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Posts posted by OhM

  1. Any other Bone, or indie comics fans, near central Ohio:


    The Wexner Center and OSU Cartoon Research Library will be hosting Jeff Smith exhibitions beginning next weekend. The Wexner Center will also be presenting a conversation with Jeff Smith and Scott McCloud (comic book artist and theorist.) Dd13 and I are looking forward to it!


    Wexner Center -Conversation with Jeff Smith


    Bone and Beyond Exhibition Has a cool video about the exhibit!


    Columbus Dispatch Article

  2. Would someone whisper it to me, please?


    I've searched and I *think* I might know, but not certain.


    FWIW -


    I was dead set to name my first dd Perry. No matter what. This was decided pre-dh, and believe me, dh's objection was going to be only a minor inconvenience in my grand scheme of things.


    Well, we broke the cardinal rule - don't tell the grandparents ahead of time. Mil HATED the name. Hated, hated, hated it. She reduced dh to tears on more than one occasion over how HORRIBLE the name was. (And mil is typically the sweetest, most gracious person I have ever met.) So to her, the name was BAD.


    My mother came up with a compromise. She found "Perian" in a baby name book. I'm convinced God put it there just to solve the dilemma, because I have found this name nowhere before or since. So dd is Perian, Perry for short.


    The funny thing? By the time she was a week old, no one - mil included - could imagine her being called anything else. (Another oddity - with her middle name, her initials are PMS. We kept it anyway, thinking at least she can grow up with a sense of humor!)


    We had picked a name for 2nd dd that we *loved* - until we met her. As soon as we saw her, we realized the name was totally inappropriate. She was finally named a couple of days later.


    Name him what you want; don't listen to anyone else, their opinions don't really factor into this decision. (Except I still want to know *for sure* what you're considering. :D

  3. Does she have other quirks? Hmm... she has never liked loud noises. She covers her ears and sort of cowers if she thinks something will be too loud. She has no problem being loud herself though. She is very afraid of aliens. She has trouble sleeping at night due to fears although this is getting better. She is anxious. She is very RIGID. This drives me absolutely crazy. It serves her well for accomplishing things but it can be a big problem in our household. She is so stubborn but she can listen to reason. She is BOSSY and sometimes mean to her sister.


    Luckily for her she has many more positive qualities. She has such a good ear/ memory for music and most every little past event. She is smart, a good student and a natural speller. She is very pretty. Most obvious is that she is funny and the life of most parties/get togethers. So when she is comfortable with the situation she will make everybody laugh. She is much more than that but I'll stop there.


    I don't know if that helps paint more of a picture of her. Thanks for any more input.


    I love my daughter and I want to do what is right for her.


    My dd attended ps for K & 1st - did not initiate one single conversation with the K teacher the entire year!!! The 1st grade teacher made a concerted effort to "reach" her, so she was much more comfortable with her, but she still went to school terrified every day, and frequently complained of stomach aches in the afternoon - even though she had friends, did well at her work, and LOVED the teacher.


    When we pulled her out, we heard from so many people that we were doing her a disservice - her "socialization", you know. Instead, the opposite happened - within the first year, nearly everyone we know (family, church, even old school friends) were commenting about how much she had "come out of her shell".


    So you already have this impression, but I just wanted to chime in - she's probably doing better since she is homeschooled than she would have done in school!


    As for pushing her to try new things - we also do this with dd. And she often ends up enjoying the new things immensely. I think these experiences have helped her overall. In fact, I can't think of a negative. I say do it! (FWIW:))

  4. Are both mid-80's (nearly the same age as my grandparents). The contrast between them is amazing.


    My grandparents are both suffering from dementia and have many health and emotional issues (bp, gpa-prostate, depression, the list goes on and on).


    My in-laws started watching their diet about 10-15 years ago after fil's heart attack. They eat lots of fresh veggies & whole grains; almost no red meat or fat. They garden and stay active outdoors. They travel 30-40 minutes each way once a week to take my kids to swim lessons and out to lunch. They travel 3-4x per year to visit siblings, and have siblings visit them 3-4x per year. Mil just started having issues with her knee or hip (not sure which yet) in the last year which might be arthritis, might be something else.


