner or google goggles I think the google thing sounds scary with all the stuff it can do, kinda cool too but wow. Anyway, it found all my books and added them in. I was able to put in some homeschooling books I had in the attic and it has a line for me to put that it is in the attic so I know where it is, which was awesome! Now I can export the list and email it to people if they want to borrow a book and I can even put in who has the book so I will know where my book is when I want it back. :) I am in love!!

  5. Does anyone do this? I want to get an app that will catalog my library so I know what all is there and can share or maybe loan to a friend and it will keep that data for me too. I also want one that uses a barcode. I have found two that do this but wanted to know if anyone else did this and what they use.


    The two I found are Book Catalogue by Evan Leybourn and My Book Droid. Anyone know anything about these?

  6. I don't allow my kids to have soda until they are older and then only every once in a while. It rots your teeth, it is empty calories. It is full of sodium which is harmful to kidneys. It has no nutritional value what so ever and no redeeming qualities. It is very harmful.


    I do not let my MIL watch my kids until they know to say no because of her giving soda at too young of an age. I have had to get on them for trying before and they still tried after that. No one should undermine a parent.

  7. I don't think the punishment was harsh enough. Would they have done something different if he would have used the crowbar? His intent was the same either way and bragging shows the intent never changed. Personally I think the parents should take away his extracurriculars for the same amount of time he is out of school. Temporarily removing him will hold him back some but not completely because the programs are good but the child needs to know it is a privilege to not be put in jail for those actions. He should have to write an apology letter and it wouldn't hurt to go to counseling to see how he can resolve the feelings that brought on the actions. I actually think going to work with dad is ok it is bound to be boring for him, I hope they either put him to work or have him bring schoolwork. This is what we would do in the same situation.

  8. I am a UMC member and our church's Children's Ministry Coordinator. I have given the message several times and serve on our admin board. I am also big in safe sanctuaries which is the protection policy the church adapted to make sure that everyone working with kids in any capacity is background checked and has safety and abuse training. Not saying you won't run into bad things like that there because we do accept everyone but at least they will not be working with children and youth.

  9. How can I share or link this on my FB account? I rarely use FB but I might get a friend to link it who has more ppl linked to FB.


    Would love it if you would share it. We only need 20. So excited and happy to have so many people who support us and love us. It really means the world to me. You can share the information I posted and it will link or after voting there is a share button directly from the site. Just make sure you tell everyone to search for Yes Dear in Kernersville so it is easy to find. :)

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