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Posts posted by micheller1

  1. my kids really struggle in math as well. we are using math mammoth and they are using two levels behind their "grade" levels. I started homeschooling this year. We just work at their own pace. You won't find that in public school. I ran into a lot of "well you can work with them at home on the stuff they are falling behind with" from their math teachers. Well if that's the case why wouldn't I just homeschool?? So that's what I'm doing.

  2. I took the files to office depot and had them printed and binded into books for my kids - BUT

    I asked the lady who printed them to go through it and print the pages that needed to have color for the math to be understood and print in color and then if it didn't - don't.

    for all 6 (2 books each A and B books) books for my three kids - I ended up with 35 pages of color. The rest was all b & w.


    I think more pages HAD color but those were the only ones where it was necessary for the math to be completed.

  3. I haven't read the other replies, but WWE is a very gentle approach to writing. If she is so reluctant, I wouldn't start with level 3, but maybe level 2. It includes narration, copywork and dictation.




    We use WWE as well. It's gentle approach is perfect for my very reluctant 8 yo. I use WWE 1 with her and I find it has fit her needs like a glove.


    ETA: I did buy the book first to see what level to start her at. Like I said she is a VERY reluctant writer.

  4. My tentative schedule for my 7th grader is:


    math: TT7 - we currently use MM and will be finishing that up probably over the summer...so will need to move into a something else...TT seems to be what I'm leaning towards.


    language arts: GWG7; Vocab from Classical Roots A

    writing: Writeshop

    literature: either progeny press guides OR LL7 or something like progeny press guides - right now classical worktexts seem to be what works best for him.

    Science: General Science - any suggestions?? I was going to go with apologia but so far I'm doing apologia with my 8th grader and I'm LOATHING it as is she....

    history - SOTW 2 and History of US plus readers

    logic:??? - that's my husband's department not mine :tongue_smilie:


    piano, art and baseball

  5. this is my 10 yo dd as well. She is sometimes sad that she doesn't have more friends but she is just "different" and I think she really just likes to be alone.

    We have 3 other daughters and even though they could BEG her to go play, she will say no. She would rather lay around reading. She honestly can go through 5 or 6 books in a week!

  6. y'all are so wonderful and I dropped everything off our schedule except reading, grammar and math. I still had my other kids who are used to homeschooling stick with their regularly scheduled writing program. Which btw, I just switched to writeshop for my olders and they LOVE it!! YaY for success


    I was lucky enough to fall down the stairs yesterday :glare: and completely hurt myself. But the dr. said only contusions and muscle strain so just rest and take easy and don't lift anything not even a gallon of milk - which should be REALLY EASY...NOT....:001_huh:


    But I bought YourTeacher.com for algebra and she tested out of almost all of unit 1 so far and that's making her pretty happy and we're sticking with our literature unit and vocab/classical roots and that's about it for her. Next week I'll figure something else out.


    I'm just going to keep repeating to myself - just breathe, woman....

  7. Do you have access to the books she was using in school? While they may not be ideal, it would be another option to buy you some time while you work out the best choices for her. Also, have you considered using a co-op for a class or two or three for your dd? At that age, the social aspects, the intellectual peers, and being responsible to someone other than mom as teacher can be a welcome addition to what you're doing at home. It may not be the right choice for you, I'm just putting it out there as something to consider.


    Where we live, there are no co-op options. I'm working to get us into the "in" homeschool group. The one with all "teenage" homeschoolers, since this kid doesn't think the one we are currently a part of is going to fit her social needs. So I'm working on getting into this group. You'd think it was some sort of cult, the freakin hoops you gotta jump through.


    I happened upon the Yourteacher.com math deal from Homeschool buyers coop and so I bought that today since it was instant, it had good reviews, seemed very interactive and she can start tomorrow. We'll see how that works until I can figure out what to do. (any hive recommendations on Yourteacher.com?)


    I appreciate everyone's support :grouphug:

  8. This is my daughter hailey's first week homeschooling with us. My first year homeschooling. I thought me and the other three kids totally had a great groove. Then came all the holidays....then add an 8th grader who is a reluctant homeschooler after a very long three week break and after two days back, all of sudden I feel completely incompetent all over again.