    As you can tell by their ages - mil had her children much later than my grandparents (she was 40 when dh was born). I guess kids really do keep you young! That, and maybe "move it or lose it" applies?

  5. Don't forget the shoe story! That is one of my favorites! Homeschoolers must wear nice shoes, it's in the handbook! Who was that story from?


    Also, the waxing story. It's also one of my favorites!



    Ahh! Where were you in the shoe thread when I needed you? That's all I could think about when I saw the "where do you buy shoes" thread. So I come off as a raving lunatic interjecting that right in the middle of a serious and earnest discussion about where people buy shoes!!!!


    Yes, this is definitely one of my favorites!:lol:

  6. Break room in an industrial plant where my boss and I were doing some field work.


    A mom was telling her friend about her daughter's achievement in school, how she's in line to graduate with honors, and for such-and-such a scholarship, etc. Except that she just pulled a B in math, which may hurt her chances. She had talked to the teacher and he wouldn't allow any "bonus" work to bring the grade up.


    "But I showed him...



    I lipsticked his car!"



  7. How bad can the economy be when we still in the shedding of our extravagancies phase?


    Yup - this sums up my feelings! Of course, like previous posters, I've lived through several of those recessions now. (Including the mid-80's, when I was looking for a job with my brand-spankin' new engineering degree while most big employers were instituting hiring freezes.)


    We are not in any danger of losing the things we really need or value.

  8. Well, it's 10pm here on Friday night after a lousy week at work part of which was an overnight trip. Is he kicking back watching tv, drinking a beer? No - the saintly man ran out to Meijers to buy a snake and is trying to unstop the kitchen drain, which is likely plugged by some pasta I put down it. He is exhibiting an extraordinary level of calm. (This after he repaired the lawnmower, mowed the lawn, and helped chase a wet dog around the house because dds had to wash him and just couldn't keep the bathroom door closed.)


    Luv ya, honey!

  9. . . . It turns out that the head dentist, well actually his wife, homeschools their kids! So, no awkward comments and no bizarre looks and i guess a pretty homeschool friendly place! I'm glad we (homeschoolers) are everywhere!


    Yay! That makes for a pleasant visit.


    Our dentist makes a point of telling the hygenist, "Perry (oldest dd-13) here is first in her class!" After the hygenist fusses over that for a bit, dd is obliged to point out, "I'm homeschooled and he knows it." (Can you tell our dentist is a "funny" guy?) From anyone else I'd be annoyed - from him it comes across as humorous.

  10. Let me preface my comments by saying our library is *awesome*!


    But the $1.50/day fine on DVD's (which we can keep for 5 days - which those of you who can do the math know does not equate to a weekly visit) kills us. Luckily, they upped the block limit from $5.00 to $10.00 (which we still reach - on several cards - at least once monthly.)


    I think we've about decided that it will be cheaper in the long run to just buy the DVD's we're interested in. But at least we're supporting the library this way!

  11. Previous posters have already mentioned some great ideas for exploration!


    Teach them to ask questions about the things around them and observe and investigate for answers. Get them excited about the scientific method of investigation! These controversies won't be ultimately answered by people who "know" the answers already, but rather the ones who don't know, who question and investigate!

  12. 2) tell me about the homeschoolers she knows whose kids are total dummies 'cause the mom doesn't do "enough."


    What's the excuse for PS kids who are "total dummies"?


    I love to answer the "do your kids have to take the state tests?" with a BIG smile and a BIG "Nope! Isn't that great?" and then watch them grope for a response. :001_smile:


    I also love that, "Now I know you're doing a good/conscientious job of homeschooling, but you know, most homeschoolers (blah, blah, blah.)" Is that supposed to be flattering? Less insulting? Sugar coating for a blatantly rude generalization? :glare:


    How did you keep from "accidently" biting her when she was working on you?

  13. We started recycling "easy" stuff in earnest about 2 years ago. Now we're trying to cut our refuse even more.


    Recently started w/the reusable grocery bags (the hardest part is remembering to take them! Otherwise, I love them! Much better than the plastic bags) and rinsing out ziplock bags!!! The toughest part of that is getting them out of the drying rack before dh throws them away!


    And a question - how do others dry the bags? Throw them on the dish drainer? Hang them on a line? Anyone have an ingenious method for drying them?

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