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Posts posted by iquilt

  1. This year we get to clean up Christmas after our company leaves this morning, pick up our rooms and put everything back where it was before company. Then each dc received gift cards that they would like to spend so maybe T or W for spending some $. We get to pack up at the end of the week and travel to FL for a vacation! That is our incentive to clean up the house before we go. Also we always take this week off, even though it's dh's busiest week at work and he'll be gone, because our friends are off and many are usually ready to simply hang out and play. I hope to have a friend over for lunch and tea with her kids tomorrow, that helps.

  2. We need quilts, lots of cozy homemade quilts :). And a nice hot pot of Peppermint Tea with a touch of sugar to enjoy along with the chocolate! My guests go home this morning and then I get to spend reality putting my house back together. It was a lovely holiday weekend but dh goes back to work and I could easily stress out over everything I have let go to get caught up.

  3. We sometimes hold m&m quizzes. Each child gets a personal size whiteboard and a cup. I take turns asking them questions from what they have learned recently ( math facts, spelling, Latin, etc,). When dc gets the answer correct, he/she gets an m&m in their cup. We do this until everyone has a decent stash of candy and then we eat them! Highly motivating for everyone, and of course the teacher gets some too!

  4. My family growing up held very few traditions but DH grew up with the overwhelming Christmas with driving all over for two days, hosting a massive Christmas Eve dinner serving homemade everything (made by his mom), etc. It has taken awhile to convince him that, while I love his mom, I will never be her nor be able to maintain her standards so we have finally, after 15 years, created our own traditions. We attend church on Christmas Eve ( I didn't grow up attending church), we have a favorite meal after church with whoever is visiting. We read the night before Christmas ( that's from my childhood), put out cookies and carrots for Santa and his reindeer and tuck the kids into bed. Then we get to put together the presents under the tree, enjoy a glass of wine and eat the cookies! Christmas morning will be relaxed with presents, chocolate, Santa pancakes and a big dinner in the middle of the day. This year my parents and my Grannie are coming plus my brother is coming for the day. We even cleared off the dining room table from our school stuff so we can eat there! Before children we drove all the way up to his mom and dad's and endured their traditions, even the first year with our first baby. We served our time and have figured out our own thing.

  5. We school at the dining room. Each of us has our own container for supplies (ruler, pencils, etc.) and the one who requires her own "space" has set up a large wall map as a divider from the rest of us when she is working on her own individual work. Our dining room is next to the living room so a lot of school still happens in there, too, on a large comfy couch. We considered separate desks in the guest bedroom but we felt that would be too far out of the way and we wouldn't actually sit up there for hours a day. This way our dining room can be mostly a dining room for Christmas with family coming to visit.

  6. Has he told Siri that he loves her? She has some funny reactions. Also, have him ask her to marry him.


    I will, because I think he would love that :). He showed me a very funny youtube video about Siri that I can't find now which was hilarious! It had the couple fighting with Siri caught in the middle and at the end she is working hard to help these two humans. Much funnier if I can find the link...

  7. Well I received mine yesterday because he bought it for me at the apple store and it was already receiving phone calls on his way home rendering my old phone not a phone anymore, does that make sense? Anyway, all I had to do to use it for everything was restore it from the last back up of my old phone and tweak the new settings. I love Siri already, she is so polite and helpful! DH got the new phone right after it came out and he doesn't type anything anymore. He is always sending me texts that he spoke to me rather than typing them. He is in love, I think, with Siri.

  8. We had always planned that I would stay at home once we had children back before we were married. We discussed our priorities quite a bit before we were married, including how much money we thought we would want to be "happy" and did we need to drive new cars and where did we want to live. Very important discussions that I'm ever so thankful we had before we married. We had a bumpy road to parent hood and it took a lot longer than we thought but I've now been a SAHM for over 10 years. The face of my job has changed so much in the last 10 years, too. It was very hard to be home all day with a new baby who didn't even speak to me so we went out nearly everyday on errands, just to have a plan for the day. Later I found some other SAHM's and we formed playgroups with our babies and the newer siblings as they arrived. That helped a lot! I always thought I couldn't wait for mine to go off to school everyday but that only lasted for the first two months of K for our oldest. It's been homeschooling ever since.


    As far as sacrifices, I think every choice involves sacrifices. DH has always worked very hard, holds two degrees and owns his own business. There were many financial sacrifices for years that are now paying off. Also smart decisions to avoid credit cards and other forms of debt have really paid off now and for our futures. We have always made savings a top priority.


    I do quilt, as is self-explanatory, but I was a quilter long before I was a SAHM. I have always had quilting, sewing, and more recently, knitting, to provide creative outlets for me and as a great way to give presents to others. I also love to read so I make sure to carve out quiet time in our weeks for everyone to read, in addition to our school work.


    I wanted to add that I also made sure to finish my degree before we were married so that I will always have that for whenever I might need it. I had a full scholarship and would have been throwing away free money to get married first so we waited 3 years.



  9. Yesterday at a craft show I met a lovely woman who has graduated 6 with 3 more to go. She shared with me some of her experiences and how their whole family has benefitted from long term homeschooling. She really made my whole day and I wanted to share. Her family has started a business from a unit study that they enjoyed so many years ago and that just really spoke to me about the lifestyle of homeschooling and what it can mean for everyone involved.

  10. When we pulled our oldest out of K at Thanksgiving 5 years ago the problems I had were with the teacher. She did seem to take it personally that I did not want to keep my daughter in her class. It was not personal so I handled it as practically as I could. She did not return to school after Thanksgiving break. Instead I submitted a letter withdrawing her from enrollment and following my state's laws. I did not even know who the principal was.


    I will say that after 5 years of homeschooling we wouldn't want to give it up. We love our lifestyle. We can take breaks when dh does ( he is a business owner) and enjoy the freedom to use what we find to be the best for us.

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