    I bought several useless curriculums (i.e. lials prealgebra teacher's edition vs. lials prealgebra student edition, HATES the didax editing book, so far she is loathing apologia physical science and i am too actually - does it get than this???) so she's wasting a lot of time in her day, which is wasting a lot of everyone else's time. Add to that a 13 yo girl attitude, a traveling husband, a 4 yo, a filthy house, 2 sick children (one of which puked all over my bedroom carpet!!) and the stress of the drama and sadness in my life b/c my mother is no longer speaking to me and I really think I just want to have a nervous breakdown today.


    Or maybe just sit in the corner and cry for hours on end....:(

  9. I bought Hakim's History of Us. Wow how amazing! :001_wub:


    Are there guides or something that go with it. I want my 8th grader to use them U.S history course.


    Any suggestions on the best of use of these completely amazing books for her and then beyond?


    Thanks in advance.

  10. You mentioned that your son spent a good bit of time on legos one day and he likes cars. Is he mechanical? My 7 year old is very mechanical; his life revolves around legos, snap circuits, and building elaborate things out of blocks (think engineering brain which I so do not have, so I am no help if he gets stuck lol). He is not strong academically, in fact he still cannot read despite trying for 2 years to teach him several different ways. He does not like sports much either, and he is only competitive if he is building stuff (not in sports). If he could build lego structures, robots, and so on all day he would. This is not seen as a strength by some people (including some of our family), but he truly excels as this, and he is a lot like his dad who is a computer programmer. When I let him spend time building things and tinkering with stuff (old toasters, boxes of random parts, so on), then it is easier to get him to do traditional academics like reading and math.


    I think my son could be very good at some of the things you mentioned given the right tools. Because this is not my area of expertise I guess I just have not given him enough outlets to explore his own creativity? He likes to build and create stuff when given the opportunity and maybe I need to find ways to feed this creative side of him.

    I surely believe that if this is his strength than so be it :) I want to feed it and breath life into it.

    I know that everyone is different and has their own thing.

    I have a five kids and they each have their own thing and I just can't seem to find that "thing" yet that makes him truly happy.

    I so appreciate everyone's feedback.:grouphug:

  11. he liked cars, blocks...

    I've been considering getting him some stuff on cars - like the actual working on of cars. My husband is kind of handy with that sort of stuff but my son seems very interested in that sort of thing. my husband can build anything but not so handy in the mechanical arena but my son seems interested but I don't really know.

    he is very opposite of my husband :(


    eta: it seems sad like i don't really know my son even though i talk to him a lot and spend all the time with him :((

  12. this is sort of a s/o of a post I just read. My 12 yo ds seems to really struggle at everything. He's not really athletic. He can play sports and seems to want to at the beginning but as the seasons wears on, he gets bored. He chats up the other players, daydreams, etc. He's just not super-competitive.

    I don't really mind. I don't want him to play if he doesn't want to.

    He takes an art class. He's been in for about 6 months and is ready to quit b/c they've moved into a medium he doesn't enjoy. He likes art, doesn't love art.

    In his academics, he really struggles at everything. He seems to enjoy learning about science and history but getting him to do work of any kind is a REAL CHALLENGE. He puts no effort into anything.


    He likes and enjoys legos. He built a fireboat yesterday that took him a couple hours. He enjoys certain video and board games.


    I just can't seem to figure out what is that something where he excels and makes him feel proud of himself. That something he feels passionate about and loves. I give him lots of opportunities and will let him try anything he wants but he's just not really interested in anything. It's very frustrating to me.


    This is my first year homeschooling so I'm not as well-seasoned as some and I don't know if I'm missing some approach to his learning that will enable him to feel pride, which will then lead to self-confidence.


    I think all those years of getting beaten down in public school have just really weighed him down :(


    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  13. i wish i had read this earlier!! i wanted to put on a pot of red beans this a.m. in the crock pot but I had NOT soaked them :( by noon I was thinking I shoulda started beans this a.m.

    I always cook them in the crock pot but I usually have them on by 8 a.m. and cook them till 5 or 6 p.m. so I don't really know how long it takes till they or done. IMO beans in the crock pot on lo can cook all day:D

  14. i think you might be able to build something out of wood for even less or the same than the one from ikea and make it so much nicer. but idk how handy y'all are.






    Personally, we've been where you are and I wanted to give you a big :grouphug:


    I have a big plastic doll house that was given to use many years ago that my kids still play with but I'm trying to convince my husband we have room for this kitchen (above links). we really don't but i know the kids would love it.


    Good luck with whatever you decide.

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