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Posts posted by OhM

  1. when my dd10 took over your poor ds's body?


    Been there, done that, and in fact, have probably used your exact same words. However, it sounds like you were much quicker to return to reason. Good for you!


    I'm sure today is much better! :grouphug:

  2. We're in Ohio, too!


    Dd10: Ready, Let's Sew; Fun w/Clothing; Adventures in Home Living


    Dd13: Meals in Minutes; Bottle Rockets; Lawn Care


    Summer judging is next week - we're in the thick of it right now! Good luck to your kids.


    And wanted to add: no, it's not just you. Motivation is a big problem in our house as well. It's gotten marginally better over the last 2 years, but it's still like dragging mules along!

  3. We've never done two days - maybe because one day w/the kids at KI is about all I can take! But we've always gone away feeling like we saw everything we wanted to.


    Around here, the local supermarkets (Kroger, Meijer, etc.) sell further discounted passes - I think a one day pass is $26.99(?)


    Don't forget your bathing suits for the attached waterpark! (We don't typically do the waterpark - maybe that would warrant a second day.)

  4. OK, some background. DD13 has been allowed to keep her myspace page (which I did not *exactly* know she had set up) with the caveat that I'm allowed access to it any time I want. So, yes, I occasionally snoop in her mail, but yes, she's aware of this. So today I find this exchange with a friend from the local ps (taken exactly as typed):


    (Disclaimer: I would never publicly share, or even mention a sensitive, truly private conversation. But this one I just had to share...)




    DD13: Hey, do you want to come to VBS again this year?


    14YOB: When is it? I told ___ that I was fishing during hers, but it's kinda fun seeing people from church and hangin out.


    DD13: Ours is July 21-25. I'll call you later.


    14YOB: What, today?


    DD13: no, closer to vbs.


    14YOB: Ok, I congratulate you on using semi proper grammar.


    DD13: What?


    14YOB: You capitalize, punctuate, you know ","'s "."'s and things.


    Oh, be still my heart. Not only does he use proper grammar and punctuation, but he notices that she (mostly) does! I'm sure she's now thanking me for all those years of Rod and Staff!

  5. Well, we saw it yesterday.


    I don't want to spoil it for anyone but I liked it.


    It is very vulgar. I was actually surprised they were able to swear so much and still get a PG-13 rating.


    This is what reviewers here are saying. I'm disappointed - saw the previews and thought the premise could be really interesting, but I have less and less tolerance for vulgarity as I age *ahem* mature.


    Oh - and I was thinking the same thing about the subject line - "Is it some way to keep the flies away?" :001_huh:

  6. That is so sad, on so many levels!! That mom just displayed disrespect in so many ways. It makes me sad to think of the lessons that those children learned from that one incident. Yelling at someone is OK when you disagree. Treating the elderly with anything less than respect is OK. Treating a flag with less than respect is OK. When my kids were little we talked about how people treat flags and how they weren't supposed to touch the ground. Of course, when they were that age, the little flags were always touching the ground, but I do think it is an important to talk about the symbol of the flag and what it represents. That poor man!


    :iagree: Can't think of anything to add. Can't even think of a snarky comment that could have been made to the lady - this is so far beyond funny. Makes me sad for the gentleman, and sad for the kids - sounds like they missed a great learning opportunity. (sigh.)

  7. I do - but not often - I have the same guidelines that most others have mentioned here - especially safety.


    In one case the reason was just plain annoyance - I was cleaning windows in the 2nd story of our house, where I could see the front sidewalk. Three teens walked by, encountered dd's bike, and just pushed it over, out of their way. I had to choke back real anger in order to calmly call out the window, "Hey guys, I think you knocked that over - could you pick it back up, please?" They looked up and all around, mumbled, "Sorry", and put the bike back on the kickstand. They were still trying to locate me without being noticeable about it while they walked away. Just wish I had had a deep "voice of God" to call out to them!:D

  8. He says, "Their very existence represents a rejection of our values, and an indictment of our lifestyles." I think he feels intimidated by homeschoolers and realizes that they have chosen a better lifestyle.


    This part is also very telling: "Deep down, however, we know that our generation has eaten its seed corn. We lack the discipline and the vision to deny ourselves in the hope of something enduring and worthy for our posterity."


    Maybe he has wrongly lumped all homeschoolers into one category, but I don't think he meant to be insulting at all.


    What did I miss?




    I read his description of the "typical" homeschooler as parodic - not of homeschoolers, but of how homeschoolers are viewed by the outside world (public-schooled world? not-familiar-with-homeschooling world?) I don't think he's trying to inform about homeschoolers as much as explore the "rest of the world's" animosity towards hs-ing.


    We came out of ps to hs-ing when dd's were entering 1st & 5th grades. I wonder if that makes a difference as to how I read his viewpoint?

  9. For me it's not just poetry - it's *anything* that can be considered artistic...


    It's not necessarily the *words* of a song, or it is. Could just be the harmony. If it is the words, they might mean nothing, or they could connect me right back to an emotionally charged experience in my youth. Or some mundane experience. Could be the imagery in a poem. Or maybe just the rhyme. Or the meter. Maybe an image - photographic or otherwise. (Shoot, it could even be the combination of color in an abstract work.)


    Annoying is right! I can sit through weddings and funerals keeping my emotions firmly in check. I can weather reports of injury, death and illness without a drop, but I can't make it through I Hear America Singing without waterworks.


    What Anj said, I think...

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